首页 > 资讯新闻 > 突发新闻:币安将 6 个热门 FDUSD 对的交易费用降至零 – 详情

Breaking: Binance drops trading fees to zero on 6 hot FDUSD pairs – Details

突发新闻:币安将 6 个热门 FDUSD 对的交易费用降至零 – 详情

发布: 2023/12/05 18:24 阅读: 514



突发新闻:币安将 6 个热门 FDUSD 对的交易费用降至零 – 详情

Binance, one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges, has announced a momentous decision to reduce trading fees to zero on six highly sought-after FDUSD pairs. 

全球领先的加密货币交易所之一币安宣布一项重大决定,将六种备受追捧的 FDUSD 货币对的交易费用降至零。

Binance has stood the test of time to be a global crypto service provider amidst the ongoing crypto regulation tuffle with the United States. Just recently, Changpeng “CZ” Zhao stepped down as the CEO with billions in penalties. Has that negatively affected the exchange? No.


The exchange’s native token BNB price today sits at $229.36, with a 24-hour trading volume of $2,095,642,605.29. This indicates a 1.04% decrease in the last 24 hours and a 1.44% increase in the last seven days.

目前该交易所原生代币 BNB 价格为 229.36 美元,24 小时交易量为 2,095,642,605.29 美元。这表明过去 24 小时内下降了 1.04%,过去 7 天内上升了 1.44%。

Binance brings an early Christmas gift for the platform investors


Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange, announced on Wednesday that it is starting zero-fee trading for six FDUSD spot and margin pairs in response to the latest crypto market boom. The crypto exchange intends to start with Zero-fee trading for Ethereum (ETH), XRP, BNB, Solana (SOL), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Chainlink (LINK).

全球最大的加密货币交易所币安周三宣布,为应对最新的加密货币市场繁荣,将开始六种 FDUSD 现货和保证金货币对的零费用交易。该加密货币交易所打算从以太坊 (ETH)、XRP、BNB、Solana (SOL)、狗狗币 (DOGE) 和 Chainlink (LINK) 的零费用交易开始。

According to the announcement, users will pay no maker or taker fees for the pairs beginning December 8 at 00:00 UTC.

根据公告,从世界标准时间 12 月 8 日 00:00 开始,用户将无需为该货币对支付挂单者或吃单者费用。

Fellow Binancians, Binance will introduce zero-fee trading for the BNB/FDUSD, DOGE/FDUSD, ETH/FDUSD, LINK/FDUSD, SOL/FDUSD, and XRP/FDUSD spot and margin trading pairs at 2023-12-08 00:00 (UTC).




Furthermore, the Validity Period is set to run from 2023-12-08 00:00 (UTC) until further notice. In addition, BNB fee discounts, rebates, charge adjustments, and fee promotions do not apply to these spot and margin trading pairs.

此外,有效期自 2023 年 12 月 8 日 00:00 (UTC) 起计算,直至另行通知。此外,BNB费用折扣、返利、费用调整和费用促销不适用于这些现货和保证金交易对。

The trading volume on the above spot and margin trading pairs will be excluded from the VIP tier volume calculation and all Liquidity Provider programs during the promotion period, where applicable.

上述现货和保证金交易对的交易量将不计入 VIP 等级交易量计算和促销期间的所有流动性提供者计划(如适用)。



What to expect moving forward


Binance has also waived one-hour interest fees for BTC, DOGE, ETH, GALA, GMT, LINK, MATIC, ORDI, SEI, SOL, TIA, and XRP currencies. Users that borrow these on Binance margin will automatically be exempt from the one-hour interest cost. This is valid until December 18, 2009, at 9:00 a.m. UTC.

币安还免除了 BTC、DOGE、ETH、GALA、GMT、LINK、MATIC、ORDI、SEI、SOL、TIA 和 XRP 货币的一小时利息费用。通过币安保证金借入这些资金的用户将自动免除一小时利息费用。该有效期至 2009 年 12 月 18 日上午 9:00(世界标准时间)。

Binance provides FDUSD trading at no cost subsequent to the stablecoin’s initial introduction in reaction to the termination of BUSD support. Additionally, the exchange is progressively delisting BUSD pairs.

为应对 BUSD 支持的终止,币安在首次推出 FDUSD 稳定币后免费提供 FDUSD 交易。此外,该交易所正在逐步下架 BUSD 货币对。

Already hovering near significant resistance levels, ETH, BNB, XRP, DOGE, SOL, and LINK will experience an upsurge due to the zero-fee trading.

ETH、BNB、XRP、DOGE、SOL 和 LINK 已经徘徊在重要阻力位附近,由于零费用交易,它们将经历飙升。

At present, XRP (XRP) is trading at $0.612844 with a 24-hour volume of $1,666,775,190.23 in value. This signifies a decrease of -3.30% in price over the last twenty-four hours and an increase of 1.75% in price over the last seven days.

目前,XRP(XRP)的交易价格为 0.612844 美元,24 小时交易量为 1,666,775,190.23 美元。这意味着过去 24 小时内价格下跌了 -3.30%,过去 7 天内价格上涨了 1.75%。

As of today, BNB (BNB) is trading at $229.98, exhibiting a 24-hour trading volume of $2,109,202,021.00. This indicates that the price has decreased by -1.00% over the past twenty-four hours and increased by 1.83% over the past week.


At present, the value of Ethereum (ETH) stands at $2,206.68, accompanied by a 24-hour trading volume of $25,732,357,684.65. This corresponds to a 24-hour price decrease of -1.75% and a 7-day price increase of 9.56%.


Today, Solana (SOL) is trading at $59.88 per share, with a 24-hour volume of $2,125,742,613.84. This reflects a 24-hour price decrease of -6.18 percent and a seven-day price increase of 8.59 percent. 

今天,Solana (SOL) 的交易价格为每股 59.88 美元,24 小时交易量为 2,125,742,613.84 美元。这反映出24小时价格下跌-6.18%和7天价格上涨8.59%。

Dogecoin (DOGE) is currently trading at $0.088528 per unit, with a 24-hour volume of $1,503,732,249.36. This signifies a price decrease of -1.85% over the last twenty-four hours and a surge of 14.49% over the last seven days. 

狗狗币(DOGE)目前的交易价格为每单位 0.088528 美元,24 小时交易量为 1,503,732,249.36 美元。这意味着过去 24 小时内价格下跌了 -1.85%,过去 7 天内价格上涨了 14.49%。

At this time, Chainlink (LINK) is trading at $15.34 per share, with a 24-hour volume of $930,578,567.02. This corresponds to a 24-hour price decrease of -4.68 percent and a 7-day price increase of 9.67 percent.

目前,Chainlink(LINK)的交易价格为每股 15.34 美元,24 小时交易量为 930,578,567.02 美元。这相当于 24 小时价格下跌 -4.68%,7 天价格上涨 9.67%。


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