首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币创始人比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 公布了顶级加密货币规则和最爱

Billy Markus, Dogecoin Founder, Unveils Top Crypto Rule & Favorites

狗狗币创始人比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 公布了顶级加密货币规则和最爱

发布: 2023/08/20 02:00 阅读: 520



The creator of the widely used meme currency Dogecoin (DOGE) has revealed the most important guideline he follows when it comes to investing in digital assets, as well as the tokens he most values.


DOGE co-creator Billy Markus, also known as Shibetoshi Nakamoto, said in a new thread that investors should not put more money into crypto assets than they would be ready to see burned up in a fire. Billy Markus is also known as Satoshi Nakamoto.

DOGE 联合创始人 Billy Markus(又名 Shibetoshi Nakamoto)在一条新帖子中表示,投资者投入加密资产的资金不应超过他们准备好在火灾中烧毁的资金。比利·马库斯也被称为中本聪。

“The number one rule that I always tell people about cryptocurrency is that they should never invest more money than they are willing to lose in a fire.”


After that, Markus goes on to mention some of his favorite virtual currencies, which include Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), which are now the top two digital assets in terms of market size. In addition to this, he referred to Dogecoin as “Bitcoin wearing a dog suit” and stated that he is not a supporter of ERC-20 tokens, which are assets that are constructed on top of ETH.

之后,Markus 继续提到了一些他最喜欢的虚拟货币,其中包括比特币(BTC)和以太坊(ETH),它们现在是市场规模排名前两位的数字资产。除此之外,他将狗狗币称为“穿着狗服的比特币”,并表示他不是 ERC-20 代币的支持者,ERC-20 代币是构建在 ETH 之上的资产。

“I favor the major players (Bitcoin and Ethereum), because Doge is simply Bitcoin dressed up as a dog. I have a strong aversion to virtually every ERC-20 token.

“我看好主要参与者(比特币和以太坊),因为 Doge 只是装扮成狗的比特币。我对几乎所有 ERC-20 代币都有强烈的反感。

At the beginning of this year, Markus issued a warning to investors that they should avoid investing in memecoins and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). He stated that the cryptocurrency field has become “stupider” over the course of the last 10 years and compared it to gambling.


At the time of this writing, one dogecoin can be purchased for $0.0617. This is a reduction of 8.1% over the course of the previous twenty-four hours.

在撰写本文时,一枚狗狗币的售价为 0.0617 美元。这比过去 24 小时内减少了 8.1%。



狗狗币创始人比利·马库斯 (Billy Markus) 揭晓顶级加密货币规则和最爱的帖子首先出现在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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