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Cryptocurrency: 3 Coins To Avoid Trading This Month

加密货币:本月应避免交易的 3 种加密货币

发布: 2024/01/24 16:33 阅读: 900



The cryptocurrency market turned towards the red this week after Bitcoin fell below the $40,000 mark. BTC rallied early this year reaching a high of $48,500 after the SEC approved the Bitcoin ETF. 11 top financial institutions including BlackRock and Greyscale took an entry position into BTC worth billions of dollars. However, the BTC ETF frenzy has now come to an end and Bitcoin is trading at the $39,800 level.

本周,在比特币跌破 40,000 美元大关后,加密货币市场转为红色。在 SEC 批准比特币 ETF 后,比特币今年年初反弹,达到 48,500 美元的高点。贝莱德、Greyscale等11家顶级金融机构入局比特币,价值数十亿美元。然而,BTC ETF 的狂热现已结束,比特币的交易价格为 39,800 美元。

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另请阅读:Shiba Inu:AI 预测 2024 年 SHIB 将上涨 250%

This puts the broader cryptocurrency market on the back foot as several other altcoins and meme coins remain the the red. In this article, we will highlight the top 3 coins to avoid trading this month in the cryptocurrency markets.

这使得更广泛的加密货币市场陷入困境,因为其他几种山寨币和模因币仍然处于亏损状态。在本文中,我们将重点介绍本月在加密货币市场上避免交易的前 3 种代币。

3 Coins To Avoid Trading in the Cryptocurrency Market This Month

本月在加密货币市场上避免交易的 3 种代币

  1. Terra Classic (LUNC)
  2. 泰拉经典 (LUNC)

Investing in Terra Classic (LUNC) is currently the most dangerous step to take in the cryptocurrency market. The founder of the collapsed Terraform Labs and Altcoin (LUNA) Do Kwon has declared bankruptcy in Delaware. Do Kwon is facing trial and is currently in prison for all his wrongdoings in the collapse of LUNA. Therefore, LUNC has more chances of heading south this month due to the trial and the exposure of bad press. It is advised to not take an entry position into LUNC currently as the ongoing developments might bring its price down.

投资 Terra Classic (LUNC) 是目前加密货币市场上最危险的一步。倒闭的 Terraform Labs 和山寨币 (LUNA) 的创始人 Do Kwon 已在特拉华州宣布破产。 Do Kwon 正面临审判,目前因在 LUNA 崩溃中犯下的所有不当行为而入狱。因此,由于审判和负面新闻的曝光,LUNC本月有更多机会南下。建议目前不要进入 LUNC,因为持续的发展可能会降低其价格。

Also Read: Shiba Inu: 3 Things Are Stopping SHIB From Hitting $0.01

另请阅读:Shiba Inu:三件事阻止 SHIB 触及 0.01 美元

  1. VeChain (VET)
  2. 唯链(VET)

VeChain (VET) has barely printed profits since last year and remains on a downward spiral for more than 12 months. Investors who took an entry position anytime in 2023 are sitting with losses with no hopes of a rally. VET is unable to delete its zero and is struggling to climb up in the charts. VET has not attracted buying pressure this year despite the Bitcoin ETF approval. Therefore, nothing else could make Its price scale up in the charts. It’s best left to avoid VeChain as the supply chain-based coin has more downturn in the coming days.

唯链(VET)自去年以来几乎没有公布利润,并且在超过 12 个月的时间里一直呈螺旋式下降。在 2023 年任何时候入仓的投资者都会遭受损失,看不到反弹的希望。 VET 无法删除其零,并且正在努力在排行榜上攀升。尽管比特币 ETF 获得批准,但 VET 今年并未引发购买压力。因此,没有什么可以让它的价格在图表中放大。最好避开唯链,因为这种基于供应链的代币在未来几天会出现更多的低迷。

Also Read: Warren Buffet’s Dividend Stock Down 42%: Should You Buy It in 2024?

另请阅读:沃伦·巴菲特的股息下跌 42%:你应该在 2024 年购买它吗?

  1. Dogecoin (DOGE)
  2. 狗狗币 (DOGE)

Dogecoin (DOGE) is among the worst-performing cryptocurrencies of 2023 and is carrying the same in 2024. DOGE has barely rallied in the last 18 months despite Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweeting multiple times about it. The meme coin’s fame has fizzled out and investors don’t seem interested in DOGE. It no longer attracts bullish sentiments making DOGE among the cryptocurrencies to be avoided.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 是 2023 年表现最差的加密货币之一,2024 年的表现也同样如此。尽管特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 多次发推文,但狗狗币 (DOGE) 在过去 18 个月内几乎没有反弹。这种模因币的名气已经消失,投资者似乎对 DOGE 不感兴趣。它不再吸引看涨情绪,使 DOGE 成为需要避免的加密货币之一。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/cryptocurrency-3-coins-to-avoid-trading-this-month-tbt77535.html



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