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New Whale Transfers $16 Million Worth Of DOGE from Robinhood

New Whale 从 Robinhood 转移价值 1600 万美元的 DOGE

发布: 2023/08/19 21:30 阅读: 868



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Is DOGE Signalling Bulls?

订阅与我们一起展示加密货币革命,一次一份时事通讯。立即订阅,将每日新闻和市场更新直接发送到您的收件箱,以及我们数百万其他订阅者(没错,数百万人爱我们!) — 您还在等什么?DOGE 正在发出牛市信号吗?

Despite the inherent volatility that has defined DOGE’s path, the meme-inspired cryptocurrency is displaying its capacity to defy market sentiment and launch upward price movements once again. This proactive posture demonstrates Dogecoin’s continuous appeal and ability to reclaim attention, firmly establishing it as a notable presence in the cryptocurrency market.

尽管 DOGE 的发展道路存在固有的波动性,但这种受模因启发的加密货币正在显示出其挑战市场情绪并再次启动价格上涨的能力。这种积极主动的姿态表明了狗狗币的持续吸引力和重新获得关注的能力,牢固地确立了其在加密货币市场的显着地位。



According to recent estimates, Robinhood has dramatically boosted its Dogecoin holdings, accounting for more than a quarter of the total circulating supply. However, the site has had difficulties, with significant losses over the last year and a reduction in its user base until 2023.

根据最近的估计,Robinhood 大幅增加了狗狗币的持有量,占流通总量的四分之一以上。然而,该网站遇到了困难,去年出现了重大损失,并且到 2023 年用户基数都在减少。

Analysts’ predictions for the price of Dogecoin’s trajectory in the future are generally upbeat and predict further growth. A particularly intriguing topic is whether DOGE will surpass $1 by the end of 2023.

分析师对狗狗币未来价格轨迹的预测普遍乐观,并预计将进一步增长。一个特别有趣的话题是 DOGE 是否会在 2023 年底突破 1 美元。

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Can DOGE Reach $1 by 2023 End?

DOGE 能在 2023 年年底达到 1 美元吗?

Dogecoin is currently up 1.26% and is trading at $0.06347, at the time of writing. Although there is a clear increasing trend, it is still unclear whether DOGE can reach the $0.1 mark and post a 300% gain by the end of August. However, one of the defenses put out by detractors regarding Dogecoin’s long-term viability is the lack of a clear use case beyond contributions and tipping.

截至撰写本文时,狗狗币目前上涨 1.26%,交易价格为 0.06347 美元。尽管有明显的上涨趋势,但DOGE能否在8月底达到0.1美元大关并实现300%的涨幅仍不清楚。然而,批评者对狗狗币长期可行性的辩护之一是,除了贡献和小费之外,缺乏明确的用例。

The capacity of Dogecoin to manage market fluctuations and keep its charm is still fascinating in this constantly changing cryptocurrency ecosystem. All eyes are still focused on how this meme-fueled digital asset will perform in the future as it continues to display resilience and adaptability.


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