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Can AVAX hold onto its position as the ninth largest crypto

AVAX 能否保住第九大加密货币的地位

发布: 2023/12/15 21:10 阅读: 466

原文作者:AMBCrypto - Latest Crypto News


  • AVAX’s price has risen significantly in the last week.
  • AVAX的价格在上周大幅上涨。

  • Its market cap has now exceeded that of DOGE.
  • 目前其市值已超过 DOGE。

Avalanche’s [AVAX] price has risen by almost 50% in the last seven days, outperforming all other major crypto assets and replacing Dogecoin [DOGE] as the ninth-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.

Avalanche 的 [AVAX] 价格在过去 7 天内上涨了近 50%,表现优于所有其他主要加密资产,并取代狗狗币 [DOGE] 成为市值第九大加密货币。

At press time, the altcoin exchanged hands at $40, with a market cap of $14.64 billion. According to CoinMarketCap’s data, DOGE trailed behind it with a market cap of $13.76 billion. 

截至发稿时,该山寨币的换手价为 40 美元,市值为 146.4 亿美元。根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,DOGE 以 137.6 亿美元的市值紧随其后。

The most preferred altcoin?


While the rest of the market experienced a decline, AVAX’s price rallied in the last week partly due to the influx of funds into crypto investment funds backed by the altcoin.

虽然市场其他部分经历了下跌,但 AVAX 的价格在上周上涨,部分原因是资金涌入由山寨币支持的加密投资基金。

In a recent report, digital asset investment firm CoinShares noted:

数字资产投资公司 CoinShares 在最近的一份报告中指出:

“Solana and Avalanche saw inflows of US$3m and US$2m, respectively, remaining firm favorites in the altcoin space.”

“Solana 和 Avalanche 分别获得 300 万美元和 200 万美元的流入,仍然是山寨币领域的热门选择。”

The inflow of liquidity into funds giving exposure to AVAX, hinted at a rise in the demand for the altcoin. In the alt’s spot market, this surge in demand was notable. 

流动性流入给 AVAX 带来敞口的基金,暗示对山寨币的需求增加。在另类现货市场,需求激增引人注目。

At press time, key momentum indicators observed on a 24-hour chart rested at overbought highs. AVAX’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) was 88.78, while its Money Flow Index (MFI) was 86.05.

截至发稿时,24 小时图表上观察到的关键动能指标处于超买高位。 AVAX的相对强度指数(RSI)为88.78,而资金流量指数(MFI)为86.05。

At these values, these indicators showed that daily traders favored accumulation over distribution. 


Confirming the bullish trend in the AVAX market, its Awesome Oscillator (AO) has only posted green upward-facing histogram bars in the past seven days. 

证实了 AVAX 市场的看涨趋势,其真棒振荡器 (AO) 在过去 7 天中仅发布了绿色向上的柱状图。

This indicator gauges market momentum and identifies potential buy and sell signals. Green upward-facing bars in an asset’s AO are typically seen after a period of consolidation or a pullback.

该指标衡量市场势头并识别潜在的买入和卖出信号。资产 AO 中的绿色向上条通常在经过一段时间的盘整或回调后出现。

They indicate that the buyers have taken control of the market and that the price rally will continue. 


Further, since the rally began, AVAX’s Choppiness Index has trended downwards. At press time, it was 34.74.

此外,自反弹开始以来,AVAX 的波动指数一直呈下降趋势。截至发稿时,该数字为 34.74。

How much are 1,10,100 AVAXs worth today?

如今 1,10,100 台 AVAX 值多少钱?

A Choppiness Index of this value generally indicates a trending market with low price volatility.


This often suggests that the asset’s price would move in a consistent direction and be less prone to sharp and unpredictable price swings, therefore lowering the risk of quick losses for traders.


Source: AVAX/USDT on TradingView

来源:TradingView 上的 AVAX/USDT


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