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Dogecoin’s Moonshot: Why Pomerdoge Is The Rocket You Have Been Waiting For

狗狗币的登月计划:为什么 Pomerdoge 是您一直在等待的火箭

发布: 2023/08/19 23:00 阅读: 462



Meme coins have become popular investment options. They are renowned for giving massive returns. Braving market bears, Dogecoin (DOGE) has posted gains in recent weeks.


However, its growth has been smaller compared to that of a new P2E meme coin, Pomerdoge. This new project has become whales’ favorite, and can rise by 40x by the end of 2023.

然而,与新的 P2E meme 币 Pomerdoge 相比,其增长幅度较小。这个新项目已成为鲸鱼的最爱,到 2023 年底可以上涨 40 倍。



  • Data shows that whales control 80% of Dogecoin (DOGE) tokens.
  • 数据显示,鲸鱼控制着 80% 的狗狗币(DOGE)代币。

  • Pomerdoge has moved closer to 17x presale gains.
  • Pomerdoge 的预售收益已接近 17 倍。

Click Here To Find Out More About The Pomerdoge (POMD) Presale

单击此处了解有关 Pomerdoge (POMD) 预售的更多信息

Whales Show Interest In Dogecoin (DOGE)


The market conditions have lately favored Dogecoin, and DOGE has been able to move upward on the price chart. Its price has been positive on both time stamps, weekly and monthly. On the weekly price chart, Dogecoin (DOGE) has witnessed a surge of 2%. Moreover, in the past 30 days, Dogecoin (DOGE) has seen an increase of 17% in its market value. Thus, the current trading price of Dogecoin (DOGE) has jumped to $0.0757.

最近的市场状况对狗狗币有利,狗狗币已经能够在价格图表上上涨。它的价格在每周和每月的时间戳上都是正值。在每周价格图表上,狗狗币(DOGE)上涨了 2%。此外,在过去的30天里,狗狗币(DOGE)的市值上涨了17%。因此,狗狗币(DOGE)目前的交易价格已跃升至0.0757美元。

The latest event that caused a steep rise in the value of Dogecoin (DOGE) is Elon Musk’s recent interview. During the interview, Musk noted that Dogecoin (DOGE) can be used as a payment option on X, formerly called Twitter. Although Musk mentioned Dogecoin as a reference for all cryptocurrencies, the DOGE community was quick to encash it. Soon after the interview, Dogecoin (DOGE) was able to break its losing streak and register a growth of 4%.

导致狗狗币(DOGE)价值急剧上涨的最新事件是埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)最近的采访。在采访中,马斯克指出狗狗币(DOGE)可以用作 X(以前称为 Twitter)上的支付选项。尽管马斯克提到狗狗币是所有加密货币的参考,但狗狗币社区很快就兑现了它。采访结束后不久,狗狗币(DOGE)就打破了连跌势头,实现了 4% 的增长。

Meanwhile, the on-chain data suggests that big investors are more willing to hold Dogecoin (DOGE) than to sell it. The data shows that 80% of all Dogecoin (DOGE) tokens are controlled by whales, who are accumulating them in anticipation of future growth. 

与此同时,链上数据表明,大投资者更愿意持有狗狗币(DOGE),而不是出售它。数据显示,80% 的狗狗币 (DOGE) 代币由鲸鱼控制,他们为了未来的增长而积累这些代币。

Thus, bearish sentiments around Dogecoin have plunged, and buying pressure on DOGE has intensified. This, according to experts, can cause a further surge in the price of Dogecoin (DOGE). Technical indicators suggest that Dogecoin (DOGE) could see a price increase from 50% to 155%.

因此,围绕狗狗币的看跌情绪大幅下降,狗狗币的买盘压力也随之加剧。专家表示,这可能会导致狗狗币(DOGE)的价格进一步飙升。技术指标表明狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价格可能会上涨 50% 至 155%。

Pomerdoge (POMD) Triggers Bullish Sentiments In The Market

Pomerdoge (POMD) 引发市场看涨情绪

Pomerdoge has teased a new play-to-earn (P2E) game that aims to change the landscape of the blockchain arena. The new game, named Pomergame, will boast the best features of meme coins and P2E tokens. As per a research report, the market size of global blockchain gaming can reach $65.7 billion in the next four years. Therefore, investors have high hopes for Pomerdoge.

Pomerdoge 推出了一款新的边玩边赚钱 (P2E) 游戏,旨在改变区块链领域的格局。这款名为 Pomergame 的新游戏将拥有 meme 币和 P2E 代币的最佳功能。研究报告显示,未来四年全球区块链游戏市场规模将达到657亿美元。因此,投资者对波默多奇寄予厚望。

According to experts, this new P2E meme coin can surpass cryptocurrencies like Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, or Pepe, in growth and popularity. Moreover, Pomerdoge has brought fun and financial opportunities together.

据专家称,这种新的 P2E meme 硬币在增长和受欢迎程度方面可以超越 Shiba Inu、Dogecoin 或 Pepe 等加密货币。此外,波默多奇还带来了乐趣和经济机会。

Three major elements make the Pomerdoge ecosystem. Pomergame, being the first one, allows gamers to create avatars and custom in-game items. Next, Pomerplace allows users to trade custom in-game items with other players. The third component is a collection of 7,777 NFTs, which the platform will release during the presale.

Pomerdoge 生态系统由三个主要元素组成。 Pomergame 是第一个允许玩家创建头像和自定义游戏内物品的游戏。接下来,Pomerplace 允许用户与其他玩家交易自定义游戏内物品。第三个组件是 7,777 个 NFT 的集合,该平台将在预售期间发布。

The presale phase of Pomerdoge is currently in stage 1, and has raised more than $630,000. The platform has noted that only 1 billion tokens will enter the market during the presale. At press time, the market price of a POMD token has risen from $0.007 to $0.008. Moreover, experts have predicted that the price of POMD tokens can jump by a minimum of 1700% by the end of the presale round. After the presale, POMD tokens will be available on the Uniswap exchange.

Pomerdoge的预售阶段目前处于第一阶段,已筹集超过63万美元。该平台指出,预售期间只有 10 亿枚代币进入市场。截至发稿时,POMD 代币的市场价格已从 0.007 美元上涨至 0.008 美元。此外,专家预测,到预售结束时,POMD 代币的价格至少会上涨 1700%。预售后,POMD 代币将在 Uniswap 交易所上市。

Find out more about the Pomerdoge (POMD) Presale Today

了解有关 Pomerdoge (POMD) 今日预售的更多信息


Telegram Community: https://t.me/pomerdoge


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