首页 > 资讯新闻 > Pandoshi (PAMBO) 将取代狗狗币 (DOGE) 的 3 个原因

3 Reasons Why Pandoshi (PAMBO) Will Replace Dogecoin (DOGE)

Pandoshi (PAMBO) 将取代狗狗币 (DOGE) 的 3 个原因

发布: 2024/01/25 06:34 阅读: 209



Dogecoin (DOGE) came into prominence thanks to hype by billionaire Elon Musk. His tweets were enough to get the masses to pile into the coin. However, Musk has been silent on DOGE since then, and its value has dwindled. Pandoshi (PAMBO) is a better alternative to Dogecoin (DOGE) for several reasons. Here are the three main ones.

狗狗币(DOGE)因亿万富翁埃隆·马斯克的炒作而声名鹊起。他的推文足以让大众纷纷涌入比特币。然而,此后马斯克对DOGE一直保持沉默,其价值也随之缩水。出于多种原因,Pandoshi (PAMBO) 是狗狗币 (DOGE) 更好的替代品。这是三个主要的。

About Pandoshi (PAMBO)

Since its presale inception, Pandoshi has experienced an impressive 500% increase in its token price. Initially priced at $0.002, the token’s value has climbed to $0.008 in its fourth phase, reflecting increasing market interest and demand. This surge in value has drawn significant attention from the crypto community, positioning Pandoshi as a viable investment for those seeking cost-effective cryptocurrency options.

关于 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 自预售开始以来,Pandoshi 的代币价格上涨了 500%,令人印象深刻。该代币最初的定价为 0.002 美元,第四阶段的价格已攀升至 0.008 美元,反映了市场兴趣和需求的增加。价值的飙升引起了加密货币社区的极大关注,使 Pandoshi 成为那些寻求具有成本效益的加密货币选择的人的可行投资。

Pandoshi’s infrastructure is comprehensive, anchored by a Layer-2 Network operating on the Proof of Stake protocol, an environmentally friendlier alternative to the traditional Proof of Work models. This aligns with the project’s dedication to sustainability. The ecosystem includes a decentralized exchange, the recently launched non-custodial Pandoshi Wallet on the Google Play Store, Metaverse gaming, educational initiatives, and cryptocurrency-compatible prepaid cards. At its core is the PAMBO token, initially introduced on the Ethereum blockchain.

Pandoshi 的基础设施非常全面,以基于权益证明协议运行的第 2 层网络为基础,这是传统工作量证明模型的一种更环保的替代方案。这与该项目对可持续发展的奉献精神是一致的。该生态系统包括去中心化交易所、最近在 Google Play 商店推出的非托管 Pandoshi 钱包、Metaverse 游戏、教育计划以及与加密货币兼容的预付卡。其核心是 PAMBO 代币,最初是在以太坊区块链上引入的。

Designed with a deflationary approach, PAMBO incorporates a buy-and-burn policy that enhances its scarcity by acquiring and eliminating tokens from the market.

PAMBO 采用通货紧缩的方式设计,采用了购买并销毁的政策,通过从市场上获取和消除代币来增强其稀缺性。

Significant features of the Pandoshi platform, such as its decentralized exchange, play a vital role in augmenting PAMBO’s value. Transaction fees on the exchange are used to buy back and permanently retire PAMBO tokens, thereby boosting their scarcity and value.

Pandoshi 平台的重要功能,例如去中心化交易,在提升 PAMBO 价值方面发挥着至关重要的作用。交易所的交易费用用于回购并永久退役 PAMBO 代币,从而提高其稀缺性和价值。

A key advancement for Pandoshi was the introduction of the beta version of the Pandoshi Wallet on the Google Play Store, a milestone shared with enthusiasm on their Twitter feed. This development, in sync with their ongoing presale, marks a substantial expansion of the project, especially in its support for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)-compatible chains and upcoming plans to include non-EVM chains. There’s also an iOS version of the wallet in development, set to broaden the project’s accessibility.

Pandoshi 的一个关键进步是在 Google Play 商店中推出了 Pandoshi 钱包的测试版,这是他们在 Twitter 上热情分享的一个里程碑。这一开发与正在进行的预售同步,标志着该项目的大幅扩展,特别是对以太坊虚拟机(EVM)兼容链的支持以及即将推出的包含非 EVM 链的计划。 iOS 版本的钱包也在开发中,旨在扩大该项目的可访问性。

This introduction to the Google Play Store has significantly raised Pandoshi’s market profile, easing doubts and fortifying investor confidence in its commitment to decentralized finance (DeFi). This strategy demonstrates Pandoshi’s focus on open-source development and community-driven governance, attracting investors interested in privacy and decentralization. The wallet’s release has ignited a surge in investor interest, prompting many to join the presale eagerly before its conclusion.

Google Play 商店的推出显着提升了 Pandoshi 的市场形象,消除了疑虑并增强了投资者对其去中心化金融 (DeFi) 承诺的信心。这一战略体现了 Pandoshi 对开源开发和社区驱动治理的关注,吸引了对隐私和去中心化感兴趣的投资者。该钱包的发布引发了投资者兴趣的飙升,促使许多人在预售结束前急切地加入预售。

The Inflationary Nature of Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin (DOGE) was built from the ground up as a meme coin with no lasting value. It was a joke coin whose inventors expected it to have little value. The main proof is that Dogecoin (DOGE) is an inflationary token.


Today, there are billions of Dogecoin. Furthermore, 5.2 billion Dogecoin (DOGE) are minted every year. The inflationary nature means that the longer you hold DOGE, the more abundant they become. In any economy, increased supply leads to a decrease in price. Consequently, Dogecoin is a very bad investment to make.

如今,狗狗币的数量已达数十亿。此外,每年铸造 52 亿枚狗狗币 (DOGE)。通货膨胀的性质意味着您持有 DOGE 的时间越长,它们就会变得越丰富。在任何经济体中,供应增加都会导致价格下降。因此,狗狗币是一项非常糟糕的投资。

It is one of the reasons why Musk fell in love with Doge, as it works just like fiat currency, which is the opposite of what crypto is about.

这是马斯克爱上 Doge 的原因之一,因为它的运作方式就像法定货币,这与加密货币的本质相反。

Unlike DOGE, Pandoshi (PAMBO) uses a deflationary mechanism. The token has an inbuilt buy-and-burn mechanism designed to help holders preserve their value over the long term. Consequently, within the first few weeks of launch, the value of PAMBO tokens could rise 100X. That is something that will never happen with DOGE.

与 DOGE 不同,Pandoshi (PAMBO) 使用通货紧缩机制。该代币具有内置的购买和销毁机制,旨在帮助持有者长期保值。因此,在发布的最初几周内,PAMBO 代币的价值可能会上涨 100 倍。 DOGE 永远不会发生这种情况。

Low Acceptance by Businesses for Dogecoin (DOGE)

Another reason why Pandoshi (PAMBO) is better than DOGE is its low acceptance rate by businesses. Even Elon Musk, who once said they would accept Bitcoin as payments for Teslas, has never accepted Dogecoin (DOGE). In the same period, many businesses today will let you pay in Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).

企业对狗狗币 (DOGE) 的接受度较低 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 优于 DOGE 的另一个原因是其企业接受度较低。即使埃隆·马斯克曾表示愿意接受比特币作为特斯拉的付款方式,但也从未接受过狗狗币(DOGE)。同一时期,许多企业将允许您使用比特币(BTC)和以太坊(ETH)进行支付。

Pandoshi (PAMBO) has a payment card that allows users to pay in crypto. The card will be popular with users as they do not have to undergo intrusive KYC processes. That is another reason why Pandoshi (PAMBO) is better than Dogecoin (DOGE).

Pandoshi (PAMBO) 拥有一张支付卡,允许用户以加密货币支付。该卡将受到用户的欢迎,因为他们不必经历侵入性的 KYC 流程。这是 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 优于 Dogecoin (DOGE) 的另一个原因。

Click Here To Buy PAMBO Tokens

点击此处购买 PAMBO 代币

Dogecoin (DOGE) Success Hinges on Musk’s support

Elon Musk is often called the ‘Dogefather.’ His millions of online followers have undoubtedly helped to grow Dogecoin (DOGE) to the level it is at today. However, that is also its most significant weak point. Elon Musk has flip-flopped on his support for crypto in the past.

狗狗币(DOGE)的成功取决于马斯克的支持埃隆·马斯克通常被称为“狗狗之父”。毫无疑问,他的数百万在线粉丝帮助狗狗币(DOGE)发展到今天的水平。然而,这也是其最重要的弱点。埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)过去对加密货币的支持却发生了转变。

He once denounced Bitcoin (BTC) for its environmental impact. If at one time Musk withdraws his support for DOGE due to legal challenges or any other reason, it would spell disaster for DOGE.

他曾谴责比特币(BTC)对环境的影响。如果马斯克有一天因为法律挑战或任何其他原因而撤回对 DOGE 的支持,那将给 DOGE 带来灾难。

Pandoshi (PAMBO) is not beholden to the whims of one person. Instead, it is powered by a community of willing participants. The Pandoshi (PAMBO) team is actively working to promote the project online to amass a huge following. One person’s tweet cannot bring down a project powered by a large community. Consequently, that makes Pandoshi (PAMBO) a better option than Dogecoin (DOGE).

潘多西 (PAMBO) 不会受制于一个人的一时兴起。相反,它是由自愿参与者的社区提供支持的。 Pandoshi(PAMBO)团队正在积极致力于在线推广该项目,以积累大量追随者。一个人的推文无法摧毁一个由大型社区支持的项目。因此,这使得 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 成为比 Dogecoin (DOGE) 更好的选择。


Pandoshi (PAMBO) aims to bring about a financial revolution that will impact billions worldwide. It is built on solid ground and has a plan to ensure its long-term success. Compared to Dogecoin (DOGE), it is a superior option. It is only a matter of time before it takes over.

结论Pandoshi (PAMBO) 旨在引发一场影响全球数十亿人的金融革命。它建立在坚实的基础上,并制定了确保长期成功的计划。与狗狗币(DOGE)相比,它是一个更好的选择。它接管只是时间问题。

Click Here To Buy PAMBO Tokens

点击此处购买 PAMBO 代币

Visit the links below for more information about Pandoshi (PAMBO):
Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/

请访问以下链接,了解有关 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的更多信息:网站:https://pandoshi.com/Whitepaper:https://docs.pandoshi.com/


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