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Bitcoin Spark Continues To Draw Market Capital From Dogecoin and Cardano

比特币 Spark 继续从狗狗币和卡尔达诺吸引市场资金

发布: 2023/08/29 19:30 阅读: 362



Bitcoin Spark (BTCS) emerges as a compelling player in the fast-paced crypto landscape, steadily attracting market capital from Dogecoin (DOGE) and Cardano (ADA). As investors seek new avenues to diversify for potential growth and innovation, the unique features and promising prospects of Bitcoin Spark position it as a noteworthy project.

比特币 Spark (BTCS) 在快节奏的加密货币领域成为引人注目的参与者,稳步吸引来自狗狗币 (DOGE) 和卡尔达诺 (ADA) 的市场资本。随着投资者寻求新的途径以实现潜在增长和创新的多元化,Bitcoin Spark 的独特功能和广阔前景使其成为一个值得关注的项目。

What is Dogecoin?


Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency that appeared as a light-hearted and fun project, inspired by the popular “Doge” meme featuring a Shiba Inu dog. In December 2013, software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer fronted Dogecoin, intending it as a satirical commentary on the proliferation of cryptocurrencies. Surprisingly, Dogecoin gained popularity and community support boosted by celebrities, notably Elon Musk and Snoop Dogg. Dogecoin quickly became known for its active and friendly community engaged in charitable campaigns and donations, making it stand out in crypto space.

狗狗币是一种加密货币,它是一个轻松有趣的项目,其灵感来自流行的以柴犬为主题的“Doge”模因。 2013 年 12 月,软件工程师 Billy Markus 和 Jackson Palmer 提出了狗狗币,希望将其作为对加密货币激增的讽刺评论。令人惊讶的是,狗狗币在名人(尤其是埃隆·马斯克和史努比狗狗)的推动下获得了普及和社区支持。狗狗币因其积极友好的社区参与慈善活动和捐赠而迅速闻名,使其在加密货币领域脱颖而出。

Dogecoin (DOGE) operates on a decentralized blockchain, similar to Bitcoin, utilizing a PoW consensus mechanism for verifying transactions. The difference is that Dogecoin’s supply is limitless, with a fixed annual inflation while Bitcoin caps BTC at 21M.

狗狗币(DOGE)在类似于比特币的去中心化区块链上运行,利用 PoW 共识机制来验证交易。不同之处在于,狗狗币的供应量是无限的,年通胀率固定,而比特币的上限为 2100 万。

Dogecoin’s journey has witnessed periods of stability and extreme volatility, attaining its ATH in 2021, partly due to social media endorsements, general crypto market uptrend, and meme-driven enthusiasm.

狗狗币的旅程见证了稳定和极端波动的时期,并在 2021 年达到了 ATH,部分原因是社交媒体的认可、加密货币市场的总体上升趋势和迷因驱动的热情。

What is Cardano?


Cardano is a blockchain platform pursuing a more sustainable and scalable infrastructure for dApps and smart contracts. Launched in 2017 by Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK), it strives to overcome the limitations and challenges faced by earlier blockchain networks through a unique Ouroboros consensus mechanism that strives to achieve security and efficiency balance.

Cardano 是一个区块链平台,致力于为 dApp 和智能合约提供更具可持续性和可扩展性的基础设施。它由Input Output Hong Kong(IOHK)于2017年推出,致力于通过独特的Ouroboros共识机制克服早期区块链网络面临的限制和挑战,力求实现安全与效率的平衡。

It is built in layers to allow for seamless upgrades through soft forks, enhancing its functionality and adaptability over time. The platform’s development is guided by academic research, emphasizing security and innovation.


Cardano (ADA) distinguishes itself through its scientific and research-driven approach and emphasizes scalability, sustainability, and interoperability.


Cardano’s native cryptocurrency, ADA, serves various purposes within the Cardano ecosystem, including sending and receiving digital funds, paying transaction fees, and participating in the platform’s governance through its treasury system.

卡尔达诺的原生加密货币 ADA 在卡尔达诺生态系统中具有多种用途,包括发送和接收数字资金、支付交易费用以及通过其财务系统参与平台的治理。

Bitcoin Spark (BTCS)


The Bitcoin Spark cryptocurrency project strives to enhance crypto mining while prioritizing security, fairness, and accessibility. It introduces innovative Proof-of-Process (PoP) to improve the efficiency and decentralization of mining operations. BTCS focuses on making mining more accessible by offering a Bitcoin Spark application available on various platforms, including Mac, Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux.

Bitcoin Spark 加密货币项目致力于增强加密货币挖掘,同时优先考虑安全性、公平性和可访问性。它引入了创新的过程证明(PoP)来提高采矿作业的效率和去中心化。 BTCS 致力于通过提供可在各种平台(包括 Mac、Android、iOS、Windows 和 Linux)上使用的 Bitcoin Spark 应用程序,让挖矿变得更容易。

This application allows miners to contribute their device processing power to the network and enjoy a unique reward system. BTCS employs a non-linear rather than linear approach to promote fairness and discourage centralization of mining power. As such, higher hash rates don’t necessarily lead to proportional increases in rewards but a balanced distribution.

该应用程序允许矿工将其设备处理能力贡献给网络并享受独特的奖励系统。 BTCS 采用非线性而非线性的方法来促进公平性并阻止算力集中化。因此,较高的算力并不一定会导致奖励成比例增加,而是会导致均衡分配。

BTCS addresses challenges faced by traditional Bitcoin miners, such as profitability concerns due to processing power and asset price fluctuations. By combining mining rewards, transaction fees, and self-sustainability income from their product, BTCS aims to provide miners with consistent profitability.

BTCS 解决了传统比特币矿商面临的挑战,例如处理能力和资产价格波动导致的盈利问题。通过将挖矿奖励、交易费用和产品的自我维持收入相结合,BTCS 旨在为矿工提供持续的盈利能力。

Its ICO at phase three features one BTCS at $2.00 accompanied by 12% bonuses and expected yields of 560% after the project launches in November at $10. The project’s infrastructure is KYC and smart contracts certified, depicting stable infrastructure and transparent operations.

其第三阶段的 ICO 包括 1 个 BTCS,价格为 2.00 美元,并附有 12% 的奖金,该项目于 11 月以 10 美元的价格启动后,预期收益率为 560%。该项目的基础设施经过KYC和智能合约认证,体现了基础设施稳定和运营透明。

Read more on BTCS here:

在这里阅读有关 BTCS 的更多信息:

网站 |购买比特币

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比特币 Spark 继续从狗狗币和卡尔达诺吸引市场资金的帖子首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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