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Memecoin Fever Heats Up as $DOGE, $BONK and $GFOX Continue to See Gains

随着 $DOGE、$BONK 和 $GFOX 继续上涨,Memecoin 热潮升温

发布: 2023/12/15 21:32 阅读: 879



In a bull market, dips are for buying. Powell left rates unchanged again, indicating that the rate hiking cycle is over. What comes after a rate hiking cycle? Rate cuts. And these will act as gasoline for cryptos. Cryptocurrency will fly as money flows out of treasuries and money markets into risk assets.

Speculative appetite is already red hot, and memecoin fever heats up as Dogecoin ($DOGE), Bonk ($BONK), and Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) continue to see big gains. Memecoins are the answer to what cryptos to buy now, and look ready to enjoy another leg up headed into Q1 2024.

Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) New P2E/ Meme Hybrid

Galaxy Fox breezes through its presale, selling out stage after stage, and the fast movers have already enjoyed two massive price surges. The protocol’s unique dynamic pricing mechanic increases the cost of $GFOX tokens in line with participation. When Stage 3 (already 85% complete) moves into Stage 4, all early holders see another 18% rise.

This new memecoin contender sets itself apart from its competitors in several aspects. It includes a classic runner game in its ecosystem where skilled players can earn real money. It offers staking rewards, unlocking passive income. The way Galaxy Fox funds its staking rewards via buy and sell taxes also favors early stakers explaining the massive rush to participate in this ICO early.

It boasts an NFT marketplace, a 3,000-strong NFT collection, real-world merchandise, a Treasury responsible for around-the-clock ecosystem development, and, like all memecoins, an aggressively deflationary nature.

This wild bonanza of a memecoin has been listed as one of the 10 cryptos to buy now before the 2024 bull market. Price predictions forecast 2,900% by the end of 2023, and the tiny market cap hints that $GFOX could easily 100X in 2024. 

在牛市中,逢低买入。鲍威尔再次维持利率不变,表明加息周期已经结束。加息周期之后会发生什么?降息。这些将充当加密货币的汽油。随着资金从国债和货币市场流入风险资产,加密货币将会飞速发展。投机兴趣已经非常炽热,随着狗狗币 ($DOGE)、邦克币 ($BONK) 和 Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 继续看到巨大的收获。 Memecoins 是现在应该购买什么加密货币的答案,并准备好在 2024 年第一季度享受另一条腿。 Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 新的 P2E/Meme 混合 Galaxy Fox 轻松完成预售,阶段性售罄,并且快速行动者已经经历了两次大规模的价格飙升。该协议独特的动态定价机制会根据参与度增加 GFOX 代币的成本。当第 3 阶段(已完成 85%)进入第 4 阶段时,所有早期持有者都会看到另外 18% 的上涨。这个新的 memecoin 竞争者在几个方面与竞争对手区分开来。它的生态系统中包含一款经典的跑步游戏,熟练的玩家可以在其中赚取真金白银。它提供质押奖励,释放被动收入。 Galaxy Fox 通过买卖税为其质押奖励提供资金的方式也有利于早期质押者,这解释了人们为何急于尽早参与本次 ICO。 它拥有一个 NFT 市场、3,000 个强大的 NFT 集合、现实世界的商品、负责全天候的生态系统发展,以及与所有 memecoin 一样的积极通缩性质。这种疯狂的 memecoin 财富已被列为 2024 年牛市之前现在值得购买的 10 种加密货币之一。价格预测预计到 2023 年底将上涨 2,900%,而极小的市值暗示 GFOX 到 2024 年可能会轻松上涨 100 倍。

Dogecoin ($DOGE) Elon’s Satellite

Dogecoin is the crypto’s most famous meme project and a solid response for investors asking what cryptos to buy now for memecoin exposure. $DOGE is the oldest and, due to its prior success, possesses the largest market cap, which prevents it from posting astounding gains like it did in the past.

On the flip side, $DOGE has continued pumping for several reasons. First, investors recognize it, and retail investors will almost certainly purchase $DOGE before other memecoins. Second, it is listed on almost all centralized exchanges and is easy to access. And finally, Elon Musk is launching Doge-1.

Elon Musk will literally launch a satellite into space covered in the Dogecoin logo. Short term longs do not get much easier than that, and Dogecoin is a top crypto to buy before the satellite launch.

Bonk ($BONK) Flips Pepe

Bonk was Solana’s first memecoin to go mainstream and get a CEX listing. Coinbase listed $BONK, and in a period of several weeks, it has gone from an unknown liquidity pool to a token with a market cap of hundreds of millions of dollars. Bonk’s mission to recapitalize Solana has been a resounding success, creating a chain-native memecoin mania season.

Shooting past $PEPE made $BONK the third largest memecoin, and in crypto, success breeds success. Bonk’s journey has only just begun, and the real question is, can it usurp $SHIB or $DOGE? Unfortunately, the best time to buy $BONK was several weeks ago. Luckily, those who missed the early days can buy $GFOX while it is still in its presale!

Closing Thoughts: 100x Rallies Loading 

狗狗币 ($DOGE) Elon 的卫星狗狗币是加密货币领域最著名的模因项目,也是对投资者询问现在应该购买哪些加密货币来获得模因币曝光的可靠回应。 $DOGE 是历史最悠久的,并且由于之前的成功,拥有最大的市值,这使其无法像过去那样取得惊人的收益。另一方面,$DOGE 由于多种原因而持续上涨。首先,投资者认识到这一点,散户投资者几乎肯定会在其他模因币之前购买 $DOGE。其次,它几乎在所有中心化交易所上市,并且易于访问。最后,埃隆·马斯克将发射 Doge-1。埃隆·马斯克实际上将向太空发射一颗带有狗狗币标志的卫星。短期多头并没有比这更容易的,而狗狗币是卫星发射前最值得购买的加密货币。 Bonk ($BONK) 翻转 PepeBonk 是 Solana 第一个走向主流并在 CEX 上市的模因币。 Coinbase 上线了 $BONK,在几周的时间里,它已经从一个默默无闻的流动性池变成了市值数亿美元的代币。 Bonk 对 Solana 进行资本重组的使命取得了巨大成功,创造了一个链原生模因币狂热季。超过 $PEPE 使 $BONK 成为第三大模因币,而在加密货币领域,成功孕育着成功。 Bonk 的旅程才刚刚开始,真正的问题是,它能否篡夺 $SHIB 或 $DO​​GE?不幸的是,购买 $BONK 的最佳时机是几周前。幸运的是,那些错过了早期的人可以在 $GFOX 仍在预售期间购买它!结束语:100 倍集会加载

A risk-on environment means that memecoins and small caps are the best options for investors who are serious about upgrading their net worth this cycle. In an up-only environment, investors want to hold micro-caps. What cryptos to buy now? The answer is obvious: micro-cap memecoins.

Galaxy Fox still has a sub-one million dollar market cap. P2E and memecoin projects reached multi-billion dollar valuations in 2021. Imagine what a hybrid can do in 2024. Participate in the presale today and guarantee becoming a winner next year.

风险环境意味着模因币和小盘股是认真考虑提升本周期净值的投资者的最佳选择。在只上涨的环境中,投资者希望持有微型股。现在买什么加密货币?答案很明显:微型模因币。Galaxy Fox 的市值仍然低于 100 万美元。 P2E 和 memecoin 项目在 2021 年估值达到数十亿美元。想象一下混合动力在 2024 年能做什么。今天参与预售,保证明年成为赢家。

Learn more about $GFOX here:

在此处了解有关 $GFOX 的更多信息:

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随着 $DOGE、$BONK 和 $GFOX 继续上涨,Memecoin 热潮升温的帖子首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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