首页 > 资讯新闻 > Bitsonic首席执行官因诈骗金额超过100亿韩元面临7年监禁

Bitsonic CEO Faces 7-Year Prison Time Over 10 Bln Won Fraud


发布: 2024/02/06 17:34 阅读: 997

原文作者:Coingape News Media


The chief executive officer (CEO) of Bitsonic, a major South Korean virtual currency exchange, has been sentenced to seven years in prison for his involvement in a fraudulent scheme totaling approximately 10 billion won. The verdict, handed down by the Seoul Eastern District Court, comes after a trial where the CEO and his vice president of technology were found guilty of manipulating market prices and siphoning customer deposits.

韩国主要虚拟货币交易所 Bitsonic 的首席执行官 (CEO) 因参与总额约 100 亿韩元的欺诈计划而被判处七年监禁。该判决是由首尔东部地区法院做出的,此前该公司首席执行官及其技术副总裁被判犯有操纵市场价格和吸走客户存款罪。

Meanwhile, this scandal highlights the risks associated with crypto exchanges and the importance of regulatory oversight in the industry.


Bitsonic CEO Faces 7-Year Jail Term For Fraudulent Activities

Bitsonic 首席执行官因欺诈活动面临 7 年监禁

The Seoul Eastern District Court Criminal Agreement Division 12, led by Chief Judge Lee Jong-chae, delivered the verdict, sentencing Bitsonic CEO Shin to seven years in prison. Alongside him, Bitsonic’s vice president of technology, Bae, received a one-year prison term.

由首席法官李钟彩领导的首尔东部地方法院刑事协议第 12 庭做出了判决,判处 Bitsonic 首席执行官申七年有期徒刑。与他一起,Bitsonic 技术副总裁 Bae 也被判处一年徒刑。

Notably, as per the report by the major South Korean news agency, Yonhap News Agency, the court found them guilty of fraud, forgery of records, and obstruction of business by computer, among other charges under the Punishment Act for Specific Economic Crimes.


The court’s ruling emphasized the exploitation of Bitsonic’s platform to inflate transaction volumes artificially, deceiving users into believing in the exchange’s legitimacy. More than 10 billion won was unlawfully obtained from numerous victims, severely undermining trust in virtual asset exchanges.

法院的裁决强调了利用 Bitsonic 平台人为夸大交易量,欺骗用户相信交易所的合法性。从众多受害者那里非法获取了超过100亿韩元的资金,严重损害了人们对虚拟资产交易所的信任。

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A Closer Look Into The Fraudulent Scheme


Shin’s trial revealed a sophisticated scheme spanning from January 2019 to May 2021, wherein he manipulated trading volumes using Bitsonic’s funds to inflate the price of Bitsonic Coin (BSC), the exchange’s self-issued cryptocurrency. In addition, false Korean Won points were entered into the Bitsonic system, creating a facade of cash deposits that never occurred.

Shin 的审判揭露了一个从 2019 年 1 月到 2021 年 5 月的复杂计划,其中他利用 Bitsonic 的资金操纵交易量,以抬高该交易所自行发行的加密货币 Bitsonic Coin (BSC) 的价格。此外,虚假韩元积分被输入 Bitsonic 系统,造成从未发生过的现金存款假象。

Meanwhile, under the guise of a legitimate operation, Shin exploited his position to defraud 101 coin investors, pocketing their cash and virtual assets amounting to approximately 10 billion won. Besides, Bae was complicit in the scheme, developing and deploying programs to facilitate Shin’s fraudulent activities within the transaction system.

与此同时,申某以合法经营为幌子,利用职务之便诈骗了101名代币投资者,将他们的现金和虚拟资产约100亿韩元收入囊中。此外,Bae 是该计划的同谋,开发和部署程序以促进 Shin 在交易系统内的欺诈活动。

Notably, the verdict serves as a stark reminder of the potential pitfalls in the cryptocurrency industry and the imperative for stringent regulations to safeguard investors’ interests. As authorities crack down on fraudulent activities, users are urged to exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence before engaging with virtual asset exchanges.


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Rupam, a seasoned professional with 3 years in the financial market, has honed his skills as a meticulous research analyst and insightful journalist. He finds joy in exploring the dynamic nuances of the financial landscape. Currently working as a sub-editor at Coingape, Rupam's expertise goes beyond conventional boundaries. His contributions encompass breaking stories, delving into AI-related developments, providing real-time crypto market updates, and presenting insightful economic news. Rupam's journey is marked by a passion for unraveling the intricacies of finance and delivering impactful stories that resonate with a diverse audience.

Rupam 是一位经验丰富的专业人士,在金融市场工作了 3 年,磨练了自己作为细致的研究分析师和富有洞察力的记者的技能。他在探索金融格局的动态细微差别中找到了乐趣。 Rupam 目前担任 Coingape 的副编辑,他的专业知识超越了传统界限。他的贡献包括突发新闻、深入研究人工智能相关发展、提供实时加密货币市场更新以及呈现富有洞察力的经济新闻。鲁帕姆的旅程的特点是热衷于解开金融的复杂性并提供能引起不同受众共鸣的有影响力的故事。

The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.



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