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Crypto Degeneracy Plagues Netflix: How a Popular Director Gambled $4M on Dogecoin (DOGE)

加密货币退化困扰 Netflix:一位受欢迎的导演如何在狗狗币 (DOGE) 上豪赌 400 万美元

发布: 2023/11/24 06:33 阅读: 755



加密货币退化困扰 Netflix:一位受欢迎的导演如何在狗狗币 (DOGE) 上豪赌 400 万美元

The director of Netflix’s sci-fi series Conquest reportedly allocated $4 million from the show’s budget to invest in Dogecoin, ultimately yielding a $27 million return. Carl Erik Rinsch, known for directing “47 Ronin,” received substantial funding from Netflix for the science fiction series.

据报道,Netflix 科幻剧集《征服》的导演从该剧的预算中拨款 400 万美元投资狗狗币,最终获得了 2700 万美元的回报。因执导《浪人 47》而闻名的卡尔·埃里克·林什 (Carl Erik Rinsch) 因这部科幻剧集获得了 Netflix 的大量资助。

However, instead of channeling these funds solely into the series, Rinsch used the money to explore ventures in the stock and cryptocurrency markets as a unique creative pursuit.

然而,Rinsch 并没有将这些资金仅仅投入到该系列中,而是将这些资金用于探索股票和加密货币市场的风险投资,作为一种独特的创意追求。

Netflix Director’s $27M Crypto Gamble

Netflix 导演 2700 万美元的加密赌博

The New York Times reported the behind-the-scenes drama on the chronicles of “Conquest,” which began when Netflix invested $55 million in the ambitious sci-fi series directed by Rinsch. However, despite doling out a considerable budget, the streaming giant has yet to see a single episode.

《纽约时报》报道了《征服》编年史的幕后故事,这部剧始于 Netflix 投资 5500 万美元拍摄由林什执导的这部雄心勃勃的科幻剧集。然而,尽管投入了大量预算,这家流媒体巨头还没有看到一集。

March 2020 marked a pivotal moment in the Conquest saga when, 16 months after Netflix greenlit Rinsch’s vision with an initial budget of $44 million, the director sought more funds. Netflix obliged, wiring an additional $11 million under the condition that the series would be completed.

2020 年 3 月标志着征服传奇的关键时刻,在 Netflix 以 4400 万美元的初始预算批准 Rinsch 的愿景 16 个月后,这位导演寻求更多资金。 Netflix 答应了,并额外支付了 1100 万美元,条件是该剧必须完成。

Instead of channeling the funds into production, Rinsch invested $10.5 million in the stock market. However, his options bets on pharmaceutical companies and the S&P 500 reportedly resulted in a loss of nearly $6 million in just a few weeks.

Rinsch 没有将资金投入生产,而是在股票市场投资了 1,050 万美元。然而,据报道,他对制药公司和标准普尔 500 指数的期权押注在短短几周内就损失了近 600 万美元。

Undeterred, Rinsch pivoted to the cryptocurrency market, transferring the remaining $4 million to the popular exchange Kraken. With nerves of steel, he went all in on Dogecoin. The gamble paid off handsomely as Rinsch liquidated his holdings in May 2021, netting $27 million in profits. A chat with a Kraken representative captured his gratitude, “Thank you, and god bless crypto.”

Rinsch 没有被吓倒,他转向了加密货币市场,将剩余的 400 万美元转移到了受欢迎的交易所 Kraken。凭借钢铁般的意志,他全力投资狗狗币。随着 Rinsch 于 2021 年 5 月清算其所持股份,这场赌博获得了丰厚的回报,净赚了 2700 万美元。与 Kraken 代表的一次聊天表达了他的感激之情,“谢谢你,上帝保佑加密货币。”

What followed the crypto windfall was a huge spending spree. Rinsch allegedly splurged nearly $9 million on opulent indulgences, including high-end furniture, designer clothing, a luxury watch valued at over $380,000, five Rolls Royces, and a Ferrari. These expenditures, revealed in divorce proceedings by a forensic accountant hired by Rinsch’s ex-wife, raise questions about the director’s financial prudence.

加密货币带来的意外之财之后是一场巨大的消费热潮。据称,Rinsch 花费近 900 万美元购买奢华享受,包括高端家具、名牌服装、价值超过 38 万美元的豪华手表、五辆劳斯莱斯和一辆法拉利。林什前妻聘请的一名法务会计师在离婚诉讼中披露了这些支出,引发了人们对这位董事财务审慎性的质疑。

Rinsch Seeks $14M From Netflix

Rinsch 向 Netflix 寻求 1400 万美元

The New York Times also reported that Rinsch initiated a confidential arbitration proceeding against Netflix, alleging a breach of contract and claiming $14 million in damages. Netflix has denied any obligation to Rinsch, characterizing his demands as a “shakedown.”

《纽约时报》还报道称,林什对 Netflix 发起了保密仲裁程序,指控 Netflix 违反合同,并要求赔偿 1400 万美元。 Netflix 否认对林什承担任何义务,并将他的要求描述为“勒索”。

In a deposition, Rinsch claimed that the items purchased during his nearly $9 million spending spree were props for the Conquest series. However, he later argued in the case against Netflix that the funds were, in fact, his own, and he is entitled to an additional $14 million. A ruling on the matter is anticipated soon, as the case was heard before an arbitrator in November.

Rinsch 在一份证词中声称,他在近 900 万美元的疯狂消费中购买的物品是《征服》系列的道具。然而,他后来在针对 Netflix 的案件中辩称,这些资金实际上是他自己的,他有权获得额外的 1400 万美元。仲裁员已于 11 月审理此案,预计很快就会对此事作出裁决。

The post Crypto Degeneracy Plagues Netflix: How a Popular Director Gambled $4M on Dogecoin (DOGE) appeared first on CryptoPotato.

《加密货币退化困扰 Netflix:一位受欢迎的导演如何在狗狗币 (DOGE) 上赌博 400 万美元》一文首先出现在 CryptoPotato 上。


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