首页 > 资讯新闻 > X即将添加股票交易,下一步是加入加密货币交易吗?

X To Add Stock Trading Soon, Crypto Trading Next?


发布: 2023/08/04 02:00 阅读: 465



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In this context, it is also being speculated if the platform would launch its own cryptocurrency. Meanwhile, Dogecoin price took a sudden spike on Thursday in response to this news, thanks to the relation the memecoin has with Elon Musk. The DOGE price had recently shot up when the platform announced its rebranding from Twitter to X.

在这种背景下,人们还猜测该平台是否会推出自己的加密货币。与此同时,由于这一消息,狗狗币的价格在周四突然飙升,这要归功于模因币与埃隆·马斯克的关系。最近,当该平台宣布将品牌从 Twitter 更名为 X 时,DOGE 的价格飙升。

The Game Changer In Finance?


Considering the wide reach the platform has among financial experts, traders and general public across the world, the X stock trading feature stands high chances of success, if not to be a game changer in the financial world. However, the real question remains whether or not the app would eventually integrate crypto asset trading, at a time when large financial companies like Blackrock and Citadel are vying for an approval to the spot Bitcoin ETF filings from the US U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

考虑到该平台在全球金融专家、交易者和公众中的广泛影响力,X 股票交易功能即使不能改变金融界的游戏规则,成功的机会也很大。然而,真正的问题仍然是该应用程序最终是否会整合加密资产交易,目前 Blackrock 和 Citadel 等大型金融公司正在争夺美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 批准现货比特币 ETF 申请。 )。

While Musk’s history with Dogecoin and the crypto ecosystem is well known, his vision to turn the site into a super that has the ability to conduct the “entire financial world” holds the key. Also, Musk had briefly replaced the famous Twitter logo with that of Dogecoin in the first week of April 2023, to the surprise of many in the finance industry.

虽然马斯克在狗狗币和加密生态系统方面的历史众所周知,但他将网站变成一个能够主导“整个金融世界”的超级平台的愿景才是关键。此外,马斯克在 2023 年 4 月的第一周短暂地将著名的 Twitter 徽标替换为狗狗币徽标,这令金融行业的许多人感到惊讶。

Also Read: Early Terra Luna Classic Developers Seek Return To Revive LUNC & USTC To $1

另请阅读:早期 Terra Luna Classic 开发者寻求将 LUNC 和 USTC 恢复至 1 美元


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