首页 > 资讯新闻 > 埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 计划为 X.AI 筹集 10 亿美元,狗狗币价格预测,DOGE 触及 8 个月高点 – DOGE 能否触及 1 美元?

Dogecoin Price Prediction as DOGE Hits 8 Month Highs on Elon Musk’s Plans to Raise $1 Billion for X.AI – Can DOGE Hit $1?

埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 计划为 X.AI 筹集 10 亿美元,狗狗币价格预测,DOGE 触及 8 个月高点 – DOGE 能否触及 1 美元?

发布: 2023/12/06 10:04 阅读: 787



埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 计划为 X.AI 筹集 10 亿美元,狗狗币价格预测,DOGE 触及 8 个月高点 – DOGE 能否触及 1 美元?

Source: Pexels


Dogecoin (DOGE), the first major meme cryptocurrency that powers the decentralized layer-1 Dogecoin blockchain, hit eight-month highs above $0.095 on Tuesday, with sentiment rising on the news that Elon Musk’s X.AI company is set to raise $1 billion via an equity offering, as per a filing with the SEC.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 是第一个为去中心化第一层狗狗币区块链提供动力的主要模因加密货币,周二触及 0.095 美元以上的八个月高点,埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 X.AI 公司计划通过根据向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件,这是一次股票发行。

X.AI is Musk’s new artificial intelligence start-up, which he announced earlier this year at the same time as he rebranded Twitter into X Corp.

X.AI 是马斯克新成立的人工智能初创公司,今年早些时候,他在将 Twitter 更名为 X Corp 的同时宣布了这一消息。

Musk bought Twitter back in 2022 and has promised to turn the social media platform into an “everything app”, while he said he created X.AI to “understand the universe”.

马斯克于 2022 年收购了 Twitter,并承诺将这个社交媒体平台变成一个“万能应用”,同时他表示,他创建 X.AI 是为了“理解宇宙”。

Dogecoin is sensitive to news regarding Elon Musk, X and now seemingly his company X.AI because Musk has been a vocal supporter of the meme coin for more than two years, frequently tweeting about it, whilst also hinting that Dogecoin could play a role in powering future financial services on the X platform.

狗狗币对有关埃隆·马斯克、X 以及现在似乎是他的公司 X.AI 的新闻很敏感,因为两年多来,马斯克一直是模因币的直言不讳的支持者,经常发布有关它的推文,同时也暗示狗狗币可以在为 X 平台上的未来金融服务提供动力。

DOGE is also benefitting right now from strong sentiment in the broader crypto market, with Bitcoin hitting its highest levels since April 2022 on Tuesday above $44,000.

DOGE 目前也受益于更广泛的加密货币市场的强劲情绪,比特币周二触及 2022 年 4 月以来的最高水平,超过 44,000 美元。

The cryptocurrency is already up over 12% this month and more than 60% versus October’s lows.

该加密货币本月已上涨超过 12%,较 10 月份的低点上涨超过 60%。

With Dogecoin technicals strong – DOGE has found consistent support at its 21DMA in recent weeks and broke above a long-term pennant structure in early November – and with sentiment in the broader market so strong amid optimism for near-term spot Bitcoin ETF approvals and for a dovish Fed policy pivot next year, it seems only a matter of time until Dogecoin hits $0.10.

由于狗狗币技术强劲——最近几周狗狗币在 21 日均线找到了持续的支撑,并在 11 月初突破了长期三角旗结构——而且由于对近期现货比特币 ETF 批准和对比特币 ETF 批准持乐观态度,大盘情绪如此强劲。如果明年美联储政策转向鸽派,狗狗币触及 0.10 美元似乎只是时间问题。

Price predictions are likely to remain bullish but can Dogecoin rally all the way to $1.0 per token.

价格预测可能仍然看涨,但狗狗币能否一路上涨至每枚 1.0 美元。

Can Dogecoin (DOGE) Hit $1.0?

狗狗币(DOGE)能达到 1.0 美元吗?

Dogecoin currently has a market cap of around $13.4 billion.

狗狗币目前的市值约为 134 亿美元。

Some would argue that’s way to much for a cryptocurrency that was originally designed as a joke, but sometimes Dogecoin’s critics miss the fact that 1) the cryptocurrency has a huge, avid base of highly engaged supporters and 2) unlike all other major meme coins, Dogecoin is its own independent layer-1 blockchain, rather than a token issued on the Ethereum or other blockchain.

有些人会认为,对于最初被设计为一个玩笑的加密货币来说,这太过分了,但有时狗狗币的批评者会忽略这样一个事实:1) 该加密货币拥有大量狂热的支持者,2) 与所有其他主要模因币不同,狗狗币是它自己独立的第一层区块链,而不是在以太坊或其他区块链上发行的代币。

Dogecoin is arguably very decentralized and whilst its blockchain has scaling issues (as does Bitcoin’s), the cryptocurrency stands a better chance of seeing real adoption than any other meme coins, in no part thanks to Elon Musk’s ongoing support.


So could it hit a price of $1 per token, more than 10x higher than current levels.

那么它的价格是否会达到每个代币 1 美元,比当前水平高出 10 倍以上。

Given the current supply of around 142 billion tokens, that would imply a market cap of around $142 billion.

鉴于目前约 1420 亿枚代币的供应量,这意味着市值约为 1420 亿美元。

That’s a lot, but if Bitcoin is to hit a market cap of $10 trillion or higher to rival gold, as many expect, then there is no reason why Dogecoin couldn’t hit a market cap of above $100 billion, 100 times less.

这个数字很大,但如果比特币的市值如许多人预期的那样达到 10 万亿美元或更高,与黄金相媲美,那么狗狗币的市值就没有理由不能达到 1000 亿美元以上(比黄金低 100 倍)。


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