首页 > 资讯新闻 > 随着比特币(BTC)和狗狗币(DOGE)的增长,反叛的中本聪见证了市场价值的显着上涨

As Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) Growing, Rebel Satoshi Witnesses Notable Uptick in Market Value


发布: 2023/12/13 12:01 阅读: 624

原文作者:Crypto Daily™





  • Bitcoin surges 2%, and experts expect it to climb above $50,000 in December.
  • 比特币飙升 2%,专家预计 12 月比特币将攀升至 50,000 美元以上。

  • Dogecoin gains 7% in a week and is set to make marginal gains in December.
  • 狗狗币一周内上涨 7%,并将在 12 月小幅上涨。

  • Rebel Satoshi attracts more investors after gaining 30% during the Early Bird Round.
  • 叛逆中本聪在早鸟轮中获得 30% 的收益后吸引了更多投资者。

The crypto market has started November with bulls charging. As a result, top crypto coins like Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are holding green candles. Meanwhile, Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ), an upcoming meme coin, has gained investor interest after jumping 30% in three weeks.

加密货币市场从 11 月开始,多头就开始进攻。因此,像比特币(BTC)和狗狗币(DOGE)这样的顶级加密货币都持有绿色蜡烛。与此同时,即将推出的模因币 Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 在三周内上涨 30% 后赢得了投资者的兴趣。

Which cryptocurrency will deliver the most significant returns in 2023 Bitcoin, Dogecoin, or Rebel Satoshi? Let’s delve into analyst predictions to find out!

哪种加密货币将在 2023 年比特币、狗狗币或叛逆中本聪带来最显着的回报?让我们深入研究分析师的预测来找出答案!

Bitcoin Jumps 2%: Is $40K Within Reach?

比特币上涨 2%:4 万美元触手可及吗?

Bitcoin has performed decently over the past seven days, starting November 24. On November 24, BTC was trading at around $37,850.81. However, BTC began climbing on November 30 after news revealed MicroStrategy purchased $600 million worth of BTC in November. 

从 11 月 24 日开始,比特币在过去 7 天表现良好。11 月 24 日,BTC 交易价格约为 37,850.81 美元。然而,在有消息称 MicroStrategy 在 11 月份购买了价值 6 亿美元的 BTC 后,BTC 于 11 月 30 日开始攀升。

This news introduced a bullish sentiment in the market, forcing BTC to climb. By December 1, BTC had stabilized at around $38,790.19. This price means Bitcoin has gained 2.48% in a week. This uptrend has left investors asking, will BTC breach the $40,000.00 level before the end of the year?

这一消息引发了市场看涨情绪,迫使比特币上涨。截至 12 月 1 日,BTC 稳定在 38,790.19 美元左右。这个价格意味着比特币一周内上涨了2.48%。这种上升趋势让投资者不禁要问,比特币能否在年底前突破 40,000 美元的水平?

According to analysts, BTC will make moon shots days to close December at $55,041.00. Analysts peg this prediction on more investors embracing Bitcoin in anticipation of the SEC approving spot BTC ETFs in Q1 2024. This forecast makes Bitcoin one of the best cryptos to invest in!

据分析师称,BTC 将在 12 月收盘时达到 55,041.00 美元。分析师认为,这一预测表明更多投资者会接受比特币,预计 SEC 将在 2024 年第一季度批准现货 BTC ETF。这一预测使比特币成为最值得投资的加密货币之一!

Dogecoin Surges 6% In a Week: More Gains Coming?

狗狗币一周飙升 6%:还会有更多涨幅吗?

Dogecoin has performed well over the past seven days. On November 24, DOGE was hovering around $0.078. However, the November 28 news of the number of Dogecoin wallets with a balance surpassing 5 million saw DOGE start pumping. 

狗狗币在过去 7 天表现良好。 11 月 24 日,DOGE 徘徊在 0.078 美元附近。然而,11 月 28 日狗狗币钱包余额突破 500 万的消息让 DOGE 开始暴涨。

By December 1, DOGE had leveled off around $0.083. This price means Doge has climbed 6.41% in a week. This performance has attracted potential investors to DOGE. But before injecting your hard-earned money into Dogecoin, let’s see what analysts predict.

截至 12 月 1 日,DOGE 已稳定在 0.083 美元左右。这个价格意味着Doge一周内上涨了6.41%。这一业绩吸引了DOGE的潜在投资者。但在将辛苦赚来的钱投入狗狗币之前,让我们看看分析师的预测。

According to analysts, DOGE will record marginal gains in December to close the year at $0.084. This forecast adds DOGE to the list of altcoins to watch! Analysts base this prediction on DOGE attracting more adopters due to Astrobotic’s plan to send physical Dogecoin to the moon on December 23.

据分析师称,DOGE 将在 12 月份录得小幅上涨,全年收于 0.084 美元。这一预测将 DOGE 添加到值得关注的山寨币列表中!分析师做出这一预测的依据是,由于 Astrobotic 计划于 12 月 23 日将实体狗狗币发送到月球,DOGE 会吸引更多采用者。



Rebel Satoshi Astonishes After Surging 30% in Three Weeks!

叛逆中本聪三周飙升 30% 令人震惊!

Rebel Satoshi, an upcoming meme coin that seeks to challenge the status quo in the crypto market, has taken the crypto space by storm after concluding the Early Bird Round of its public presale in three weeks. This rapid growth comes from the growing interest in $RBLZ, Rebel Satoshi’s native token.

Rebel Satoshi 是一款即将推出的模因币,旨在挑战加密货币市场的现状,在三周内完成早鸟轮公开预售后,它已经席卷了加密货币领域。这种快速增长来自于人们对 Rebel Satoshi 的原生代币 $RBLZ 日益增长的兴趣。

Investors are finding $RBLZ the best cryptocurrency to buy because it offers complete access to the Rebel Satoshi ecosystem. Once fully developed, the Rebel Satoshi ecosystem will comprise a staking program, an NFT marketplace, and a P2E game. This explains why investors can’t have enough of $RBLZ.

投资者发现 $RBLZ 是最好的加密货币,因为它提供了对 Rebel Satoshi 生态系统的完整访问。一旦完全开发出来,Rebel Satoshi 生态系统将包括一个质押项目、一个 NFT 市场和一个 P2E 游戏。这解释了为什么投资者不能拥有足够的 $RBLZ。

By December 1, Rebel Satoshi had entered Rebels Round 1 of its ongoing presale. Investors can use Bitcoin and 50 other cryptos to purchase $RBLZ at an incredibly low price of $0.013 during this round. This price means $RBLZ has gained 30% from the Early Bird Round price of $0.010.

截至 12 月 1 日,Rebel Satoshi 已进入 Rebels 正在进行的预售第一轮。在这一轮中,投资者可以使用比特币和其他 50 种加密货币以 0.013 美元的极低价格购买 $RBLZ。这个价格意味着 $RBLZ 比早鸟轮价格 0.010 美元上涨了 30%。

Moreover, $RBLZ is set to surge further to hit its listing price of $0.025. By climbing to $0.025, $RBLZ will offer Early Bird Round investors a 150% ROI. Meanwhile, $RBLZ investors in Rebels Round 1 will enjoy a 92.30% ROI. 

此外,$RBLZ 还将进一步飙升,达到 0.025 美元的上市价格。通过攀升至 0.025 美元,$RBLZ 将为早鸟轮投资者提供 150% 的投资回报率。与此同时,Rebels 第一轮的 $RBLZ 投资者将享受 92.30% 的投资回报率。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,请务必访问 Rebel Satoshi 官方预售网站或通过 Telegram 联系 Rebel Red



Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免责声明:这是赞助新闻稿,仅供参考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的观点,也不打算用作法律、税务、投资或财务建议。




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