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Analyst: Pushd can outperform Solana and Dogecoin

分析师:Pushd 的表现可以超越 Solana 和 Dogecoin

发布: 2024/01/11 20:04 阅读: 218



分析师:Pushd 的表现可以超越 Solana 和 Dogecoin

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Solana (SOL) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are some of the biggest cryptos by market cap, popularity, and volume of transactions. Solana is a layer-1 blockchain with smart contract functionality built to be a fast and efficient network alternative. Dogecoin is an open-source project based on the popular meme, Shiba Inu dog. 

Solana (SOL) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 是市值、受欢迎程度和交易量最大的加密货币之一。 Solana 是一个具有智能合约功能的第 1 层区块链,旨在成为快速高效的网络替代方案。狗狗币是一个基于流行的模因柴犬的开源项目。

Dogecoin was launched years before Solana, back in 2013. Still, it has a smaller market cap, with Solana surpassing it by over $30 billion. 

狗狗币于 2013 年推出,比 Solana 早几年推出。尽管如此,它的市值较小,Solana 超过它超过 300 亿美元。

However, DOGE has a high market cap of $11.2 billion. Notwithstanding, analysts are turning to a new project, Pushd (PUSHD), painting a bullish outlook.

然而,DOGE 的市值高达 112 亿美元。尽管如此,分析师们还是转向了一个新项目 Pushd (PUSHD),描绘了看涨的前景。

Solana will turn lower?


After a successful 2023 that saw the blockchain grow exponentially in transaction volume and price, much has been expected from Solana in 2024. 

区块链在 2023 年取得了成功,交易量和价格呈指数级增长,人们对 Solana 在 2024 年的表现寄予厚望。

Its low network fees and speed make it popular among developers of dapp and defi solutions. 

其较低的网络费用和速度使其受到 dapp 和 defi 解决方案开发人员的欢迎。

Following last year’s rise past the $100 mark, investors hoped the token would continue in the same momentum. 

继去年突破 100 美元大关后,投资者希望该代币能够继续保持同样的势头。

You might also like: Solana meme tokens collapse after December pump

您可能还喜欢:Solana meme 代币在 12 月暴涨后崩溃

However, its prices are down thus far. It is down 9% in the last week and 5% in the past day, changing hands at $96.03.

然而,迄今为止其价格已经下降。上周下跌 9%,过去一天下跌 5%,以 96.03 美元易手。

While SOL’s prospects remain bullish, analysts believe projects like Pushd can outperform Solana. 

尽管 SOL 的前景仍然乐观,但分析师认为像 Pushd 这样的项目可以超越 Solana。

Investors exit Dogecoin, price falls 


The token credited as starting the meme coin revolution has been a popular option for investors. 


Beyond its cultural significance, its extensive blockchain network and simplicity make it stand out in today’s market. 


You might also like: How will Dogecoin (DOGE) price react to Bitcoin ETF approval?

您可能还喜欢:狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格对比特币 ETF 批准有何反应?

Dogecoin’s market cap now stands at $11.2 billion and continues to spawn many other meme coins and dog coins. 

狗狗币的市值目前为 112 亿美元,并继续催生许多其他模因币和狗币。

In the last 90 days, Dogecoin rose 34% but is still struggling. Trading at $0.07814, it fell 22% last month and 5% last week. 

在过去 90 天里,狗狗币上涨了 34%,但仍在苦苦挣扎。交易价格为 0.07814 美元,上个月下跌 22%,上周下跌 5%。

Analysts endorse Pushd


Pushd is a decentralized peer-to-peer marketplace aiming to take global eCommerce to the next level using blockchain technology. 

Pushd 是一个去中心化的点对点市场,旨在利用区块链技术将全球电子商务提升到一个新的水平。

You might also like: Investors exploring Pushd presale; Chainlink and Litecoin drop

您可能还喜欢: 投资者探索 Pushd 预售; Chainlink 和莱特币下跌

The platform offers value to users with instant deposits and withdrawals, lower fees, and no delays caused by know-your-customer (KYC) verification. As a blockchain-based network, Pushd brings transparency to the industry.

该平台通过即时存款和取款、较低的费用以及不会因了解你的客户 (KYC) 验证而造成的延迟为用户提供价值。作为一个基于区块链的网络,Pushd 为行业带来了透明度。

In the ongoing presale, investors receive revenue from transaction fees. They can also gain even more rewards by completing milestones.


Analysts believe that, with a supply of up to 250 million, Pushd can offer value to users and benefit investors.

分析师认为,Pushd 的供应量高达 2.5 亿,可以为用户提供价值,让投资者受益。

Read more: USDT and ICP holders eyeing Pushd presale

了解更多:USDT 和 ICP 持有者关注 Pushd 预售

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