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Barry Silbert’s Mysterious Deletion of Past Tweets


发布: 2024/01/16 10:04 阅读: 311



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您还可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上阅读此新闻:Barry Silbert 神秘删除过去的推文

Digital Currency Group founder Barry Silbert made a surprising move by deleting a significant portion of his old tweets. This action has led his followers and the crypto community to speculate about the reasons behind this social media cleanup. Various guesses are being made, but clear answers have not yet been found.


Barry Silbert’s Twitter Activity

巴里·西尔伯特的 Twitter 活动

Barry Silbert’s presence on Twitter, according to account information, dates back to October 2011. However, a closer look reveals that, as of the latest update, there are no tweets or responses older than January 5th of the current year in Silbert’s timeline.

根据账户信息,Barry Silbert 在 Twitter 上的出现可以追溯到 2011 年 10 月。然而,仔细观察就会发现,截至最新更新,Silbert 的时间线中没有早于当年 1 月 5 日的推文或回复。

A glimmer of hope for Silbert fans comes from a user named Pledditor, who meticulously captured and saved some of Silbert’s noteworthy tweets. Among these is a post where Silbert describes himself as a “complete and utter professional failure.” Another tweet advises Dogecoin holders to convert their holdings into Bitcoin.

Silbert 粉丝的一线希望来自一位名叫 Pledditor 的用户,他精心捕捉并保存了 Silbert 的一些值得注意的推文。其中一篇文章中西尔伯特将自己描述为“彻底的职业失败”。另一条推文建议狗狗币持有者将其持有的资产转换为比特币。

While the exact motivations behind Silbert’s decision to delete a significant part of his Twitter history remain unclear, this move has not gone unnoticed, especially amid ongoing investigations.


Contextualizing the Social Media Cleanup


Barry Silbert found himself in the crosshairs on social media following significant withdrawals from Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) totaling about $580 million last week. These mass exits from GBTC were cited as a contributing factor to the drop in Bitcoin prices. It should be noted that GBTC was converted into an ETF at the end of the previous week.

上周,巴里·西尔伯特 (Barry Silbert) 从灰度的比特币信托 (GBTC) 中提取了总计约 5.8 亿美元的巨额资金,成为社交媒体的焦点。 GBTC 的大规模退出被认为是比特币价格下跌的一个因素。值得注意的是,GBTC 在上周结束时已转换为 ETF。

Bitcoin experienced a drop on Friday, falling below $43,000 after reaching over $49,000 on Thursday, the highest level in two years. The correlation between the exits from GBTC and the drop in Bitcoin price intensified discussions within the crypto community.

比特币周五下跌,在周四触及两年来最高水平 49,000 美元以上后跌破 43,000 美元。 GBTC 退出与比特币价格下跌之间的相关性加剧了加密社区内的讨论。

Speculations and Questions: What Prompted the Cleanup?


The timing of Barry Silbert’s social media cleanup, amid recent events surrounding Grayscale and Bitcoin’s price fluctuations, raises questions about potential correlations. The absence of tweets prior to January 5th adds a layer of mystery to the situation.

在最近围绕灰度和比特币价格波动发生的事件中,巴里·希尔伯特清理社交媒体的时机引发了人们对潜在相关性的质疑。 1 月 5 日之前没有发布推文,这给情况增添了一层神秘感。

While the crypto community is busy with discussions and speculations about Silbert’s motivations, market dynamics and the actions of influential figures continue to shape the narrative in a broader context.

尽管加密社区正忙于对 Silbert 动机的讨论和猜测,但市场动态和有影响力人物的行为继续在更广泛的背景下塑造叙事。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Barry Silbert’s Mysterious Deletion of Past Tweets

该帖子首次出现在 COINTURK 新闻:巴里·希尔伯特神秘删除过去的推文


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