首页 > 资讯新闻 > 随着加密货币价格飙升,请密切关注这 5 种新 Meme 币

Keep an Eye on These 5 New Meme Coins as Crypto Prices Surge

随着加密货币价格飙升,请密切关注这 5 种新 Meme 币

发布: 2024/01/11 20:03 阅读: 358

原文作者:CoinPedia News


随着加密货币价格飙升,请密切关注这 5 种新 Meme 币

The post Keep an Eye on These 5 New Meme Coins as Crypto Prices Surge appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

随着加密货币价格飙升,密切关注这 5 种新 Meme 币的帖子首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

The crypto community is largely bullish on crypto prices this year. This Q1 indeed presents many opportunities and possibilities for investors with most coins predicted to experience a significant rally this year. The meme coin market in particular is a promising sector as it experiences new innovations and additions. Five meme coins which you should watch out for are Meme Moguls, Dogecoin, BONK, Pepe coin, and Floki.

加密社区很大程度上看好今年的加密价格。第一季度确实为投资者提供了许多机会和可能性,大多数代币预计今年将经历大幅上涨。模因币市场尤其是一个充满前景的领域,因为它经历了新的创新和补充。您应该留意的五种 Meme 币是 Meme Moguls、Dogecoin、BONK、Pepe coin 和 Floki。

Meme Moguls (MGLS) Will Be Among Top Crypto Coins To Gain From Crypto Price Surge This Year

Meme Moguls (MGLS) 将成为今年从加密货币价格飙升中获益的顶级加密货币之一

Meme Moguls is quickly gaining traction among top crypto coins, due to its commitment to enhancing meme coin investment and trading, coupled with a dedicated community. 

Meme Moguls 致力于加强 Meme 币投资和交易,并拥有专门的社区,因此在顶级加密货币中迅速获得关注。

Meme Moguls has a simulated investing game and other gameplays where you play to earn different rewards, cash prizes, NFTs and more. Investors are keeping a close eye on Meme Moguls, attracted by its promising growth potential. 

Meme Moguls 拥有模拟投资游戏和其他游戏玩法,您可以在其中赚取不同的奖励、现金奖励、NFT 等。投资者正密切关注 Meme Moguls,被其光明的增长潜力所吸引。

The coin’s strategic partnerships, forward-thinking roadmap, and emphasis on community engagement make it a compelling investment option as it is currently selling fast in its stage 4 presale, at $0.0027.

该代币的战略合作伙伴关系、前瞻性路线图以及对社区参与的重视使其成为一种引人注目的投资选择,因为它目前在第四阶段预售中销售迅速,售价为 0.0027 美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Will Fight to Stay Atop Other Meme Coins With Increased Price Ranges

狗狗币(DOGE)将努力保持在其他 Meme 币价格范围内的领先地位

Dogecoin is currently the highest-priced and largest meme coin by market capitalization. Considering the strong community support behind Dogecoin, it can potentially experience massive gains this year.


Dogecoin price is currently on a bearish trail losing over 19% gain in the past month. However, Dogecoin price is expected to fight for dominance this year amid the crypto price surge.

狗狗币价格目前处于看跌走势,过去一个月涨幅超过 19%。然而,在加密货币价格飙升的情况下,狗狗币价格预计将在今年争夺主导地位。

Dogecoin is currently racing to $1, hanging at a current range of $0.07 to $0.08. As long as the Dogecoin community remains bullish, the crypto is bound to keep leading meme coins.

狗狗币目前正竞相升至 1 美元,目前徘徊在 0.07 美元至 0.08 美元的区间。只要狗狗币社区保持看涨,加密货币就一定会继续保持领先的模因币。

BONK is Poised to Grow Rapidly Due to Solana Network’s Impressive Features

Solana Network 令人印象深刻的功能让 BONK 有望快速增长

Being the pioneer memecoin on the Solana blockchain, BONK has solidified its presence, boasting a substantial community and market capitalization. BONK coin owes its success to both widespread popularity and the resilience of the Solana blockchain. 

作为 Solana 区块链上的先驱 memecoin,BONK 已经巩固了自己的地位,拥有庞大的社区和市值。 BONK 币的成功归功于广泛的流行和 Solana 区块链的弹性。

As of now, the BONK coin is declining, losing over 19% value in the past 30 days. However, BONK is promised to jump back up amid this year’s anticipated crypto surge. BONK positions as a good crypto to buy.

截至目前,BONK 币正在下跌,在过去 30 天内损失了超过 19% 的价值。然而,BONK 有望在今年预期的加密货币激增中反弹。 BONK 定位为值得购买的优质加密货币。

Pepe Coin (PEPE)  is a Smart Choice for Diversification 

Pepe Coin (PEPE) 是多元化的明智选择

Pepe coin is currently among the top meme coins you could diversify with, signaling as a potential best crypto investment this year. Pepe is one of those crypto coins on its way to $1 this year.

佩佩币目前是您可以进行多元化投资的顶级模因币之一,这标志着今年潜在的最佳加密货币投资。 Pepe 是今年即将涨至 1 美元的加密货币之一。

Coupled with its recent trading price above the support level, Pepe is also experiencing an increased amount of trading activity as well as market cap. Pepe is also a strong contender for a good crypto to buy. Meanwhile, as the PEPE price finally rises above the support level, investors are showing more enthusiasm towards the meme coin positive outlook.

再加上最近的交易价格高于支撑位,佩佩的交易活动量和市值也有所增加。佩佩也是优质加密货币的有力竞争者。与此同时,随着 PEPE 价格最终升至支撑位之上,投资者对 meme 币的积极前景表现出更多热情。

FLOKI Coin Is About to Witness Another Year-long All-Time High

FLOKI 币即将再创一年历史新高

Floki had an impressive price trajectory with FLOKI coin racking over 279.29% value throughput 2023. Throughout last year Floki hit a yearly all-time high of around $0.00005496. 

Floki 的价格轨迹令人印象深刻,到 2023 年,FLOKI 代币的价值吞吐量将超过 279.29%。去年全年,Floki 创下了约 0.00005496 美元的年度历史新高。

However, this year is set to be another trigger for a major shift in Floki’s price. As a trending meme coin and top contender in the meme coin space, Floki is poised to garner more profit tagging along with Bitcoin’s influence and the altcoin wave.

然而,今年将成为 Floki 价格发生重大转变的另一个触发因素。作为流行的模因币和模因币领域的顶级竞争者,Floki 有望随着比特币的影响力和山寨币浪潮获得更多利润。

Floki is a good crypto to buy now before the year closes in further. There is a lot of potential around this season so it’s better to consider other potential tokens.

Floki 是一个很好的加密货币,值得在今年进一步结束之前购买。这个季节有很大的潜力,所以最好考虑其他潜在的代币。

For more information about the Meme Moguls (MGLS) presale follow the link below:

有关 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 预售的更多信息,请点击以下链接:


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