首页 > 资讯新闻 > 贝莱德的比特币 ETF 为 Ripple (XRP)、Cardano (ADA) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 带来新动力

BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF Bringing New Impulse For Ripple (XRP), Cardano (ADA) and Dogecoin (DOGE)

贝莱德的比特币 ETF 为 Ripple (XRP)、Cardano (ADA) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 带来新动力

发布: 2023/11/24 06:28 阅读: 966

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


The post BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF Bringing New Impulse For Ripple (XRP), Cardano (ADA) and Dogecoin (DOGE) appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

贝莱德的比特币 ETF 为 Ripple (XRP)、Cardano (ADA) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 带来新动力的帖子首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

The cryptocurrency market, known for its dynamic and volatile nature, is currently experiencing a notable upswing. There’s a palpable sense of optimism among investors, largely fueled by anticipation for the upcoming Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) minutes. This enthusiasm is evident in the bullish run of the market, driven by speculations over Bitcoin Spot ETF approval and other key developments. This significant step by one of the world’s largest asset managers has brought a new impulse to the market, potentially impacting various cryptocurrencies, including Ripple (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Dogecoin (DOGE) and the emerging ScapesMania.

以其动态和波动性而闻名的加密货币市场目前正在经历显着的上涨。投资者明显表现出乐观情绪,这主要是由于对即将发布的联邦公开市场委员会 (FOMC) 会议纪要的预期。在对比特币现货 ETF 批准和其他关键事态发展的猜测推动下,这种热情在市场的看涨运行中显而易见。全球最大的资产管理公司之一的这一重大举措为市场带来了新的推动力,可能会影响各种加密货币,包括瑞波币(XRP)、卡尔达诺(ADA)、狗狗币(DOGE)和新兴的 ScapesMania。

The question is – which coin stands to benefit the most from the current market sentiment? Which will be impacted the least by the upcoming shifts? Join us as we try to decode the situation.




  • Ripple (XRP): At a critical juncture due to its legal battle with the SEC, Ripple (XRP) shows price volatility, with its future heavily contingent on the lawsuit’s outcome.
  • Ripple(XRP):由于与 SEC 的法律纠纷,Ripple(XRP)正处于关键时刻,其价格出现波动,其未来在很大程度上取决于诉讼结果。

  • Cardano (ADA): Exhibiting robust growth potential, Cardano (ADA) is buoyed by rising staking rewards and increasing adoption, with a bullish outlook towards breaking key resistance levels.
  • 卡尔达诺(ADA):卡尔达诺(ADA)表现出强劲的增长潜力,受到质押奖励不断增加和采用率不断提高的推动,对突破关键阻力位的前景看好。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE): Gaining attention for its potential for significant rallies, Dogecoin (DOGE) remains a speculative asset with unpredictable market dynamics, driven by social media trends and investor sentiment.
  • 狗狗币(DOGE):狗狗币(DOGE)因其大幅上涨的潜力而受到关注,在社交媒体趋势和投资者情绪的推动下,狗狗币(DOGE)仍然是一种投机资产,其市场动态难以预测。

  • ScapesMania: Emerging as an innovative player in the crypto market, ScapesMania is gaining traction with unique revenue streams and strong presale performance, poised for significant growth.
  • ScapesMania:作为加密货币市场的创新参与者,ScapesMania 凭借独特的收入流和强劲的预售表现赢得了关注,并有望实现显着增长。

ScapesMania: A New Contender in the Crypto Arena


While bigger cryptocurrencies may wrestle with volatility or uncertainty, ScapesMania can offer almost guaranteed ROIs in the range of 400-500%. The innovative project is currently in presale which means holders can get paid well for the wait. The presale consists of several rounds and the current one offers a huge discount on purchases, nearing 85%. If there’s ever a time to trust the hype, it is now!

虽然更大的加密货币可能会面临波动性或不确定性,但 ScapesMania 可以提供几乎有保证的 400-500% 的投资回报率。该创新项目目前正在预售,这意味着持有者可以通过等待获得丰厚的回报。预售分为多轮,目前预售折扣力度很大,接近85%。如果说有一个值得相信炒作的时刻,那就是现在!

The tokens are low in price, which means that regardless of your budget you can take advantage of the offer. There’s no downside and plenty of potential gains to joining ScapesMania even if you don’t have much money to make use of.

代币价格低廉,这意味着无论您的预算如何,您都可以利用该优惠。即使您没有太多资金可用,加入 ScapesMania 也没有任何负面影响,而且还有很多潜在收益。

A closer examination of this coin’s features reveals many attractive aspects. For instance, ScapesMania allows holders to get involved with a multi-billion-dollar industry and has many features in place to keep users engaged and incentivize them to keep on engaging. Furthermore, the tokenomics of the project is transparent and secure and the addition of the latest $150,000 giveaway may be the final touch needed to convert early enthusiasts into full-blown fanatics.

仔细观察这枚硬币的特征就会发现许多吸引人的方面。例如,ScapesMania 允许持有者参与价值数十亿美元的行业,并拥有许多功能来保持用户参与并激励他们继续参与。此外,该项目的代币经济是透明且安全的,最新的 150,000 美元赠品的增加可能是将早期爱好者转变为成熟狂热者所需的最后一步。

Those still considering which presale projects to choose, need to know that ScapesMania’s vision for the future is highly ambitious. it comes in the form of further listings, improvements, and development of a unique niche concept that has yet to be adopted in crypto circles. Considering all of the above, it’s not surprising that the presale numbers are outstanding – it can surely be a boon to many in the long run.

那些仍在考虑选择哪些预售项目的人需要知道,ScapesMania 对未来的愿景是非常雄心勃勃的。它以进一步列出、改进和开发尚未在加密圈中采用的独特利基概念的形式出现。考虑到上述所有因素,预售数字出色也就不足为奇了——从长远来看,这肯定会给许多人带来福音。

ScapesMania is at the point where previous buyers can already assume they’ve made a great decision and now the time is right for those who haven’t tried the project yet. Get in now to reach potential ROIs of 400-500% or maybe even higher.

ScapesMania 正处于这样的阶段,以前的买家已经可以认为他们已经做出了一个伟大的决定,现在对于那些还没有尝试过该项目的人来说正是时候。立即加入,实现 400-500% 甚至更高的潜在投资回报率。

Join the Presale at an 83% Discount

参加预售可享 83% 折扣


Ripple (XRP) finds itself at a pivotal moment, with its ongoing legal entanglement with the SEC nearing a potential resolution. Speculations are rife about a settlement that could be reached by November 30. This legal backdrop has cast a shadow over Ripple (XRP) market performance, contributing to its price volatility.

Ripple (XRP) 发现自己正处于一个关键时刻,其与 SEC 之间持续的法律纠葛即将得到解决。关于可能在 11 月 30 日之前达成和解的猜测甚嚣尘上。这一法律背景给 Ripple (XRP) 市场表现蒙上了阴影,导致其价格波动。

Currently, Ripple (XRP) price is oscillating between $0.509 and $0.655. The 10-day moving average stands at $0.615, suggesting short-term bullish sentiment, while the 100-day moving average at $0.543 indicates a more cautious long-term outlook. The support levels for Ripple (XRP) are currently pegged at $0.272 and $0.418, with resistance levels at $0.710 and $0.857. 

目前,瑞波币(XRP)价格在 0.509 美元至 0.655 美元之间波动。 10 日移动平均线位于 0.615 美元,表明短期看涨情绪,而 100 日移动平均线位于 0.543 美元,表明长期前景更为谨慎。 Ripple (XRP) 的支撑位目前为 0.272 美元和 0.418 美元,阻力位为 0.710 美元和 0.857 美元。

The future price trajectory of Ripple (XRP) is heavily contingent on the outcome of its legal battle with the SEC. A favorable settlement could act as a catalyst, potentially propelling Ripple (XRP) price past its current resistance levels. However, the market remains cautious, as evidenced by the support and resistance levels. Should Ripple (XRP) overcome the $0.710 resistance, it could pave the way for a rally towards $0.857. Conversely, failure to resolve the legal issues favourably could see XRP testing its lower support levels, particularly the critical $0.418 mark.

Ripple (XRP) 的未来价格轨迹在很大程度上取决于其与 SEC 法律斗争的结果。有利的和解可能会起到催化剂的作用,有可能推动瑞波币(XRP)价格突破当前阻力位。然而,市场仍然保持谨慎,支撑位和阻力位就证明了这一点。如果瑞波币(XRP)克服 0.710 美元的阻力位,则可能为反弹至 0.857 美元铺平道路。相反,如果未能顺利解决法律问题,XRP 可能会测试其较低的支撑位,特别是关键的 0.418 美元关口。

Cardano (ADA): Poised for a Breakthrough with Staking Rewards


Cardano (ADA) is currently in a robust phase, with its price showing potential to break above the $0.40 mark. This bullish momentum is largely driven by the rising staking rewards and increased transactional activities. The Cardano (ADA) price is holding strong at the $0.35 support level, buoyed by a significant adoption rate above 30%. This rate of new user adoption has only been achieved eight times in the past three months, indicating a growing interest in the Cardano (ADA) network.

卡尔达诺(ADA)目前正处于强劲阶段,其价格有可能突破 0.40 美元大关。这种看涨势头主要是由质押奖励的增加和交易活动的增加推动的。受超过 30% 的采用率的提振,卡尔达诺 (ADA) 价格在 0.35 美元的支撑位保持坚挺。在过去三个月中,新用户采用率仅达到了八倍,表明人们对卡尔达诺(ADA)网络的兴趣与日俱增。

The price of Cardano (ADA) ranges between $0.253 and $0.318, with a 10-day moving average of $0.373 and a 100-day moving average of $0.282. The support levels are established at $0.150 and $0.214, while resistance levels are observed at $0.343 and $0.408. 

卡尔达诺(ADA)的价格范围在0.253美元至0.318美元之间,10日移动平均线为0.373美元,100日移动平均线为0.282美元。支撑位为 0.150 美元和 0.214 美元,阻力位为 0.343 美元和 0.408 美元。

The network’s staking valuation has hit historic peaks, with a significant increase in staked Cardano (ADA) coins. This increase in staking activity, coupled with the reward rate surpassing the inflation rate, suggests a bullish cycle of increased Cardano (ADA) staking and reduced market supply. If the current staking dynamics continue, Cardano (ADA) could see an early price rebound towards $0.40 and potentially break above this resistance. However, a fall below $0.30 could challenge this bullish outlook, but the support level at $0.33 might provide a buffer against a major bearish reversal.

该网络的质押估值已达到历史峰值,质押的卡尔达诺(ADA)代币大幅增加。质押活动的增加,加上奖励率超过了通货膨胀率,表明卡尔达诺(ADA)质押增加和市场供应减少的看涨周期。如果当前的质押动态持续下去,卡尔达诺(ADA)的价格可能会提前反弹至 0.40 美元,并有可能突破该阻力位。然而,跌破 0.30 美元可能会挑战这种看涨前景,但 0.33 美元的支撑位可能会为重大看跌逆转提供缓冲。

Dogecoin (DOGE): A Meme Coin with Potential for Parabolic Growth


Dogecoin (DOGE) has recently caught the attention of crypto traders due to a technical signal that historically precedes significant rallies. Despite a modest year-to-date increase of 13.6%, DOGE’s 33.2% gain over the last month has put it on the radar of analysts. This renewed interest in Dogecoin (DOGE) is partly due to its meme coin status, which often leads to speculative surges.

由于历史上出现重大反弹之前的技术信号,狗狗币(DOGE)最近引起了加密货币交易者的注意。尽管今年迄今仅小幅上涨 13.6%,但 DOGE 上个月 33.2% 的涨幅已引起分析师的关注。人们对狗狗币(DOGE)重新产生兴趣的部分原因是其模因币的地位,这往往会导致投机激增。

The current price range for Dogecoin (DOGE) is between $0.0583 and $0.0765. The 10-day moving average stands at $0.0776, while the 100-day moving average is $0.0655. Support levels are identified at $0.0303 and $0.0485, with resistance levels at $0.0849 and $0.1031. 

狗狗币 (DOGE) 当前的价格范围在 0.0583 美元至 0.0765 美元之间。 10日移动平均线为0.0776美元,100日移动平均线为0.0655美元。支撑位确定为 0.0303 美元和 0.0485 美元,阻力位为 0.0849 美元和 0.1031 美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE) future price movement appears promising, with technical indicators like the Parabolic SAR and Fibonacci levels suggesting potential for significant gains. A medium-term target of $0.12 at the 0.618 Fibonacci level and a longer-term target of $0.23 at the 1.618 level are in sight. However, market dynamics can be unpredictable, especially for meme coins like Dogecoin (DOGE), which are often driven by social media trends and investor sentiment. A cautious approach is advised, as rapid gains could also lead to equally swift corrections.

狗狗币(DOGE)未来的价格走势似乎很有希望,抛物线转向指标和斐波那契水平等技术指标表明有大幅上涨的潜力。中期目标为 0.12 美元,位于 0.618 斐波那契水平,长期目标为 0.23 美元,位于 1.618 水平。然而,市场动态可能是不可预测的,尤其是像狗狗币(DOGE)这样的模因币,它们通常受到社交媒体趋势和投资者情绪的驱动。建议采取谨慎态度,因为快速上涨也可能导致同样迅速的调整。



The introduction of BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF marks a pivotal moment in the cryptocurrency market, significantly impacting key players like Ripple (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Dogecoin (DOGE), and ScapesMania. This move not only boosts investor confidence but also enhances the legitimacy of these digital assets. Ripple (XRP) could potentially see a resurgence, especially if its legal issues are favourably resolved. Cardano (ADA) stands at the brink of a breakthrough, driven by its staking rewards and adoption rates. Dogecoin (DOGE), while still speculative, might experience unprecedented growth due to this new market stimulus. 

贝莱德比特币 ETF 的推出标志着加密货币市场的关键时刻,对 Ripple (XRP)、Cardano (ADA)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 ScapesMania 等主要参与者产生了重大影响。此举不仅提振了投资者信心,也增强了这些数字资产的合法性。 Ripple(XRP)可能会复苏,特别是如果其法律问题得到顺利解决的话。卡尔达诺(ADA)在质押奖励和采用率的推动下正处于突破的边缘。狗狗币(DOGE)虽然仍具有投机性,但由于这一新的市场刺激措施,可能会经历前所未有的增长。

Overall, BlackRock’s decision is a game-changer, setting the stage for these cryptocurrencies to navigate an increasingly receptive and evolving market landscape. In light of all of this, it seems as if ScapesMania, not the more well-known coins, stands to benefit the most. The project will be at the forefront of growth, according to many experts.

总体而言,贝莱德的决定是一个游戏规则改变者,为这些加密货币在日益接受和不断发展的市场格局中奠定了基础。鉴于这一切,似乎 ScapesMania(而不是更知名的代币)将受益最多。许多专家表示,该项目将处于增长的最前沿。

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