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Biggest Crypto Gainers Today on Uniswap – ODOGE, ORD, MATTER

今天 Uniswap 上最大的加密货币赢家 – ODOGE、ORD、MATTER

发布: 2023/12/06 10:04 阅读: 985



今天 Uniswap 上最大的加密货币赢家 – ODOGE、ORD、MATTER

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The Bitcoin (BTC) melt-up has continued on Tuesday, with the BTC price briefly hitting $44,000 before pulling back to the upper $43,000s, taking its run of gains since last Friday to around 15%.

周二,比特币(BTC)的熔涨仍在继续,比特币价格短暂触及 44,000 美元,然后回落至 43,000 美元上方,自上周五以来的涨幅达到 15% 左右。

Investors continue to panic buy amid bets that 1) spot Bitcoin ETFs will soon gain approval in the US, driving a wave of new institutional demand and 2) bets that Fed policy will be more dovish in the coming months, with rate cuts possible in early 2024.

投资者继续恐慌性买入,因为他们押注:1)现货比特币 ETF 将很快在美国获得批准,推动一波新的机构需求;2)押注美联储政策将在未来几个月更加温和,可能在年初降息。 2024 年。

And with Bitcoin having broken convincingly to the north of resistance in the $43,000 area in the form of the late-April 2022 highs, the pathway higher to a quick test of the 2022 highs at $48,000 is clear.

随着比特币以 2022 年 4 月下旬高点的形式令人信服地突破 43,000 美元区域的阻力位,快速测试 2022 年高点 48,000 美元的路径是明确的。

Major altcoins are mixed, with Ether (ETH) up around 2% in the past 24 hours and Cardano (ADA) and Dogecoin (DOGE) up between 3-4%, while the likes of XRP (XRP), Solana (SOL) and BNB (BNB) are slightly lower.

主要山寨币涨跌互现,以太坊 (ETH) 在过去 24 小时内上涨了 2% 左右,卡尔达诺 (ADA) 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 上涨了 3-4%,而 XRP (XRP)、Solana (SOL) 和币安币(BNB)小幅走低。

Dogecoin got an intra-day boost from the news that Elon Musk’s X.AI Corp will raise $1 billion in equity, perhaps related to speculation that Dogecoin may somehow feature in Musk’s future plans for his companies.

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 X.AI 公司将筹集 10 亿美元股权的消息传出,狗狗币 (Dogecoin) 盘中上涨,这或许与狗狗币可能以某种方式出现在马斯克公司未来计划中的猜测有关。

While Bitcoin is the star of the show in the blue-chip crypto market right now and its outlook remains very strong, traders looking to turn quick exponential profits will continue to turn to the highly illiquid and volatile shitcoin/meme coin markets, where tokens can routinely post gains of as much as 10x in one or two days.

虽然比特币目前是蓝筹加密货币市场中的明星,并且其前景仍然非常强劲,但希望快速获得指数级利润的交易者将继续转向高度缺乏流动性和波动性的狗屎币/迷因币市场,在这些市场中,代币可以通常在一两天内收益就会达到 10 倍。

Of course, these tokens can lose their value just as quickly as they gained it, given most are backed by projects of questionable or no utility.


Here are some of the biggest gainers on the Uniswap decentralized exchange (DEX) on Tuesday.

以下是周二 Uniswap 去中心化交易所 (DEX) 涨幅最大的一些股票。

Ordinal Doge ($ODOGE)

总督勋章 ($ODOGE)

A shitcoin that launched earlier this year called Ordinal Doge ($ODOGE) has seen a sudden more than 300% spike in the last 24 hours, as per Uniswap, making it one of the best performing low cap coins.

根据 Uniswap 的数据,今年早些时候推出的一种名为 Ordinal Doge ($ODOGE) 的垃圾币在过去 24 小时内突然飙升了 300% 以上,使其成为表现最好的低市值代币之一。

The sudden spike comes amid a surge in trading volumes to over $850,000 in the past 24 hours, as per DEXTools.

根据 DEXTools 的数据,过去 24 小时内交易量激增至超过 850,000 美元,交易量突然飙升。

$ODOGE last had a market cap of around $133,000, liquidity of just under $120,000 and slightly over 1,400 holders.

$ODOGE 最近的市值约为 133,000 美元,流动性略低于 120,000 美元,持有者略多于 1,400 名。

Investors should exercise caution with the coin, not just because of its small market cap and low liquidity, but also as a result of two smart-contract alerts identified by DEXTools’ security audit.

投资者应对该代币保持谨慎,不仅因为其市值小、流动性低,还因为 DEXTools 安全审计发现了两个智能合约警报。

ordinex ($ORD)

ordinex ($ORD)

ordinex ($ORD), which powers an all-in-one platform for trading Bitcoin-based NFTs, has seen an impressive near 200% pump in the past 24 hours, according to Uniswap.

Ordinex ($ORD) 是一个基于比特币 NFT 交易的一体化平台,根据 Uniswap 的数据,在过去 24 小时内,其交易量增长了近 200%,令人印象深刻。

The token last had a market cap of around $6 million as per DEXTools, which also shows that $1.5 million in trading volumes in the past 24 hours, around $650,000 in liquidity and 1,450 holders.

根据 DEXTools 的数据,该代币的最新市值约为 600 万美元,这还显示过去 24 小时内的交易量为 150 万美元,流动性约为 65 万美元,持有者为 1,450 名。

The token has three concerning aspects to its smart contract, as per DEXTools’ security audit,  so potential investors should be cautious.

根据 DEXTools 的安全审计,该代币的智能合约存在三个令人担忧的方面,因此潜在投资者应保持谨慎。

Antimatter.Finance ($MATTER)

反物质.金融 ($MATTER)

The governance token that powers DeFi protocol Antimatter.Finance has been melting higher in recent days and was last up around 100% in the past 24 hours as per Uniswap.

为 DeFi 协议 Antimatter.Finance 提供动力的治理代币最近几天一直在走高,根据 Uniswap 的数据,过去 24 小时内上涨了 100% 左右。

At current levels around $0.22 per token, $MATTER is up around 7x in the past five days, with its market cap last around $22 million, as per DEXTools.

根据 DEXTools 的数据,以目前每个代币 0.22 美元左右的水平来看,$MATTER 在过去五天内上涨了约 7 倍,其市值约为 2200 万美元。

The platform also shows the token to have experienced around $1.45 million in trading volumes in the past 24 hours, around $640,000 in liquidity and around 5,500 holders.

该平台还显示,该代币在过去 24 小时内的交易量约为 145 万美元,流动性约为 64 万美元,持有者约为 5,500 名。

Crypto Alternatives to Consider


Shitcoins can offer huge potential returns but also come with a lot of risk.


Those looking for a better probability of near-term gains, an alternative high-risk, high-reward investment strategy to consider is getting involved in crypto presales.


This is where investors buy the tokens of upstart crypto projects to help fund their development.


These tokens are nearly always sold cheaply, and there is a long history of presales delivering huge exponential gains to early investors.


Many of these projects have fantastic teams behind them and a great vision to deliver a revolutionary crypto application/platform.


If an investor can identify such projects, the risk/reward of their presale investment is very good.


The team at Cryptonews spends a lot of time combing through presale projects to help investors out.

Cryptonews 团队花费了大量时间梳理预售项目,以帮助投资者摆脱困境。

Here is a list of 15 of what the project deems as the best crypto presales of 2023.

以下是该项目认为 2023 年最佳加密预售的 15 个项目的列表。

See the 15 Cryptocurrencies

查看 15 种加密货币

Disclosure: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. By using this website, you agree to our terms and conditions. We may utilise affiliate links within our content, and receive commission.



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