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Where to Put My Money in 2024? Analyst Picks Pushd Over Dogecoin and Shiba Inu


发布: 2024/01/15 21:04 阅读: 943




Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) were once among the most popular cryptocurrencies of the last Bitcoin halving and bull run cycle of 2020 and 2021, but their mainstream appeal seems to be waning entering 2024. The action is pivoting away from meme coins, which are no longer attracting the same attention as they did during the last bull cycle. The smart money, according to market analysts, is flowing into the top presale launch of the season in Pushd (PUSHD). Here’s why.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 曾经是 2020 年和 2021 年最后一次比特币减半和牛市周期中最受欢迎的加密货币之一,但进入 2024 年,它们的主流吸引力似乎正在减弱。这一行动正在从模因币转向,它们不再像上一个牛市周期那样吸引同样的关注。据市场分析师称,聪明的资金正在流入 Pushd (PUSHD) 本季预售最热门的项目。原因如下。

Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) Fading Away in Mindshare

狗狗币(DOGE)和柴犬(SHIB)在 Mindshare 中逐渐消失

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, despite their respective gargantuan market capitalizations, have largely underwhelmed in the past 12 months. DOGE and SHIB are being replaced by more serious cryptocurrency projects as the market matures, with investors preferring projects with real-world utility and solid fundamentals. Meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, thus far, have no inherent utility in their current iteration. Both DOGE and SHIB prices are a long way away from their ATH, with no narrative to cling to, coupled with diminishing trade volumes.

狗狗币和柴犬尽管各自拥有庞大的市值,但在过去 12 个月中基本上表现平平。随着市场的成熟,DOGE 和 SHIB 正在被更严肃的加密货币项目取代,投资者更喜欢具有现实实用性和坚实基础的项目。到目前为止,像狗狗币和柴犬这样的模因币在当前的迭代中没有固有的效用。 DOGE 和 SHIB 的价格都距离 ATH 很远,没有任何故事可以支撑,加上交易量不断减少。

Moreover, Dogecoin’s true believers’ last hope–SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk–has distanced himself from the project after his tweets helped pump coin prices and interest in DOGE. Dogecoin, after all, doesn’t seem to be in the running to become X/Twitter’s native currency. Nevertheless, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu diehards continue to hold out in the belief that a whale-induced scam pump or a rekindled interest in meme coins might pump their bags. However, the evidence is overwhelming: DOGE and SHIB are fading away in mindshare in 2024 in favor of projects with serious potential.

此外,狗狗币的真正信徒最后的希望——SpaceX 和特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克——在他的推文帮助推高了狗狗币价格和人们对狗狗币的兴趣后,已经远离了该项目。毕竟,狗狗币似乎并不有望成为 X/Twitter 的原生货币。尽管如此,狗狗币和柴犬的顽固分子仍然坚持认为,鲸鱼引起的骗局暴涨或对迷因币重新燃起的兴趣可能会暴涨他们的钱袋。然而,证据是压倒性的:到 2024 年,DOGE 和 SHIB 在人们的关注度中逐渐消失,取而代之的是具有巨大潜力的项目。

Analysts Pick Pushd (PUSHD) Over Legacy Coins in 2024

分析师在 2024 年选择 Pushd (PUSHD) 而不是传统代币

Pushd (PUSHD) just launched its presale barely two weeks ago—but as it enters stage 3, the event has drawn over 12,000 participants. It is also on pace to sell out its third-stage presale token allocation, serving as a testament to the massive traction it has gained since.

Pushd (PUSHD) 两周前刚刚启动预售,但随着进入第三阶段,该活动已吸引了超过 12,000 名参与者。它还准备出售其第三阶段预售代币分配,这证明了它自此以来获得的巨大吸引力。

Pushd gains traction for its vision: its vision of creating a decentralized eCommerce platform to compete with traditional giants like Amazon. The token will build the first viable alternative to Web2 eCommerce platforms, while differentiating itself by offering users low fees, easy KYC, and a robust user experience akin to Amazon, only made better with blockchain technology. It’s easy to see why market analysts are picking PUSHD over the likes of DOGE and SHIB in 2024. 

Pushd 因其愿景而受到关注:其愿景是创建一个去中心化的电子商务平台,与亚马逊等传统巨头竞争。该代币将构建第一个可行的 Web2 电子商务平台替代方案,同时通过为用户提供低费用、简单的 KYC 和类似于亚马逊的强大用户体验(只有通过区块链技术才能变得更好)来实现自身的差异化。很容易理解为什么市场分析师在 2024 年选择 PUSHD,而不是 DOGE 和 SHIB 等。

Meme coins are falling out of favor fast, with newer, more exciting, and more importantly, more useful projects like PUSHD taking center stage as the new blue chips of the year. Best of all, PUSHD will reward holders with a revenue share from the profits generated by the Pushd marketplace, giving them an alternative income stream that gives them more passive income the more tokens they hold. 

Meme 币正在迅速失宠,更新、更令人兴奋、更重要的是,像 PUSHD 这样更有用的项目成为今年新蓝筹股的焦点。最重要的是,PUSHD 将奖励持有人从 Pushd 市场产生的利润中获得收入分成,为他们提供替代收入来源,持有的代币越多,被动收入就越多。

Pushd (PUSHD) Presale Emerges as THE Can’t-Miss Investment Opportunity of 2024

Pushd (PUSHD) 预售成为 2024 年不容错过的投资机会

Pushd is riding a wave of momentum from its presale. With the upcoming Bitcoin halving and expected bull market to follow, analysts believe Pushd can generate outsized gains in 2024—with infinitely brighter prospects than has-beens like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu.

Pushd 的预售势头正劲。随着比特币即将减半,预计牛市即将到来,分析师认为 Pushd 可以在 2024 年产生巨大收益,前景比狗狗币和柴犬等过去的币要光明得多。

Find out more about the Pushd presale at their official website.

在其官方网站上了解有关 Pushd 预售的更多信息。

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