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Bitcoin Cash and Cosmos holders closely tracking Kelexo

比特币现金和 Cosmos 持有者密切关注 Kelexo

发布: 2024/01/24 17:34 阅读: 208



比特币现金和 Cosmos 持有者密切关注 Kelexo

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


In the ever-changing world of digital currencies, the initial sale of Kelexo has garnered significant attention from investors. This includes individuals who are tactically moving their investments from Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Cosmos (ATOM). 

在不断变化的数字货币世界中,Kelexo 的首次销售引起了投资者的极大关注。这包括策略性地将投资从比特币现金(BCH)和 Cosmos(ATOM)转移的个人。

Bitcoin Cash: Mt. Gox’s market impact

比特币现金:Mt. Gox 的市场影响

New information indicates that Mt. Gox, a popular cryptocurrency platform, has initiated an email verification process for users with accounts linked to Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash. 

新信息表明,流行的加密货币平台 Mt. Gox 已为拥有与比特币 (BTC) 和比特币现金相关账户的用户启动了电子邮件验证流程。

This action is linked to compensation payouts to creditors in December 2023 via PayPal, sparking worries about a notable increase in Bitcoin entering the market.

这一行动与 2023 年 12 月通过 PayPal 向债权人支付的赔偿金有关,引发了人们对进入市场的比特币显着增加的担忧。

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您可能还喜欢:Mt. Gox 债权人 10 年后终于得到偿付

Estimates ranging from 142,000 BTC to 200,000 BTC have surfaced, with a looming countdown for a potential release within the next 60 days. 

估计数量从 142,000 BTC 到 200,000 BTC 不等,未来 60 天内可能释放的倒计时即将到来。

The situation is further complicated by Mt. Gox’s holding of 143,000 BCH and 69 billion yen (over $467 million), sparking speculation about the combined impact on market dynamics. 

Mt. Gox 持有 143,000 个 BCH 和 690 亿日元(超过 4.67 亿美元),这使得情况变得更加复杂,引发了人们对市场动态综合影响的猜测。

Cosmos: inflationary policy proposal rejected


Community members recently voted against Proposal 868 in the Cosmos ecosystem. 

社区成员最近对 Cosmos 生态系统中的 868 号提案投了反对票。

Despite potential benefits, nearly half of the validators opposed the proposal, highlighting the challenges of implementing drastic changes in the network’s economic policy. 


This rejection follows a prior vote for Proposal 848, capping the maximum inflation rate at 10%.

此次否决是在之前投票支持 848 号提案之后进行的,该提案将最高通货膨胀率限制在 10%。

Kelexo: reshaping peer-to-peer lending

Kelexo:重塑 P2P 借贷

The current presale price of Kelexo is $0.022. 

Kelexo 目前的预售价为 0.022 美元。

Kelexo prioritizes safety, ensuring locked liquidity and securing team tokens. 

Kelexo 优先考虑安全性,确保锁定流动性并保护团队代币。

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您可能还喜欢:Solana 和 XRP 投资者关注 Kelexo 预售

KLXO holders earn a share of platform fees.

KLXO 持有者赚取平台费用的一部分。

Following a successful audit, Kelexo aims to bring a fresh perspective to lending, catching the interest of investors looking for early-stage crypto projects. 

在成功进行审计后,Kelexo 旨在为贷款带来新的视角,吸引寻找早期加密货币项目的投资者的兴趣。

Read more: Dogecoin and Solana holders looking at Kelexo presale

了解更多:狗狗币和 Solana 持有者关注 Kelexo 预售

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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