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Bitcoin Ninjas Code N64 Games onto Blockchain to Safeguard Gaming Heritage

比特币忍者将 N64 游戏代码转移到区块链上以保护游戏遗产

发布: 2024/02/22 20:31 阅读: 613

原文作者:BH NEWS


比特币忍者将 N64 游戏代码转移到区块链上以保护游戏遗产

You can also read this news on BH NEWS: Bitcoin Ninjas Code N64 Games onto Blockchain to Safeguard Gaming Heritage

您还可以在 BH NEWS 上阅读此新闻:比特币忍者代码 N64 游戏进入区块链以保护游戏遗产

In a groundbreaking initiative within the Bitcoin ecosystem, a team known as the Pizza Ninjas has successfully coded classic Nintendo 64 (N64) games on the Bitcoin network. Under the leadership of Ninjalerts’ CEO Trevor Owens, the project aims to ensure the longevity of classic video games by leveraging blockchain technology.

在比特币生态系统中的一项开创性举措中,一个名为 Pizza Ninjas 的团队成功在比特币网络上编写了经典的 Nintendo 64 (N64) 游戏。在 Ninjalerts 首席执行官 Trevor Owens 的领导下,该项目旨在利用区块链技术确保经典视频游戏的长寿。

Blockchain Preserves Gaming Legacy


The coding achievement was facilitated by the Ordinals protocol on Bitcoin, marking a significant stride in the preservation of games potentially at risk of extinction. Owens highlighted that the initiative focuses on games without copyright constraints, ensuring the project’s legality and aligning with the community’s efforts to conserve classic games within legal boundaries.

比特币的 Ordinals 协议促进了编码成果的实现,标志着在保护可能面临灭绝风险的游戏方面取得了重大进展。欧文斯强调,该计划重点关注不受版权限制的游戏,确保项目的合法性,并与社区在法律范围内保护经典游戏的努力保持一致。

The Ninjalerts’ crusade began earlier with the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and continues to set higher standards for technical innovation in Bitcoin Ordinals projects. While the team’s actions have received some criticism over copyright concerns, Owens has reassured that only public domain games are considered for blockchain coding.

Ninjalerts 的征战始于超级任天堂娱乐系统(SNES),并继续为比特币 Ordinals 项目的技术创新设定更高的标准。尽管该团队的行动因版权问题受到了一些批评,但欧文斯保证只有公共领域的游戏才会被考虑进行区块链编码。

Expanding the Blockchain Gaming Horizon


Following the Ninjalerts’ lead, another developer known as Mini Doge has also successfully ported the iconic video game Doom onto the Dogecoin blockchain, using the same Ordinals protocol. This advancement has extended the accessibility to classic games through blockchain networks, offering a novel way for users to engage with gaming history.

继 Ninjalerts 的带领下,另一位名为 Mini Doge 的开发商也使用相同的 Ordinals 协议成功地将标志性视频游戏 Doom 移植到 Dogecoin 区块链上。这一进步通过区块链网络扩展了经典游戏的可访问性,为用户提供了一种参与游戏历史的新颖方式。

Owens anticipates that the trend of blockchain-based game preservation will gain momentum, as it offers a means to immortalize cultural history, with video games being a critical component. However, he urges the community to respect intellectual property laws while exploring preservation methods within the blockchain space.


The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Bitcoin Ninjas Code N64 Games onto Blockchain to Safeguard Gaming Heritage

该帖子首次出现在 BH NEWS:比特币忍者代码 N64 游戏进入区块链以保护游戏遗产


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