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BTC Rise Does Not Help Meme Coins

BTC 上涨对 Meme 币没有帮助

发布: 2024/07/02 11:03 阅读: 936

原文作者:BH NEWS


BTC 上涨对 Meme 币没有帮助

Bitcoin's Rise Fails to Buoy Meme Coins


Despite the recent surge in Bitcoin (BTC), meme coins are facing hurdles in their market expansion. This article examines the current performance of several popular meme coins.


Shiba Inu's Performance


Shiba Inu (SHIB), once hailed as the "DOGE killer" and ranked among the top 10 by market capitalization, soared in 2021. However, a subsequent decline eroded investor confidence. Currently, SHIB remains second to Dogecoin (DOGE) by market cap, but its performance has been lackluster. Over the past 24 hours, SHIB has declined by 2.46% to $0.00001702.

一度被誉为“DOGE杀手”、市值跻身前十的柴犬(SHIB)在2021年飙升。但随后的下跌削弱了投资者信心。目前,SHIB 的市值仍仅次于狗狗币(DOGE),但其表现却乏善可陈。在过去 24 小时内,SHIB 下跌 2.46% 至 0.00001702 美元。

Despite token burns aimed at reducing supply, SHIB's large supply continues to weigh on its price. As a result, investor apprehension lingers regarding SHIB's ability to reach previous highs.

尽管销毁代币的目的是减少供应,但 SHIB 的大量供应继续对其价格构成压力。因此,投资者对SHIB是否有能力达到之前的高点仍心存疑虑。

PEPE Coin's Challenges

PEPE 币的挑战

PEPE, which made headlines earlier in the year and recorded several all-time highs, appears to be experiencing a downturn. Over the last 24 hours, the coin has plummeted by 6% to $0.00001138. While PEPE's market capitalization remains below $5 billion at $4.7 billion, its 24-hour trading volume has surged to $470 million, signaling renewed interest.

今年早些时候成为头条新闻并创下多个历史新高的 PEPE 似乎正在经历低迷。在过去 24 小时内,该代币暴跌 6% 至 0.00001138 美元。尽管 PEPE 的市值仍低于 50 亿美元,为 47 亿美元,但其 24 小时交易量已飙升至 4.7 亿美元,表明人们的兴趣重新燃起。

FLOKI's Decline


Another meme coin, FLOKI, has also suffered recent losses. FLOKI's price fell by 3.7% in the past 24 hours to $0.0001687. Despite recent investments and token burns, FLOKI's market cap stands at $1.6 billion. However, its 24-hour trading volume has increased by 19% to $186 million. FLOKI, which has gained over 500% in the past year, remains a topic of interest for its potential growth in a favorable market environment.

另一个模因币 FLOKI 最近也遭受了损失。 FLOKI 的价格在过去 24 小时内下跌 3.7% 至 0.0001687 美元。尽管最近进行了投资和代币销毁,FLOKI 的市值仍达 16 亿美元。然而,其24小时交易量却增长了19%,达到1.86亿美元。 FLOKI在过去一年的涨幅超过500%,在有利的市场环境下其潜在增长仍然是人们关注的话题。

Key Takeaways


  • SHIB's large supply remains a critical issue despite token burns.
  • PEPE's increased trading volume suggests rising interest, despite the price decline.
  • FLOKI's gains and recent investments hint at potential for future growth in a bullish market.

Investors should consider these factors when evaluating potential meme coin investments.

尽管代币被烧毁,SHIB 的大量供应仍然是一个关键问题。尽管价格下跌,PEPE 交易量的增加表明兴趣仍在上升。FLOKI 的收益和最近的投资暗示了牛市中未来增长的潜力。投资者在评估潜在的 meme 代币时应考虑这些因素投资。


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