首页 > 资讯新闻 > ChatGPT 的终极加密货币选择将在 2023 年第四季度实现重大收益:Pepe (PEPE)、Everlodge (ELDG)、Dogecoin (DOGE)

ChatGPT’s Ultimate Crypto Picks for Major Gains in Q4 2023: Pepe (PEPE), Everlodge (ELDG), Dogecoin (DOGE)

ChatGPT 的终极加密货币选择将在 2023 年第四季度实现重大收益:Pepe (PEPE)、Everlodge (ELDG)、Dogecoin (DOGE)

发布: 2023/11/13 16:21 阅读: 852



As we enter the final quarter of 2023, the cryptocurrency market continues to show incredible potential for growth. However, only some coins may be profitable because of this, ChatGPT, the AI chatbot, claims that Pepe (PEPE), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Everlodge (ELDG) may dominate the market in the next few months. This article will look at the reasons behind this statement.

进入 2023 年最后一个季度,加密货币市场继续展现出令人难以置信的增长潜力。然而,只有部分代币可能因此盈利,人工智能聊天机器人 ChatGPT 声称 Pepe (PEPE)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 Everlodge (ELDG) 可能会在未来几个月主导市场。本文将探讨这一说法背后的原因。

Pepe (PEPE): Soars Amid Whale Activity


As per ChatGPT, Pepe (PEPE) has capitalized on the meme culture that has taken the digital asset market by storm. Recent data from LookOnChain has indicated that a whale spent 617 ETH to acquire 996B PEPE tokens, a significant sign of confidence in this meme-inspired token.

根据 ChatGPT 的说法,Pepe (PEPE) 充分利用了风靡数字资产市场的模因文化。 LookOnChain 的最新数据表明,一头鲸鱼花费 617 ETH 购买了 996B PEPE 代币,这是人们对这种受 meme 启发的代币充满信心的重要标志。

After this news, the Pepe coin price jumped from $0.00000104 on November 3rd to $0.00000115 on November 8th. This whale has also been actively involved in other major cryptocurrency trades throughout the year, further signaling the Pepe coin’s potential for growth.

此消息传出后,Pepe 币的价格从 11 月 3 日的 0.00000104 美元跃升至 11 月 8 日的 0.00000115 美元。这只鲸鱼全年还积极参与其他主要加密货币交易,进一步表明佩佩币的增长潜力。

This move came after the Pepe team conducted a massive 6.9T token burn event in October, reducing the token supply. With experts predicting that the Pepe price could reach $0.00000149 by December 2023, ChatGPT claims this meme-based cryptocurrency is undoubtedly one to watch.

此举是在 Pepe 团队于 10 月份进行了大规模 6.9T 代币销毁活动之后发生的,减少了代币供应。专家预测 Pepe 的价格到 2023 年 12 月可能会达到 0.00000149 美元,ChatGPT 声称这种基于 meme 的加密货币无疑值得关注。

Dogecoin (DOGE): The OG Meme Coin Continues to Shine

狗狗币(DOGE):OG Meme 币继续闪耀

ChatGPT also pointed to Dogecoin (DOGE), the original meme-inspired cryptocurrency, which has weathered various market storms and emerged stronger than ever. In recent Dogecoin news, it celebrated a significant milestone – the 18th birthday of “Kabosu,” the iconic Shiba Inu dog that inspired the Dogecoin meme and, in many ways, the cryptocurrency itself.

ChatGPT 还指出了狗狗币(DOGE),这是一种最初受模因启发的加密货币,它经历了各种市场风暴,并且比以往任何时候都更加强大。在最近的狗狗币新闻中,它庆祝了一个重要的里程碑——“Kabosu”的 18 岁生日,这只标志性的柴犬启发了狗狗币模因,并在很多方面启发了加密货币本身。

While the DOGE community commemorated this momentous occasion, the Dogecoin Foundation Chair Member, Mishaboar, warned the community about rising crypto-related phishing scams.

在 DOGE 社区纪念这一重要时刻的同时,狗狗币基金会主席成员 Mishaboar 警告社区,与加密相关的网络钓鱼诈骗不断增加。

Nevertheless, DOGE has maintained its bullish momentum. The Dogecoin value has increased from $0.066 on November 1st to $0.074 on November 8th. Experts predict that Dogecoin could reach $0.098 by the end of Q4 2023, making it a potentially lucrative investment.

尽管如此,DOGE 仍保持看涨势头。狗狗币的价值已从 11 月 1 日的 0.066 美元上涨至 11 月 8 日的 0.074 美元。专家预测,到 2023 年第四季度末,狗狗币的价格可能会达到 0.098 美元,这使其成为一项潜在利润丰厚的投资。

Everlodge (ELDG): The Hottest Presale of 2023

Everlodge (ELDG):2023 年最热门预售

Everlodge (ELDG), a new entrant to the crypto world, has also been turning heads and creating a buzz in the blockchain space. According to ChatGPT, it may even be the hottest presale of 2023, with millions of tokens already sold and stellar performance. To clarify, those who bought the ELDG native token early now enjoy a 130% ROI.

Everlodge(ELDG)是加密世界的新进入者,也一直在区块链领域引起关注并引起轰动。据 ChatGPT 称,这甚至可能是 2023 年最火爆的预售,已售出数百万枚代币,表现也十分出色。需要澄清的是,那些早期购买 ELDG 原生代币的人现在享受 130% 的投资回报率。

This innovative project aims to revolutionize the real estate market by digitizing and minting real-world properties into NFTs and then fractionalizing them. This unique approach could unlock liquidity in the real estate market and offer investors a new way to participate in the property market.

这个创新项目旨在通过将现实世界的房产数字化并铸造成 NFT,然后将其细分,从而彻底改变房地产市场。这种独特的方法可以释放房地产市场的流动性,并为投资者提供参与房地产市场的新方式。

Everlodge is now amid its presale, currently in Stage 6, with a price of $0.023. Holding this token is vital as it will bring discounts on property purchases, passive income via staking, and more.

Everlodge 目前正在进行预售,目前处于第六阶段,价格为 0.023 美元。持有这个代币至关重要,因为它将带来购买房产的折扣、通过质押获得的被动收入等等。

As per ChatGPT, with its low market cap and real-world ties to the $4.548T global hospitality industry, Everlodge is an intriguing project with high growth potential. Experts foresee the ELDG price soaring to $0.038 before its presale ends and another 3,000% rise after its launch.

根据 ChatGPT 的数据,Everlodge 的市值较低,且与价值 4.548T 美元的全球酒店业有实际联系,因此是一个具有高增长潜力的有趣项目。专家预计 ELDG 价格在预售结束前将飙升至 0.038 美元,并在推出后进一步上涨 3,000%。

For more information about the Everlodge (ELDG) presale, you can visit their website here.

有关 Everlodge (ELDG) 预售的更多信息,您可以在此处访问他们的网站。

Disclaimer: This article is a press release. COINTURK NEWS is not responsible for any damage or loss related to any product or service mentioned in this article. COINTURK NEWS recommends that readers carefully research the company mentioned in the article.

免责声明:本文是新闻稿。 COINTURK NEWS 对与本文提及的任何产品或服务相关的任何损坏或损失不承担任何责任。 COINTURK NEWS建议读者仔细研究文章中提到的公司。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/chatgpts-ultimate-crypto-picks-for-major-gains-in-q4-2023-pepe-pepe-everlodge-eldg-dogecoin-doge/



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