首页 > 资讯新闻 > DOGE 钱包以历史上最快的速度飙升

DOGE wallets soar at fastest rate in its history

DOGE 钱包以历史上最快的速度飙升

发布: 2024/02/06 18:01 阅读: 421



As the majority of assets in the cryptocurrency market have gone into a bearish mode, the dog-themed meme crypto asset Dogecoin (DOGE) has followed suit, but regardless of the pessimistic mood, its community has been growing at an unprecedented rate.


Specifically, Dogecoin has witnessed a growth in the number of crypto wallets holding it at the fastest rate in its decade-long history, adding around 413,800 new wallets in just two weeks, according to the data shared by Santiment in an X post on February 6.

具体来说,根据 Santiment 在 2 月 6 日 X 帖子中分享的数据,狗狗币的加密钱包数量以十年历史以来最快的速度增长,在短短两周内新增了约 413,800 个新钱包。 。

Indeed, the chart shared by the blockchain and cryptocurrency metrics platform’s team shows that there were close to 414k total addresses holding more than 0 DOGE since January 22, having recorded a 7.2% increase, which is the fastest growth rate of all time for the popular digital currency.

事实上,区块链和加密货币指标平台团队分享的图表显示,自 1 月 22 日以来,持有超过 0 DOGE 的地址总数接近 41.4 万个,增长了 7.2%,这是流行货币有史以来最快的增长率。数字货币。

$0.1 in the cards?

卡里有 0.1 美元吗?

A week ago, mid-way into this massive growth trend, crypto trading expert Ali Martinez observed a record-breaking addition of 247,240 new DOGE addresses in the week up to January 29, remarking that a “sustained uptrend in network expansion could soon reflect positively on DOGE prices.”

一周前,在这一巨大增长趋势的中期,加密货币交易专家 Ali Martinez 观察到截至 1 月 29 日的一周内破纪录地新增了 247,240 个 DOGE 地址,并表示“网络扩张的持续上升趋势可能很快就会产生积极的影响”关于 DOGE 价格。”



4 cryptocurrencies under $0.10 to buy next week

下周可购买 4 种低于 0.10 美元的加密货币



Short squeeze alert for this week: Two cryptocurrencies with potential to moon




Dogecoin targets $0.1 as addresses grow 1,100% in a week

狗狗币目标价为 0.1 美元,地址一周内增长 1,100%



DOGE could go this high if it gains 1% of total crypto market cap

如果 DOGE 占加密货币总市值的 1%,它可能会涨得这么高



Dogecoin price prediction; Can DOGE flip Avalanche?

狗狗币价格预测; DOGE能翻转Avalanche吗?

However, the positive effect of the parabolic network expansion on the price of Dogecoin is yet to materialize, as the famous dog crypto has sustained the currently negative sentiment demonstrated by the larger part of the industry, keeping it well below the coveted $0.1 level from December 2023.

然而,抛物线网络扩张对狗狗币价格的积极影响尚未实现,因为著名的狗加密货币已经维持了当前行业大部分人所表现出的负面情绪,使其远低于 12 月以来令人垂涎的 0.1 美元水平2023 年。

Dogecoin price analysis


At press time, DOGE was changing hands at the price of $0.078, indicating a decrease of 0.3% in the last 24 hours, adding up to the decline of 3.48% across the previous seven days and a loss of 2.77% over the month, as per the most recent chart data on February 6.

截至发稿,DOGE价格为0.078美元易手,近24小时跌幅为0.3%,加起来前7天跌幅为3.48%,本月跌幅为2.77%。根据 2 月 6 日的最新图表数据。

All things considered, the impressive surge in the number of new DOGE addresses could, indeed, assist the digital asset in growing its price in the near future. Still, this effect is yet to show any strength in the face of the strong downward pressure from the general crypto market.

考虑到所有因素,新 DOGE 地址数量的惊人激增确实可以帮助数字资产在不久的将来提高其价格。尽管如此,面对整体加密货币市场的强劲下行压力,这种效应尚未显现出任何强度。

Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.


Source: https://thebittimes.com/doge-wallets-soar-at-fastest-rate-in-its-history-tbt79003.html



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