首页 > 资讯新闻 > 过去的爆炸:狗狗币区块链让 1993 年的视频游戏“DOOM”永垂不朽

Blast From The Past: Dogecoin Blockchain Immortalizes 1993 Video Game ‘DOOM’

过去的爆炸:狗狗币区块链让 1993 年的视频游戏“DOOM”永垂不朽

发布: 2024/01/25 08:35 阅读: 794



In a nostalgic nod to the past, Dogecoin has become the integral host for the iconic first-person shooter DOOM, which once haunted the sleepless nights of gamers with its chunky pixel and bloodthirsty demon glory back in 1993, embarking on a futuristic journey within the Dogecoin blockchain.

为了向过去致敬,狗狗币已成为标志性第一人称射击游戏《DOOM》的不可或缺的主机,该游戏早在 1993 年就以其厚实的像素和嗜血的恶魔荣耀困扰着游戏玩家的不眠之夜,并在未来踏上了一段旅程。狗狗币区块链。

This unexpected union has been made possible through the utilization of a novel feature known as “Doginals,” an innovation that has forever etched the entire first level of DOOM into the decentralized and constantly evolving Dogecoin network.


DOOM Finds Happy Home In Dogecoin Blockchain


The significance of this marriage between classic gaming and blockchain technology goes beyond mere novelty. It ensures the immortality of DOOM, eliminating concerns associated with lost physical copies or outdated gaming hardware.


As long as the Dogecoin blockchain exists, so too will this iconic pixelated playground of demon-slaying fun. The decentralized nature of the blockchain guarantees that no single company or server holds the reins of access, offering a sense of ownership over a fragment of gaming history securely stored in the digital realm.


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Yet, the incorporation of DOOM into the Dogecoin blockchain is not merely a preservation effort for the bygone era of gaming. It serves as a gateway to a future where blockchain technology reshapes the landscape of decentralized games, art collections, and digital goods.


DOGE market cap currently at $11.2 billion. Chart: TradingView.com

DOGE 市值目前为 112 亿美元。图表:TradingView.com

DOOM’s Blockchain Debut Foreshadows Future Developments

DOOM 的区块链首次亮相预示着未来的发展

The concept of “Doginals” lays the foundation for a potential revolution in the way we interact with digital assets. Imagine purchasing a one-of-a-kind weapon skin for your favorite game or owning a unique digital painting, both securely stored on the blockchain and traded using the same technology that underpins Dogecoin.


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However, this leap into the future is not without its challenges. Storing large games on a blockchain is akin to fitting a pizza into a toaster—limitations exist, and Dogecoin may require upgrades to accommodate a fully-fledged digital arcade. Moreover, the environmental footprint of blockchain technology, known for its energy-intensive nature, remains a concern.


Despite these hurdles, DOOM’s blockchain debut serves as a harbinger of things to come. It exemplifies that cryptocurrency transcends mere financial transactions; it is a force that propels us to explore new frontiers, push boundaries, and potentially rescue classic games from the brink of digital oblivion.


The next time you encounter the whimsical Shiba Inu logo associated with Dogecoin, recognize that it represents more than just memes and speculative investments—it symbolizes a transformative force that has the potential to reshape the gaming landscape and usher in a new era of possibilities.


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