首页 > 资讯新闻 > 比特币遭受重创:加密货币 ETF 推出表现不佳引发担忧

Bitcoin Takes a Hit: Underwhelming Crypto ETF Launches Fuel Concerns

比特币遭受重创:加密货币 ETF 推出表现不佳引发担忧

发布: 2023/10/03 20:08 阅读: 819

原文作者:CO NEWS


  • Bitcoin and other cryptos decline following a recent surge amidst rising bond yields.
  • 比特币和其他加密货币近期因债券收益率上升而飙升,随后出现下跌。

  • The lukewarm debut of a crypto ETF casts shadows on the market.
  • 加密货币 ETF 的首次亮相给市场蒙上了阴影。

  • Experts weigh in on Bitcoin’s long-term prospects amidst current market dynamics.
  • 在当前的市场动态中,专家们对比特币的长期前景进行了权衡。

With Bitcoin experiencing a downward shift and the unenthusiastic launch of new crypto ETFs, the crypto world finds itself at a crossroad, re-evaluating its long-term potential amidst fluctuating market conditions.

随着比特币经历下行趋势以及新加密 ETF 的推出不积极,加密世界发现自己处于十字路口,在波动的市场条件下重新评估其长期潜力。

Bitcoin’s Rollercoaster Ride


After a recent peak, Bitcoin, along with other cryptocurrencies, witnessed a dip on Tuesday. Its price slid by 3% in the last 24 hours, settling below the $27,600 mark, following Monday’s high of $28,500. Despite this drop, Bitcoin has managed to stay afloat above the $26,000 threshold that had been its primary trading zone for nearly two months, characterized by low volatility and volume.

在经历了最近的峰值之后,比特币和其他加密货币在周二出现了下跌。继周一触及 28,500 美元高点后,其价格在过去 24 小时内下跌 3%,跌破 27,600 美元大关。尽管出现这种下跌,比特币仍设法维持在近两个月来其主要交易区域 26,000 美元的门槛之上,其特点是波动性和交易量较低。

Market Experts Weigh In


Katie Stockton, a managing partner at Fairlead Strategies, shared her insights, noting, “Bitcoin has observed a positive short-term shift post breaking above the 50-day moving average around $26,500.” She added that significant initial support hovers around the $25,200 range and maintained a “long-term neutral” stance on the crypto giant.

Fairlead Strategies 的执行合伙人 Katie Stockton 分享了她的见解,并指出:“比特币在突破 26,500 美元左右的 50 日移动均线后,出现了积极的短期转变。”她补充说,重要的初步支撑位徘徊在 25,200 美元区间附近,并对这家加密巨头保持“长期中立”立场。

Factors Influencing the Crypto Dip


Several elements played a role in the recent sell-off. Bitcoin’s recent high since mid-August led to profit-taking, further compounded by the surge in Treasury yields – a trend echoing in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500’s performances. Elevated returns on risk-free government debt often suppress demand for riskier assets like stocks and cryptos. This sentiment was reinforced as the yield on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note surged to 4.7% on Tuesday, its zenith since 2007.

有几个因素在最近的抛售中发挥了作用。比特币自 8 月中旬以来的近期高点引发了获利了结,而美国国债收益率的飙升进一步加剧了这一趋势 — — 这一趋势与道琼斯工业平均指数和标准普尔 500 指数的表现相呼应。无风险政府债务回报率的提高往往会抑制对股票和加密货币等风险较高资产的需求。随着基准 10 年期美国国债收益率周二飙升至 4.7%,为 2007 年以来的最高点,这种情绪得到加强。

Crypto ETFs: A Cause for Concern?

加密货币 ETF:令人担忧的原因?

Adding to the market’s trepidation was the tepid launch of an Ether futures ETF, despite Bitcoin futures ETFs having been around since 2021. Seven of these ETFs went live on Monday after approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission. However, their debut lacked enthusiasm, as observed by Eric Balchunas, an ETF analyst at Bloomberg. Comparing the Ether futures ETFs to the ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF, he remarked on the stark contrast in their initial performances.

尽管比特币期货 ETF 自 2021 年以来就已存在,但以太坊期货 ETF 的推出却冷淡,加剧了市场的恐慌。其中 7 只 ETF 在获得美国证券交易委员会批准后于周一上线。然而,正如彭博社 ETF 分析师 Eric Balchunas 所观察到的那样,它们的首次亮相缺乏热情。在将以太坊期货 ETF 与 ProShares 比特币策略 ETF 进行比较时,他指出两者最初的表现形成鲜明对比。

Waning Interest in Crypto?


The lackluster Ether futures ETFs launch has traders speculating about dwindling investor interest in crypto. Hal Press, founder of crypto hedge fund North Rock Digital, opined that the current market environment suggests diminished demand for crypto ETF products. Beyond Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies like Ether, Cardano, and memecoins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu also experienced dips, further pointing towards a challenging period for the crypto domain.

以太坊期货 ETF 的推出表现平淡,交易员猜测投资者对加密货币的兴趣正在下降。加密对冲基金 North Rock Digital 创始人 Hal Press 认为,当前的市场环境表明对加密 ETF 产品的需求减少。除了比特币之外,以太币、卡尔达诺等其他加密货币以及狗狗币和柴犬等模因币也经历了下跌,这进一步表明加密领域正面临一个充满挑战的时期。



While the world of cryptocurrencies has always been tumultuous, the recent events underscore the significance of external factors like bond yields and product launches in influencing market sentiment. The subdued response to new crypto ETFs, coupled with Bitcoin’s price dynamics, sends a clear message to investors: caution is paramount, and close monitoring of the evolving landscape is crucial to navigate the unpredictable seas of the crypto world.

尽管加密货币世界一直动荡不安,但最近发生的事件凸显了债券收益率和产品发布等外部因素对影响市场情绪的重要性。对新加密货币 ETF 的低迷反应,加上比特币的价格动态,向投资者发出了一个明确的信息:谨慎是最重要的,密切监控不断变化的形势对于在加密货币世界不可预测的海洋中航行至关重要。

The post Bitcoin Takes a Hit: Underwhelming Crypto ETF Launches Fuel Concerns appeared first on COINOTAG NEWS.

《比特币遭受重创:加密货币 ETF 推出令人担忧》一文首先出现在 COINOTAG NEWS 上。


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