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Top 2 Cryptocurrencies To Watch This Week


发布: 2023/09/04 18:30 阅读: 312



Bitcoin is consolidating above $25,000 in September, as the month is off to a positive start. The king cryptocurrency is pulling other altcoins up in the indices, making them remain on the greener side of the spectrum. Both altcoins and meme coins are faring well this week, delivering slim profits to investors. So will September deliver decent returns to investors if they take an entry position today? In this article, we will highlight the two cryptocurrencies to watch out for this week.

9 月份,比特币在 25,000 美元上方盘整,本月有一个良好的开端。这种加密货币之王正在拉动其他山寨币在指数中的上涨,使它们保持在较绿色的一侧。山寨币和模因币本周都表现良好,为投资者带来了微薄的利润。那么,如果投资者今天入仓,9 月份能否为他们带来可观的回报呢?在本文中,我们将重点介绍本周需要关注的两种加密货币。

Also Read: Ripple XRP Long-Term Price Prediction: When Will It Reach $10?

另请阅读:Ripple XRP 长期价格预测:何时达到 10 美元?

Cryptocurrency: 2 Tokens To Watch Out This Week

加密货币:本周值得关注的 2 种代币

  1. Shiba Inu
  2. 柴犬

Shiba Inu’s newly released Shibarium layer-2 network crossed the 1 million wallet threshold on Sunday. Investors are learning about the functionalities of the L2 network, and the dog-themed token is attracting buying pressure. As more wallets are created, the better the prospects for SHIB in the coming months.

Shiba Inu 新发布的 Shibarium 第 2 层网络周日突破了 100 万个钱包的门槛。投资者正在了解 L2 网络的功能,而以狗为主题的代币正在吸引购买压力。随着越来越多的钱包被创建,SHIB 在未来几个月的前景就越好。

Also Read: Shiba Inu: You Can Now Become a SHIB Millionaire With Only $8

另请阅读:Shiba Inu:您现在只需 8 美元即可成为 SHIB 百万富翁

The transactions initiated on the network will lead to larger burns by sending millions or billions of tokens to the dead wallet. Therefore, Shiba Inu might spike in the indices in the coming weeks if the burns are implemented this month. Read here for a realistic price prediction on when Shiba Inu could reach the $0.01 milestone.

在网络上发起的交易将通过向死钱包发送数百万或数十亿代币而导致更大的烧毁。因此,如果本月实施焚烧措施,柴犬的指数可能会在未来几周内飙升。请阅读此处,了解有关 Shiba Inu 何时达到 0.01 美元里程碑的实际价格预测。

  1. Dogecoin
  2. 狗狗币

Elon Musk’s X (formally Twitter) has received licenses to operate cryptocurrency trade and settlements in seven states in the U.S. The states that have provided licenses are Arizona, Missouri, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, New Hampshire, and now Rhode Island. Many more states are expected to approve of X’s allowing users to trade cryptocurrency.

埃隆·马斯克的 X(原 Twitter)已获得在美国七个州运营加密货币交易和结算的许可证。已提供许可证的州包括亚利桑那州、密苏里州、佐治亚州、马里兰州、密歇根州、新罕布什尔州,以及现在的罗德岛州。预计会有更多州批准 X 允许用户交易加密货币。

Also Read: How Much Oil & Commodity Expanded BRICS Control?


Musk is a proponent of Dogecoin and could use DOGE as one of the other payments on the social media platform. The move could lead to Dogecoin experiencing a spike in the charts as it could receive use cases in the markets.


  • cryptocurrency
  • 加密货币

  • Dogecoin
  • 狗狗币

  • shiba inu
  • 柴犬



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