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SpaceX Targets December 13 For X-37b Space Plane Launch

SpaceX 计划于 12 月 13 日发射 X-37b 太空飞机

发布: 2023/12/13 11:41 阅读: 879

原文作者:Paulo Montenegro


SpaceX 计划于 12 月 13 日发射 X-37b 太空飞机

SpaceX is gearing up to launch the United States Space Force’s experimental X-37b unmanned space plane, with the targeted launch date set for Wednesday, December 13. Originally scheduled for Monday, the launch was delayed due to an unspecified “ground side issue.” The mission, code-named USSF-52, will take place at Cape Canaveral in Florida and is planned to be executed using SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket.

SpaceX 正准备发射美国太空军的实验性 X-37b 无人太空飞机,目标发射日期定于 12 月 13 日星期三。原定于周一进行的发射由于未具体说明的“地面问题”而被推迟。此次任务代号为 USSF-52,将在佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角进行,计划使用 SpaceX 的猎鹰重型火箭执行。

Built by Boeing, the X-37b project has been shrouded in secrecy, but it is known to be an unmanned and reusable space plane designed to carry out various science experiments. This mission marks the X-37b’s seventh test mission, and notably, it is the first time it will orbit using a SpaceX Falcon Heavy.

X-37b项目由波音公司制造,一直处于保密状态,但众所周知,它是一种无人驾驶、可重复使用的太空飞机,旨在进行各种科学实验。这次任务标志着 X-37b 的第七次测试任务,值得注意的是,这是它第一次使用 SpaceX Falcon Heavy 进行轨道飞行。

The delayed launch, attributed to a ground-side issue, was originally scheduled for the summer but has now been rescheduled for no earlier than December 13 at 8:13 p.m. Eastern time. The specific details of the mission remain undisclosed, reflecting the classified nature of the X-37b program.

由于地面问题,发射被推迟,原定于夏季发射,但现已改期至不早于 12 月 13 日晚上 8:13。东部时间。该任务的具体细节尚未公开,这反映了 X-37b 计划的机密性质。

If successful, this mission could pave the way for future collaborations between SpaceX and the U.S. Space Force, potentially expanding capabilities for sending missions to more distant points from Earth — This becomes particularly relevant as space exploration evolves, with the prospect of establishing crewed moon bases by various countries in the near future.

如果成功,这次任务可能为 SpaceX 和美国太空部队之间的未来合作铺平道路,有可能扩大将任务发送到距地球更远的地点的能力——随着太空探索的发展,这一点变得尤为重要,有可能建立载人月球基地在不久的将来会被各个国家所采用。

As SpaceX continues to play a significant role in advancing space exploration capabilities, the X-37b’s mission with the Falcon Heavy represents another milestone in the partnership between private space companies and governmental space agencies.

随着 SpaceX 继续在推进太空探索能力方面发挥重要作用,X-37b 与猎鹰重型火箭一起执行的任务标志着私营航天公司与政府航天机构之间合作的又一个里程碑。


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