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Crypto Degeneracy Plagues Netflix: How a Popular Director Gambled $4M on Dogecoin (DOGE)

Netflixを悩ませる仮想通貨の劣化: 人気監督がドージコイン(DOGE)に400万ドルを賭けた方法

リリース: 2023/11/24 06:33 読む: 755



Netflixを悩ませる仮想通貨の劣化: 人気監督がドージコイン(DOGE)に400万ドルを賭けた方法

The director of Netflix’s sci-fi series Conquest reportedly allocated $4 million from the show’s budget to invest in Dogecoin, ultimately yielding a $27 million return. Carl Erik Rinsch, known for directing “47 Ronin,” received substantial funding from Netflix for the science fiction series.

伝えられるところによると、Netflix の SF シリーズ『コンクエスト』の監督は、番組の予算から 400 万ドルをドージコインへの投資に割り当て、最終的に 2,700 万ドルの利益を得たと伝えられています。 「47 Ronin」の監督で知られるカール・エリック・リンシュは、このSFシリーズのためにNetflixから多額の資金提供を受けました。

However, instead of channeling these funds solely into the series, Rinsch used the money to explore ventures in the stock and cryptocurrency markets as a unique creative pursuit.


Netflix Director’s $27M Crypto Gamble

Netflix 監督の 2,700 万ドルの暗号ギャンブル

The New York Times reported the behind-the-scenes drama on the chronicles of “Conquest,” which began when Netflix invested $55 million in the ambitious sci-fi series directed by Rinsch. However, despite doling out a considerable budget, the streaming giant has yet to see a single episode.

ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙は、Netflixがリンシュ監督の野心的なSFシリーズに5,500万ドルを投資して始まった「征服」の年代記の舞台裏のドラマを報じた。しかし、多額の予算を投じているにもかかわらず、このストリーミング巨人はまだ 1 つのエピソードも見ていません。

March 2020 marked a pivotal moment in the Conquest saga when, 16 months after Netflix greenlit Rinsch’s vision with an initial budget of $44 million, the director sought more funds. Netflix obliged, wiring an additional $11 million under the condition that the series would be completed.

2020 年 3 月は、Netflix が初期予算 ​​4,400 万ドルでリンシュのビジョンにゴーサインを出した 16 か月後、監督がさらなる資金を求めたとき、『コンクエスト』物語の極めて重要な瞬間となりました。 Netflixはこれに応じ、シリーズの完成を条件に追加で1100万ドルを送金した。

Instead of channeling the funds into production, Rinsch invested $10.5 million in the stock market. However, his options bets on pharmaceutical companies and the S&P 500 reportedly resulted in a loss of nearly $6 million in just a few weeks.

リンシュは資金を生産に振り向ける代わりに、株式市場に 1,050 万ドルを投資しました。しかし、製薬会社とS&P 500に賭けた彼のオプションは、わずか数週間で600万ドル近くの損失をもたらしたと伝えられている。

Undeterred, Rinsch pivoted to the cryptocurrency market, transferring the remaining $4 million to the popular exchange Kraken. With nerves of steel, he went all in on Dogecoin. The gamble paid off handsomely as Rinsch liquidated his holdings in May 2021, netting $27 million in profits. A chat with a Kraken representative captured his gratitude, “Thank you, and god bless crypto.”


What followed the crypto windfall was a huge spending spree. Rinsch allegedly splurged nearly $9 million on opulent indulgences, including high-end furniture, designer clothing, a luxury watch valued at over $380,000, five Rolls Royces, and a Ferrari. These expenditures, revealed in divorce proceedings by a forensic accountant hired by Rinsch’s ex-wife, raise questions about the director’s financial prudence.


Rinsch Seeks $14M From Netflix


The New York Times also reported that Rinsch initiated a confidential arbitration proceeding against Netflix, alleging a breach of contract and claiming $14 million in damages. Netflix has denied any obligation to Rinsch, characterizing his demands as a “shakedown.”

ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙はまた、リンシュ氏が契約違反を主張し、1400万ドルの損害賠償を請求するとして、Netflixに対して極秘の仲裁手続きを開始したと報じた。 Netflixはリンシュ氏に対するいかなる義務も否定し、リンシュ氏の要求を「シェイクダウン」と位置づけた。

In a deposition, Rinsch claimed that the items purchased during his nearly $9 million spending spree were props for the Conquest series. However, he later argued in the case against Netflix that the funds were, in fact, his own, and he is entitled to an additional $14 million. A ruling on the matter is anticipated soon, as the case was heard before an arbitrator in November.


The post Crypto Degeneracy Plagues Netflix: How a Popular Director Gambled $4M on Dogecoin (DOGE) appeared first on CryptoPotato.

The post Crypto Degeneracy Plagues Netflix: How a 人気監督がドージコイン (DOGE) で 400 万ドルを賭けた方法 最初に CryptoPotato に掲載されました。


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