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Chainlink partners with SWIFT while Ethereum stumbles, investors eyeing Domini

Chainlink 与 SWIFT 合作,以太坊陷入困境,投资者关注 Domini

发布: 2023/09/04 17:30 阅读: 959



Chainlink (LINK) saw moderate gains in late August, while Ethereum (ETH) declined. In the meantime, Domini (DOMI), currently in its presale beta stage, was widely explored by investors.

Chainlink (LINK) 在 8 月下旬出现温和上涨,而以太坊 (ETH) 则下跌。与此同时,目前处于预售测试阶段的Domini(DOMI)受到了投资者的广泛探索。

But before we delve deeper into Domini, let’s analyze Chainlink’s and Ethereum’s contrasting trajectories.

但在我们深入研究 Domini 之前,让我们先分析一下 Chainlink 和以太坊的对比轨迹。

Chainlink retains bullish outlook after SWIFT collaboration

SWIFT 合作后 Chainlink 保持乐观前景

On Aug. 31, SWIFT announced they had successfully transferred tokenized assets between public and private blockchains.

8 月 31 日,SWIFT 宣布他们已成功在公共区块链和私有区块链之间转移代币化资产。

In this trial, SWIFT collaborated with Chainlink and major financial institutions such as BNY Mellon and ANZ. 

在本次试验中,SWIFT 与 Chainlink 以及纽约梅隆银行、澳新银行等主要金融机构合作。

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Analysts saw this news as positive and believed it would boost LINK in the coming sessions. However, LINK added 1.2%, rising from $5.94 to $6.01 between Aug. 31 and Sept. 1. This drove the token’s market cap marginally from $3.20 billion to $3.23 billion.

分析师认为这一消息是积极的,并相信这将在未来几个交易日提振 LINK。然而,8 月 31 日至 9 月 1 日期间,LINK 上涨了 1.2%,从 5.94 美元上涨至 6.01 美元。这使得该代币的市值从 32 亿美元小幅上涨至 32.3 亿美元。

As of Sept. 1, 2023, monthly indicators, especially MACD and SMA 10, remained bearish. As such, LINK may likely post more losses in the coming days.

截至2023年9月1日,月度指标,尤其是MACD和10移动平均线仍然看跌。因此,LINK 可能在未来几天出现更多损失。

Ethereum falls after Bitwise’s announcement

Bitwise 宣布后以太坊下跌

On Aug. 31, 2023, Bitwise unexpectedly retracted its exchange-traded fund (ETF) application for Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This withdrawal was a few days after Grayscale’s victory over the agency.

2023 年 8 月 31 日,Bitwise 出人意料地从美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 撤回了其针对比特币 (BTC) 和以太坊 (ETH) 的交易所交易基金 (ETF) 申请。这次撤回是在灰度战胜该机构几天后。

With this, experts predict ETH will post more losses in upcoming sessions. As it is, the coin dropped 3.6% from $1,706 to $1,645 between Aug. 31 and Sept. 1. The contraction also saw ETH’s market cap shrink 3.4% from $205 billion to $198 billion during the same time. 

因此,专家预测 ETH 在接下来的交易日中将出现更多损失。事实上,从 8 月 31 日到 9 月 1 日,该代币从 1,706 美元下跌了 3.6% 至 1,645 美元。同期,ETH 的市值也从 2050 亿美元下跌了 3.4%,从 2050 亿美元下跌至 1980 亿美元。

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Although Ethereum’s outlook remains bearish, investors are optimistic about the likelihood of a bull run in the near future.


As of Sept. 1, 2023, Ethereum’s monthly technical indicators were bullish. Specifically, the coin’s EMA 50 and SMA 50 levels point to buying pressure in the coming days.

截至2023年9月1日,以太坊月度技术指标看涨。具体来说,该代币的 EMA 50 和 SMA 50 水平表明未来几天的购买压力。

While ETH struggles to contain bears, Domini is firm and is being considered by buyers.

尽管 ETH 努力遏制空头,但多米尼态度坚定,正在被买家考虑。

Domini set for more gains in presale


Domini blends art and innovation and aims to bridge the gap between the traditional art market and the blockchain. The platform leverages solutions like fractionalization to broaden investors’ accessibility to reputable artworks.

Domini 将艺术与创新融为一体,旨在弥合传统艺术市场与区块链之间的差距。该平台利用碎片化等解决方案来扩大投资者获得信誉良好的艺术品的机会。

Domini allows investors to access affordable art by owning a portion of high-end art pieces. It not only offers investment options but also offers advisory services. They conduct thorough market analysis to provide personalized advice to artists on the most promising NFT investments. Domini tokenizes artworks for investor trust and can provide extra benefits to token holders.

多米尼允许投资者通过拥有一部分高端艺术品来获得负担得起的艺术品。它不仅提供投资选择,还提供咨询服务。他们进行全面的市场分析,为艺术家提供最有前途的 NFT 投资的个性化建议。 Domini 将艺术品代币化以获得投资者的信任,并可以为代币持有者提供额外的好处。

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DOMI, Domini’s native ERC-20 token, has a deflationary feature that could help maintain its value by gradually reducing the total supply. Furthermore, holders have the option to trade NFTs backed by art. Domini offers diverse opportunities, and analysts are optimistic about its potential during the presale stage.

DOMI 是 Domini 的原生 ERC-20 代币,具有通货紧缩功能,可以通过逐渐减少总供应量来帮助维持其价值。此外,持有者可以选择交易由艺术品支持的 NFT。 Domini 提供了多样化的机会,分析师对其预售阶段的潜力持乐观态度。

As of Sept. 1, 2023, Domini was in the beta stage of its presale. In stage 1 of the public presale, DOMI will be available for $0.0026, up from $0.0021 to $0.0026, a 23.8% increase.

截至2023年9月1日,Domini正处于预售测试阶段。在公开预售的第一阶段,DOMI 的售价为 0.0026 美元,从 0.0021 美元上涨至 0.0026 美元,涨幅为 23.8%。

Learn more about DOMI here:

在此了解有关 DOMI 的更多信息:

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