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Elon Musk’s upcoming biography to illuminate his Dogecoin ties


发布: 2023/09/04 17:30 阅读: 435



Elon Musk, the brain behind Tesla, has been quietly fostering the growth of Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency initially created as a joke, reveals his upcoming biography.

特斯拉背后的大脑埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)一直在悄悄地促进狗狗币(Dogecoin)的发展,狗狗币是一种最初作为玩笑而创建的加密货币,他透露了他即将出版的传记。

This move comes amidst Musk’s broader vision to potentially revolutionize Twitter, transforming it into a multifaceted platform, which he acquired last year for a staggering $44 billion. 

这一举措体现了马斯克更广阔的愿景,即可能彻底改变 Twitter,将其转变为一个多元化的平台,他去年以惊人的 440 亿美元收购了 Twitter。

Recently, the momentum of the Bitcoin (BTC) price surge has experienced a slowdown, leaving investors anticipating a tumultuous September. This period of stagnation has also impacted Dogecoin (DOGE), a cryptocurrency that Musk has shown a fondness for, despite its significant dip in value, plummeting 90% from its peak.

最近,比特币(BTC)价格飙升的势头有所放缓,让投资者对9月的动荡充满期待。这一时期的停滞也影响了狗狗币(DOGE),这是一种马斯克非常喜爱的加密货币,尽管其价值大幅下跌,较峰值暴跌 90%。

Elon Musk and the DOGE connection

埃隆·马斯克和 DOGE 的联系

Musk’s financial backing of Dogecoin remains undisclosed, yet his ambition for the cryptocurrency is unambiguous. He envisages elevating Dogecoin to surpass Bitcoin, aspiring to establish it as the global currency.


This revelation comes from an excerpt in a new book by Musk’s biographer, Walter Isaacson, where it was also mentioned that before acquiring Twitter, Musk contemplated the creation of a blockchain-based social media platform with Dogecoin integrated as a payment system.

这一爆料来自马斯克传记作者沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)的新书摘录,其中还提到,在收购Twitter之前,马斯克曾考虑创建一个基于区块链的社交媒体平台,并集成狗狗币作为支付系统。

Musk, who has a personal portfolio comprising Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin, subtly incorporated the Dogecoin symbol into his Twitter account on July 24. This move, coupled with his interactions with Dogecoin enthusiasts, has led market analysts to speculate that Musk’s strategies for Twitter could potentially redefine the crypto market landscape.

马斯克个人的投资组合包括比特币、以太坊和狗狗币,他于 7 月 24 日巧妙地将狗狗币符号纳入他的 Twitter 账户。这一举动,加上他与狗狗币爱好者的互动,让市场分析师猜测马斯克的 Twitter 策略可能会重新定义加密货币市场格局。

您可能还喜欢:埃隆·马斯克告诉投资者在加密货币投资中要小心,但仍然喜欢 DOGE

Musk’s influence on Dogecoin was again underscored earlier this year when a single-word tweet stirred the Dogecoin community. This tweet followed his appearance with Rupert Murdoch at the NFL Super Bowl LVII, where he was spotted wearing a Dogecoin T-shirt, further fuelling speculation about his involvement with the cryptocurrency.

今年早些时候,当一条推文震惊了狗狗币社区时,马斯克对狗狗币的影响再次得到凸显。这条推文是在他与鲁珀特·默多克 (Rupert Murdoch) 一起出现在第 57 届 NFL 超级碗比赛之后发布的,当时他被发现穿着一件狗狗币 T 恤,这进一步加剧了人们对他参与加密货币的猜测。

However, Musk’s close association with Dogecoin has not been without controversy. On May 31, he found himself at the center of a lawsuit accusing him of insider trading and market manipulation related to Dogecoin.

然而,马斯克与狗狗币的密切联系并非没有争议。 5 月 31 日,他发现自己卷入了一场诉讼,指控他进行与狗狗币相关的内幕交易和市场操纵。

While many dismiss the lawsuit as lacking substance, it has raised questions about the ethical implications of a high-profile individual’s significant influence over a cryptocurrency.


Binance CEO Changpeng ‘CZ’ Zhao expressed astonishment that Dogecoin has remained unchanged since its inception, hypothesizing that Musk’s involvement might be a crucial factor in the coin’s sustained existence, a sentiment echoed by many in the crypto community.


Simultaneously, Musk has been amassing substantial quantities of Bitcoin through his enterprises, Tesla and SpaceX. In 2021, Tesla invested $1.5 billion in Bitcoin, acknowledging its prospective long-term value.

与此同时,马斯克一直通过他的企业特斯拉和 SpaceX 积累了大量比特币。 2021 年,特斯拉向比特币投资了 15 亿美元,承认其潜在的长期价值。

However, a significant portion of this investment was liquidated a year later amidst financial pressures on the company. Musk emphasized that this sale should not be perceived as a judgment on Bitcoin’s potential.




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