가격: $0.19915 3.5474%
시장가치: 29.53B 1.0265%
회전율 (24h): 1.95B 0%
권세: 1.0265%
Price: $0.19915 3.5474%
시장가치: 29.53B 1.0265%
회전율 (24h): 1.95B 0%
권세: 1.0265% 1.0265%
  • 가격: $0.19915 3.5474%
  • 시장가치: 29.53B 1.0265%
  • 회전율 (24h): 1.95B 0%
  • 권세: 1.0265% 1.0265%
  • 가격: $0.19915 3.5474%
첫 페이지 > 소식 > 비트코인이 큰 타격을 입었습니다: 암호화폐 ETF 출시가 저조하고 우려를 불러일으켰습니다.

Bitcoin Takes a Hit: Underwhelming Crypto ETF Launches Fuel Concerns

비트코인이 큰 타격을 입었습니다: 암호화폐 ETF 출시가 저조하고 우려를 불러일으켰습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/10/03 20:08 읽다: 819


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/651bee51c88c98544323ec78

  • Bitcoin and other cryptos decline following a recent surge amidst rising bond yields.
  • The lukewarm debut of a crypto ETF casts shadows on the market.
  • 암호화폐 ETF의 미지근한 데뷔는 시장에 그림자를 드리웁니다.

  • Experts weigh in on Bitcoin’s long-term prospects amidst current market dynamics.
  • 전문가들은 현재 시장 역학 속에서 비트코인의 장기적인 전망에 무게를 두고 있습니다.

With Bitcoin experiencing a downward shift and the unenthusiastic launch of new crypto ETFs, the crypto world finds itself at a crossroad, re-evaluating its long-term potential amidst fluctuating market conditions.

비트코인이 하락세를 보이고 새로운 암호화폐 ETF가 열광적이지 않게 출시되면서 암호화폐 세계는 변동하는 시장 상황 속에서 장기적인 잠재력을 재평가하는 기로에 서게 되었습니다.

Bitcoin’s Rollercoaster Ride

비트코인의 롤러코스터 타기

After a recent peak, Bitcoin, along with other cryptocurrencies, witnessed a dip on Tuesday. Its price slid by 3% in the last 24 hours, settling below the $27,600 mark, following Monday’s high of $28,500. Despite this drop, Bitcoin has managed to stay afloat above the $26,000 threshold that had been its primary trading zone for nearly two months, characterized by low volatility and volume.

Market Experts Weigh In

Katie Stockton, a managing partner at Fairlead Strategies, shared her insights, noting, “Bitcoin has observed a positive short-term shift post breaking above the 50-day moving average around $26,500.” She added that significant initial support hovers around the $25,200 range and maintained a “long-term neutral” stance on the crypto giant.

Factors Influencing the Crypto Dip

암호화폐 딥에 영향을 미치는 요인

Several elements played a role in the recent sell-off. Bitcoin’s recent high since mid-August led to profit-taking, further compounded by the surge in Treasury yields – a trend echoing in the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500’s performances. Elevated returns on risk-free government debt often suppress demand for riskier assets like stocks and cryptos. This sentiment was reinforced as the yield on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note surged to 4.7% on Tuesday, its zenith since 2007.

최근 매각에는 여러 요소가 작용했습니다. 8월 중순 이후 비트코인의 최근 최고치는 차익 실현으로 이어졌고 국채 수익률 급등으로 더욱 악화되었습니다. 이는 다우존스 산업 평균 지수와 S&P 500의 성과에 반영되는 추세입니다. 무위험 정부 부채에 대한 높은 수익은 종종 주식 및 암호화폐와 같은 더 위험한 자산에 대한 수요를 억제합니다. 미국 10년 만기 미국 국채 수익률이 화요일 2007년 이후 최고치인 4.7%까지 급등하면서 이러한 정서는 더욱 강화됐다.

Crypto ETFs: A Cause for Concern?

암호화폐 ETF: 우려의 원인?

Adding to the market’s trepidation was the tepid launch of an Ether futures ETF, despite Bitcoin futures ETFs having been around since 2021. Seven of these ETFs went live on Monday after approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission. However, their debut lacked enthusiasm, as observed by Eric Balchunas, an ETF analyst at Bloomberg. Comparing the Ether futures ETFs to the ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF, he remarked on the stark contrast in their initial performances.

비트코인 선물 ETF가 2021년부터 존재했음에도 불구하고 이더 선물 ETF의 미지근한 출시가 시장의 불안감을 더했습니다. 이 ETF 중 7개는 증권거래위원회의 승인을 받은 후 월요일에 출시되었습니다. 그러나 Bloomberg의 ETF 분석가인 Eric Balchunas가 관찰한 것처럼 이들의 데뷔에는 열정이 부족했습니다. 그는 Ether 선물 ETF를 ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF와 비교하면서 초기 성과의 극명한 대조를 언급했습니다.

Waning Interest in Crypto?

The lackluster Ether futures ETFs launch has traders speculating about dwindling investor interest in crypto. Hal Press, founder of crypto hedge fund North Rock Digital, opined that the current market environment suggests diminished demand for crypto ETF products. Beyond Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies like Ether, Cardano, and memecoins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu also experienced dips, further pointing towards a challenging period for the crypto domain.


While the world of cryptocurrencies has always been tumultuous, the recent events underscore the significance of external factors like bond yields and product launches in influencing market sentiment. The subdued response to new crypto ETFs, coupled with Bitcoin’s price dynamics, sends a clear message to investors: caution is paramount, and close monitoring of the evolving landscape is crucial to navigate the unpredictable seas of the crypto world.

The post Bitcoin Takes a Hit: Underwhelming Crypto ETF Launches Fuel Concerns appeared first on COINOTAG NEWS.

비트코인이 타격을 입다: 압도적인 암호화폐 ETF 출시, 연료에 대한 우려가 COINOTAG NEWS에 처음 등장했습니다.

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