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5 Budget-Friendly Cryptos

5 种经济实惠的加密货币

发布: 2024/02/22 21:32 阅读: 352



5 种经济实惠的加密货币

The global crypto sector’s market capitalization is currently at $2 trillion and the industry is projected to grow by around 8% over the next five years. The impressive set of figures underlines the fast pace at which crypto assets are now entering mainstream finance. 

全球加密货币行业的市值目前为 2 万亿美元,预计未来五年该行业将增长 8% 左右。令人印象深刻的一组数字突显了加密资产目前进入主流金融的快速步伐。

Developments like the launch of crypto ETFs in the US have helped democratize access to these blockchain-driven assets. However, a large part of the world is still shying away from exploring cryptocurrencies due to a myth – cryptocurrencies are expensive. 

在美国推出加密 ETF 等发展有助于实现这些区块链驱动资产的民主化。然而,由于加密货币价格昂贵的神话,世界上很大一部分人仍然回避探索加密货币。

A simple web search can bust this myth and provide multiple budget-friendly options. These options include coins like InQubeta (QUBE), Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), Tron (TRX), and Stellar (XLM). These are some of the best altcoins that you will find in the market today and can even offer the benefits of diversification. To know more about why these tokens are so highly recommended, here’s a description of the key features of these interesting ecosystems.

一个简单的网络搜索就可以打破这个神话,并提供多种经济实惠的选择。这些选项包括 InQubeta (QUBE)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、Shiba Inu (SHIB)、Tron (TRX) 和 Stellar (XLM) 等代币。这些是您在当今市场上可以找到的一些最好的山寨币,甚至可以提供多元化的好处。要详细了解为什么这些代币受到如此强烈推荐,请参阅以下对这些有趣生态系统的主要特征的描述。



1. InQubeta: Strengthening the network of AI startups

1. InQubeta:加强人工智能初创公司网络

InQubeta is an Ethereum-based platform where startups can find resources for business growth and scale their AI projects. These resources can help them find funding opportunities, seek guidance from experienced professionals, and create the right buzz for their brand.

InQubeta 是一个基于以太坊的平台,初创企业可以在其中找到业务增长的资源并扩展其人工智能项目。这些资源可以帮助他们找到融资机会,寻求经验丰富的专业人士的指导,并为他们的品牌创造合适的知名度。

By leveraging InQubeta, startups can work on new AI-led projects without being concerned about how they can fund them. To avail of any feature of the platform or make a transaction, buyers will need to use its native cryptocurrency known as the QUBE token. 

通过利用 InQubeta,初创公司可以致力于新的人工智能主导项目,而无需担心如何为其提供资金。要利用该平台的任何功能或进行交易,买家需要使用其本地加密货币(称为 QUBE 代币)。

The QUBE token’s supply has a cap of 1.5 billion and around 65% of it is meant for sale. It was launched in 2023 and was among the top ICOs of the year. Its ICO has so far raised over $9.7 million. 

QUBE 代币的供应上限为 15 亿枚,其中约 65% 用于出售。它于 2023 年推出,是当年最热门的 ICO 之一。迄今为止,其 ICO 已筹集超过 970 万美元。

The token is not only a model of payment but also a tool of empowerment for both crypto users and startups. The token can be staked to earn passive income. By staking their assets, token holders contribute to the blockchain’s growth. 


In exchange, they receive passive income for as long as their token remains locked in InQubeta’s liquidity pool. The staking rewards are paid from a separate pool that’s financed by tax collections.

作为交换,只要他们的代币仍然锁定在 InQubeta 的流动性池中,他们就可以获得被动收入。质押奖励是从一个由税收资助的单独资金池支付的。

QUBE is used for investing in startup projects through InQubeta’s NFT marketplace. The NFTs traded at the portal are created from the offers submitted by startups in need of funds. 

QUBE 用于通过 InQubeta 的 NFT 市场投资初创项目。该门户网站上交易的 NFT 是根据需要资金的初创公司提交的报价创建的。

These offers will have all information about the project and how it will benefit the investor.  


NFT buyers can choose to purchase either the whole asset or a fraction of it. 

NFT 买家可以选择购买全部资产或部分资产。

The token is built on a deflationary model which means its returns do not plummet when the market is in red. A deflationary asset’s supply is regulated according to market conditions to minimize price fluctuations and keep its value stable.


If there is an uptick in inflation, the supply is reduced and crypto users will find it difficult to buy the QUBE token. The scarcity also boosts its price, even if the returns on other assets are dipping. Any increase in the supply in such times is countered by burning unwanted tokens.

如果通货膨胀上升,供应量就会减少,加密货币用户将很难购买 QUBE 代币。即使其他资产的回报率正在下降,稀缺性也会推高其价格。在这种情况下,任何供应的增加都会通过燃烧不需要的代币来抵消。

InQubeta finished 2023 on a high note, thanks to its stellar cryptocurrency ICO. After ensuring a dream start for the project, the team is now busy planning for the future. In its roadmap, the team has outlined several new initiatives that will ramp up the platform’s reach. 

得益于其出色的加密货币 ICO,InQubeta 在 2023 年画上了圆满的句号。在确保项目有一个梦想的开始后,团队现在正忙于规划未来。在其路线图中,该团队概述了几项新举措,这些举措将扩大该平台的影响力。

These projects include a new staking dApp to make staking services more accessible. Another initiative on the cards is getting the QUBE token listed on centralized exchanges.

这些项目包括一个新的质押 dApp,以使质押服务更容易获得。计划中的另一项举措是让 QUBE 代币在中心化交易所上市。

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2. 400 million Dogecoin tokens moved to Robinhood

2. 4亿狗狗币代币转移到Robinhood

Dogecoin is a meme coin inspired by dogs. Its native token is DOGE and the network is secured with the proof-of-work consensus protocol. The token is simple to use and is likely to end your worries about which crypto to buy today for the long term

狗狗币是一种受狗启发而设计的模因币。其原生代币是 DOGE,网络通过工作量证明共识协议进行保护。该代币使用简单,可能会消除您对今天要长期购买哪种加密货币的担忧。

The peer-to-peer platform has an open-source code and its network is maintained by a network of nodes. 


The meme coin recently hit the headlines after a whale transferred around 1 billion DOGE tokens to multiple platforms including brokerage firm Robinhood.

最近,一只鲸鱼将大约 10 亿 DOGE 代币转移到包括经纪公司 Robinhood 在内的多个平台后,这款 meme 币成为了头条新闻。

According to data collected by WhaleAlert on February 15, 2024, an anonymous crypto trader moved 1,081,987,848 tokens to different addresses in around six transactions. Of the lot, 400 million DOGE tokens – worth around $34,000,000 – were sent to Robinhood. 

根据 WhaleAlert 于 2024 年 2 月 15 日收集的数据,一名匿名加密货币交易员在大约六笔交易中将 1,081,987,848 个代币转移到不同地址。其中,4 亿枚 DOGE 代币(价值约 34,000,000 美元)被发送给 Robinhood。



3. Shiba Inu’s lead developer outlines major upgrades

3. Shiba Inu 的首席开发人员概述了主要升级

Shiba Inu is an animal-themed cryptocurrency that cashes in on the popularity of the Japanese dog breed Shiba Inu. For all transactional purposes, the team has created the SHIB token but for governance, the BONE token is used. A third token, LEASH, has also been created to reward long-time supporters of Shiba Inu. 

柴犬是一种以动物为主题的加密货币,利用日本犬种柴犬的受欢迎程度获利。出于所有交易目的,团队创建了 SHIB 代币,但出于治理目的,使用了 BONE 代币。第三种代币 LEASH 也被创建来奖励柴犬的长期支持者。

One of the most popular offerings by the Shiba Inu team is an NFT series ‘Shibosis’. The series comprises 10,000 NFTs inspired by dogs and each one has distinct characteristics. These creatures will be playing a pivotal role in Shiba Inu’s upcoming ‘Shiboshi Game’.

Shiba Inu 团队最受欢迎的产品之一是 NFT 系列“Shibosis”。该系列包含 10,000 个以狗为灵感的 NFT,每一个都具有鲜明的特征。这些生物将在柴犬即将推出的“Shiboshi Game”中发挥关键作用。

The team has been in the news because of its Ethereum-based Layer 2 blockchain ‘Shibarium’. The platform uses the BONE token for all kinds of payments which are confirmed with the proof-of-stake consensus algorithm.

该团队因其基于以太坊的第 2 层区块链“Shibarium”而成为新闻焦点。该平台使用 BONE 代币进行各种支付,并通过权益证明共识算法确认。

Shiba Inu has made it to 2024’s list of best altcoins with a vibrant ecosystem. It’s no longer just a meme coin but a rapidly expanding network of DeFi products. 

Shiba Inu 凭借充满活力的生态系统跻身 2024 年最佳山寨币名单。它不再只是一个模因币,而是一个快速扩张的 DeFi 产品网络。

Its team of developers is also coming up with new upgrades that can make Shiba Inu more accessible. The platform’s lead developer Shytoshi Kusama recently unveiled some key upgrades that will be implemented on multiple projects.

它的开发团队还提出了新的升级,可以让柴犬更容易接近。该平台的首席开发人员 Shytoshi Kusama 最近公布了一些关键升级,这些升级将在多个项目中实施。

Announcing the upgrades in Shib Magazine’s latest edition, Kusama delved into progress made after the meme coin collaborated with D3 Global to roll out the Shib Name Service. 

Kusama 在最新一期 Shib 杂志中宣布升级,深入探讨了 Meme 币与 D3 Global 合作推出 Shib 名称服务后取得的进展。



4. Tron founder unveils roadmap for Bitcoin-based Layer 2 solution

4. Tron 创始人公布基于比特币的第 2 层解决方案的路线图

Tron has been designed to facilitate the decentralization of the Internet with blockchain-based solutions. The Tron ecosystem has multiple offerings which include a Web 3.0 wallet, a crypto exchange, and a blockchain explorer, among others. 

Tron 旨在通过基于区块链的解决方案促进互联网的去中心化。 Tron 生态系统提供多种产品,其中包括 Web 3.0 钱包、加密货币交易所和区块链浏览器等。

Its native token TRX is used for availing these services or settling payments on the platform. All TRX transactions are authenticated with the proof-of-stake consensus protocol.

其原生代币 TRX 用于使用这些服务或在平台上结算付款。所有 TRX 交易均通过权益证明共识协议进行身份验证。

Its code architecture has three levels – storage, core, and application layers. The three-layer architecture enables developers to create diverse and customized dApps.

其代码架构分为三个层次——存储层、核心层和应用层。三层架构使开发者能够创建多样化、定制化的 dApp。

Tron has been able to outperform several new altcoins by incentivizing user participation through its super representatives (SRs) program.

Tron 通过其超级代表 (SR) 计划激励用户参与,从而超越了几种新的山寨币。

All TRX holders are eligible to become SRs and their partners. These token owners produce blocks and bundle transactions together. In exchange, they get voting rights and block rewards. Using their voting rewards, SRs can initiate proposals for protocol changes.

所有TRX持有者都有资格成为SR及其合作伙伴。这些代币所有者一起生成区块并将交易捆绑在一起。作为交换,他们获得投票权和区块奖励。使用投票奖励,SR 可以发起协议变更提案。

A reason why Tron is considered to be a leading blockchain network is that it’s always evolving with the times. In a recent development, Tron founder Justin Sun posted a roadmap for building a Bitcoin Layer-2 solution. 

Tron 被认为是领先的区块链网络的一个原因是它总是与时俱进。在最近的一项进展中,Tron 创始人孙宇晨发布了构建比特币第 2 层解决方案的路线图。

The announcement comes at a time when Bitcoin ETFs are a rage. These financial products were rolled out in the US in January. Despite concerns about the legal aspects of BTC ETFs delaying their launch, these funds opened to record investor flows.

这一消息发布之际正值比特币 ETF 风靡之际。这些金融产品于一月份在美国推出。尽管人们担心 BTC ETF 的法律问题推迟了其推出,但这些基金一开业就吸引了创纪录的投资者流量。

In his post on X, Sun shared that he aims to promote decentralization and integration of different tokens within the Tron and Bitcoin ecosystems. The project would boost Tron’s interoperability and tap into the Bitcoin-based stablecoin sector which includes names like Bitcoin ordinals.

Sun 在 X 上的帖子中表示,他的目标是促进 Tron 和比特币生态系统中不同代币的去中心化和集成。该项目将提高 Tron 的互操作性,并进军基于比特币的稳定币领域,其中包括比特币序号等名称。



5. Yellow Card to introduce USDC on Stellar 

5. Yellow Card 在 Stellar 上引入 USDC

Widely regarded as one of the top cryptos to invest in this year, Stellar is a public blockchain where developers can find tools to create solutions for the real world. The dApps and DeFi solutions powered by Stellar serve the purpose of cash in a digital-first world. 

Stellar 被广泛认为是今年最值得投资的加密货币之一,它是一个公共区块链,开发人员可以在其中找到为现实世界创建解决方案的工具。由 Stellar 提供支持的 dApp 和 DeFi 解决方案服务于数字优先世界中的现金目的。

It has an edge over other blockchain systems in terms of speed, cost-effectiveness, and energy efficiency. Using its tooling, in-depth documentation, and community support, developers can deploy powerful dApps. Its native token is XLM and it’s the official medium of exchange within the Stellar ecosystem.

它在速度、成本效益和能源效率方面比其他区块链系统具有优势。利用其工具、深入的文档和社区支持,开发人员可以部署强大的 dApp。它的原生代币是 XLM,它是 Stellar 生态系统内的官方交易媒介。

It’s a good crypto to buy as developers can use it to create solutions for different user groups. The blockchain can power online payments that are secure, cheap, and can be finalized instantly. 


It also has a network of global anchors which facilitates seamless exchange between crypto assets and fiat currencies. The anchor network comprises over 180 nations which can be leveraged for exchanging more than 20 assets. The network can be used for international payments and on and off-ramps.

它还拥有一个全球锚网络,促进加密资产和法定货币之间的无缝交换。锚定网络包括 180 多个国家,可用于交换 20 多种资产。该网络可用于国际支付以及出入口。

Developers and businesses can explore Stellar’s tokenization services. It can be used for creating and managing digital assets like stablecoins.

开发者和企业可以探索 Stellar 的代币化服务。它可用于创建和管理稳定币等数字资产。

Stellar has been able to drive global impact through its series of partnerships and initiatives. Recently, Yellow Card announced that it will introduce USDC on the Stellar blockchain. The move would boost the popularity of USDC, a stablecoin pegged to the US Dollar. Yellow Card is the biggest licensed stablecoin on/off ramp in Africa.

Stellar 能够通过一系列合作伙伴关系和举措推动全球影响力。近日,Yellow Card宣布将在Stellar区块链上引入USDC。此举将提高与美元挂钩的稳定币 USDC 的受欢迎程度。 Yellow Card 是非洲最大的获得许可的稳定币进出通道。

The integration can pave the way for faster and easier transactions with cryptocurrencies. Experts claim that the availability of USDC on the Stellar network can drive crypto adoption in the African region.

此次集成可以为更快、更轻松地使用加密货币进行交易铺平道路。专家声称,USDC 在 Stellar 网络上的可用性可以推动加密货币在非洲地区的采用。

Issued by Circle, every USDC token is backed by a dollar which is maintained in reserves by regulated financial institutions. 

由 Circle 发行的每个 USDC 代币都以一美元为后盾,并由受监管的金融机构保留在储备中。





These five budget-friendly cryptocurrencies have busted the myth that one needs a big bank balance to explore cryptocurrencies. These tokens are among the top crypto coins that buyers can find in today’s market and have user-friendly interfaces that draw people from different backgrounds. 


Tron and Stellar are considered developer-friendly tokens, but meme coins like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin reflect the innovative and quirky side of the crypto market. InQubeta is powering the future of AI innovation and has been included in analyst-recommended presales. These five cryptos can be added to build a well-balanced portfolio for the long term. 

Tron 和 Stellar 被认为是开发者友好的代币,但像 Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 这样的模因币反映了加密市场创新和古怪的一面。 InQubeta 正在为人工智能创新的未来提供动力,并已纳入分析师推荐的预售范围。可以添加这五种加密货币来构建长期均衡的投资组合。

While the crypto market is an attractive space, users should always research a token before making a purchase. Due diligence can help them understand potential risks and make well-informed decisions.


Visit InQubeta Presale 

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The post 5 Budget-Friendly Cryptos appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

后 5 个预算友好的加密货币首先出现在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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