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Anticipated Number of Crypto Users in India in the Next Five Years


发布: 2023/11/11 20:48 阅读: 869

原文作者:Coin Gabbar News

原文来源:https://www.coingabbar.com/en/crypto-blogs-details/forecasting-crypto-users-in-india -in-next-5-years


Crypto users in India in the next 5 years: What to Expect?

未来 5 年印度的加密货币用户:会发生什么?

It is expected that the number of crypto users in India will get bigger than all other big countries like the US, UK, Russia, and Japan this year. By the end of 2023, India is projected to have more than 20 million crypto users.

预计今年印度的加密货币用户数量将超过美国、英国、俄罗斯和日本等所有其他大国。到 2023 年底,印度预计将拥有超过 2000 万加密货币用户。

The prominent reason for this growth in India is that people are turning to cryptocurrencies as a better investment option since they find the traditional banking system to be inconsistent and non-profitable.


As per data from the previous year, 45% of Indian crypto investors lie between the ages of 18 and 25, while 34% of users fall between the ages of 26 and 35.

根据去年的数据,45% 的印度加密货币投资者年龄在 18 至 25 岁之间,而 34% 的用户年龄在 26 至 35 岁之间。

Setting the stage for the crypto market in India


The crypto market in India is gradually taking shape, despite regulatory challenges.


Once the government comes up with regulations on cryptocurrency, it will play a major role in shaping the future of cryptocurrencies in the country. This ongoing journey promises to bring both opportunities and uncertainties to the Indian crypto market.


Despite the non-supportive role played by the Indian government, more than 15 million users in India are investing in cryptocurrencies.

尽管印度政府没有发挥支持作用,但印度仍有超过 1500 万用户正在投资加密货币。

Key statistics and trends


The revenue in the crypto market is expected to reach $222.7 million, roughly, in 2023. Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency in India, with around 12.12% of investment going towards it.

预计到 2023 年,加密货币市场的收入将达到约 2.227 亿美元。比特币是印度最受欢迎的加密货币,约 12.12% 的投资流向比特币。

After Bitcoin, people also invest in DOGE (11.54%), Ethereum (9.43%), Shiba Inu (6.92%), and Polygon (4.3%). It's worth noting that Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are meme coins that are influenced by internet jokes, and they tend to stay more volatile than others.

继比特币之后,人们还投资了 DOGE (11.54%)、以太坊 (9.43%)、柴犬 (6.92%) 和 Polygon (4.3%)。值得注意的是,狗狗币和柴犬是受网络笑话影响的模因币,它们往往比其他币更不稳定。

The Phenomenal Growth of Crypto Enthusiasts in India


As per some reports, the crypto community in India experienced a remarkable fourfold surge between 2017 and 2020, catapulting the user base from 4.8 million to an impressive 17.8 million. There has been a terrific rise in crypto users of more than 760% between 2017 and 2022.

根据一些报告,印度的加密货币社区在 2017 年至 2020 年间经历了四倍的惊人增长,用户群从 480 万猛增至令人印象深刻的 1780 万。 2017 年至 2022 年间,加密货币用户大幅增长超过 760%。

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, an astonishing 60 million Indians ventured into the world of cryptocurrencies between 2020 and 2021, propelling the total number of users to a staggering 77.6 million.

在 COVID-19 大流行之后,2020 年至 2021 年间,惊人的 6000 万印度人进入了加密货币世界,使用户总数达到了惊人的 7760 万。

In the span of 2023 to 2027, a projected surge of nearly 60% is anticipated, pushing the user count to an estimated 50 million.

2023 年至 2027 年期间,预计将激增近 60%,用户数量预计将达到 5000 万。

The user penetration will be around 14.52% in 2023, and it is expected to rise to 22.37% in 2027.


The most followed crypto is Bitcoin, and here’s how Bitcoin performed in the past five years. Over the past five years, we have seen some remarkable fluctuations in Bitcoin’s price. Starting at $3,709.4 in 2018, it surged to $7,196.4 in 2019, then skyrocketed to $28,949.4 in 2020. 2021 witnessed a peak at $46,219.5, but in 2022, it corrected to $16,537.4. As of now, in 2023, it hovers around $35,228.3, illustrating Bitcoin's volatile yet potentially rewarding journey.

最受关注的加密货币是比特币,以下是比特币在过去五年的表现。在过去的五年里,我们看到了比特币价格的一些显着波动。从2018年的3,709.4美元开始,2019年飙升至7,196.4美元,然后在2020年飙升至28,949.4美元。2021年达到峰值46,219.5美元,但在2022年修正至16,537.4美元。截至目前,到 2023 年,比特币价格徘徊在 35,228.3 美元左右,这说明了比特币的波动性但潜在回报的旅程。

Analyzing the Overlap and Distinctiveness of DEMAT and Crypto Users in India

分析印度 DEMAT 和加密用户的重叠和独特性

The count of demat accounts in India has surged to 12.7 crore, which is a substantial increase of 26 percent. This growth can be attributed to the enticing returns offered by the equity markets and the simplified account opening procedure.

印度的 demat 账户数量已飙升至 1.27 亿卢比,大幅增长了 26%。这种增长可归因于股票市场提供的诱人回报和简化的开户程序。

Over the past five years, the total number of Demat (DMAT) accounts in India has witnessed a remarkable upward trajectory. In 2018, there were 359 lakh accounts, which saw a substantial increase to 409 lakh in 2019.

过去五年,印度 Demat (DMAT) 账户总数出现显着上升趋势。 2018 年,账户数量为 3.59 亿,2019 年大幅增加至 4.09 亿。

The year 2020 marked an even more significant surge, with the number of accounts reaching 551 lakh, driven by growing interest in stock market investments. In 2021, there was a noteworthy spike to 738 lakh accounts as investors continued to flock to the equity markets.

2020 年,在股市投资兴趣日益浓厚的推动下,账户数量达到了 5.51 亿个。 2021 年,随着投资者继续涌向股市,账户数量显着飙升至 7.38 亿个。

However, in 2022, there was a noticeable dip to 101 lakh, possibly reflecting a period of consolidation. As of 2023, the trend has resumed its upward trajectory, with the total number of DEMAT accounts standing at 126 lakh, underscoring the enduring popularity of stock market participation in India.

然而,到 2022 年,这一数字明显下降至 1010 万卢比,这可能反映了一段整合时期。截至 2023 年,这一趋势已恢复上升趋势,DEMAT 账户总数达到 1.26 亿,凸显了印度股市参与的持久受欢迎程度。

However, most DEMAT account holders invest in the stock market for the long run to get prominent returns. Investors are often advised to go for a long-term approach in the stock market due to the stable return and potential for wealth accumulation over time.

然而,大多数 DEMAT 账户持有人长期投资股票市场以获得显着的回报。由于稳定的回报和随着时间的推移积累财富的潜力,投资者通常被建议在股票市场上采取长期投资策略。

On the other hand, crypto market volatility demands different strategies; it can yield substantial returns and is also prone to sudden downturns.


Understanding the crypto market's volatility and how you can build a fortune overnight


The volatility of the crypto market distinguishes it from other traditional financial markets. Investors have to face different consequences due to the sudden price fluctuations. However, this instability also presents the opportunity for substantial gains.


For those willing to embrace the risks associated with crypto market volatility, there are opportunities to build a fortune relatively quickly. Some investors have achieved overnight success through strategies like day trading, where they capitalize on short-term price movements by buying low and selling high within the same day.


Others have benefited from the initial coin offerings (ICOs) of new cryptocurrencies, participating early in promising projects that later skyrocketed in value.


Legal and regulatory compliance could pose obstacles


It is expected that the user base could rise to 50 million in India by 2027. But it never seems straightforward because of the unclear actions of the Indian government in the crypto industry.

预计到 2027 年,印度的用户群可能会增加到 5000 万。但由于印度政府在加密行业的行动不明确,这似乎从来都不是一件容易的事。

India has already imposed a 30% tax and 1% TDS on crypto gains, which is having a massive impact on crypto users. Crypto adoption is accelerating, and the government can impose strict regulations, which may hinder user growth.

印度已经对加密收益征收 30% 的税和 1% TDS,这对加密用户产生了巨大影响。加密货币的采用正在加速,政府可以实施严格的监管,这可能会阻碍用户的增长。

With the quick adoption of cryptocurrencies, risks, and scams are also rising. They are creating a big hassle for users to invest in crypto because there are no laws and regulations in India to address security concerns.


In the future, the growth of the cryptocurrency user base will also depend on how soon the Indian government can enact appropriate laws for user protection.




Apart from all this information, numerous factors are responsible for impacting the number of total crypto users. Recently, India, under the leadership of the G20, submitted an article where some issues like crypto regulations were discussed. Such developments can make India the world leader in the crypto space.


It is expected that the Indian government could implement crypto regulations in the country, which could be a positive sign for the country’s crypto investors.


Read More- Real Estate vs. Cryptocurrencies: Investment Choices and Risks

了解更多 - 房地产与加密货币:投资选择和风险


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