Bitmain, a leading player in cryptocurrency mining technology, has announced the future sale of its new Antminer L7, touted as the optimal choice for mining Litecoin (LTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE). The sales are set to commence at 9:00 AM Eastern Standard Time on January 15th, offering a significant upgrade for miners specializing in these cryptocurrencies.
加密货币挖矿技术领域的领先企业比特大陆宣布,未来将出售其新型 Antminer L7,该矿机被誉为挖掘莱特币 (LTC) 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 的最佳选择。销售定于 1 月 15 日东部标准时间上午 9:00 开始,为专门从事这些加密货币的矿工提供重大升级。
The Antminer L7 boasts impressive specifications with a hashrate of 9,050M, a power efficiency of 0.36J/M, and a power consumption of 3,258 watts, setting a new standard in the mining hardware industry.

With an initial cost of $0.71 per megahash, Bitmain is also offering an attractive discount to customers who can secure the equipment at only $0.49 per megahash after applying available coupons.
比特大陆的初始成本为每兆哈希 0.71 美元,比特大陆还为客户提供极具吸引力的折扣,在使用可用优惠券后,客户只需每兆哈希 0.49 美元即可获得设备。
Additionally, Bitmain has introduced flexible payment options for purchasers, requiring only a 20% down payment to secure their order. This lower barrier to entry is likely to appeal to a broad range of miners, from small-scale operations to large mining farms looking to expand their capabilities.
此外,比特大陆还为买家推出了灵活的付款方式,只需支付 20% 的首付即可获得订单。这种较低的进入门槛可能会吸引广泛的矿工,从小型矿场到寻求扩大其能力的大型矿场。
The shipping period for the Antminer L7 is scheduled from April 25th to May 25th, allowing customers to plan their mining operations accordingly.