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SpaceX hopes for second Starship flight test next week

SpaceX 希望下周进行第二次星舰飞行测试

发布: 2023/11/14 14:40 阅读: 893

原文作者:phys.org news


The SpaceX Starship lifts off from the launchpad during a flight test from Starbase in Boca Chica, Texas, on April 20, 2023.

SpaceX is hoping to re-launch Starship, the most powerful rocket ever built, next week, the company said, after an attempt in April ended in a spectacular explosion.

2023 年 4 月 20 日,SpaceX 星舰在德克萨斯州博卡奇卡 Starbase 进行的一次飞行测试中从发射台升空。该公司表示,SpaceX 希望在下周重新发射有史以来最强大的火箭 Starship。四月份的一次尝试以一场壮观的爆炸告终。

"Starship preparing to launch as early as November 17, pending final regulatory approval," SpaceX said on X Friday evening.

SpaceX 在 X 周五晚上表示:“Starship 最早准备在 11 月 17 日发射,等待监管部门的最终批准。”

SpaceX foresees Starship as a next-generation, fully reusable spaceship that will eventually carry both crew and cargo to Mars.

SpaceX 预计 Starship 是下一代、完全可重复使用的宇宙飞船,最终将把船员和货物运送到火星。

The project is being followed closely by NASA, which has contracted a version of Starship to function as a lunar lander for its Artemis program to return astronauts to the Moon by the middle of this decade.

美国国家航空航天局 (NASA) 正在密切关注该项目,该公司已签约了一个版本的星际飞船,作为其阿尔忒弥斯计划的月球着陆器,该计划旨在在本十年中期将宇航员送回月球。

On April 20, SpaceX blew up the uncrewed rocket four minutes after it blasted off from the company's Starbase in Boca Chica, Texas. Starship experienced multiple engine failures, and its first-stage booster did not separate from the spacecraft above it.

4 月 20 日,SpaceX 在德克萨斯州博卡奇卡的 Starbase 发射四分钟后引爆了这枚无人驾驶火箭。星舰经历了多次发动机故障,其第一级助推器并未与其上方的航天器分离。

The rocket disintegrated into a ball of fire and crashed into the Gulf of Mexico, sending a dust cloud over a town several miles (kilometers) away.


The Federal Aviation Administration needs to issue a launch license for a second test to be attempted. The regulator completed its safety review of Starship in October, but the project still needs a sign-off from the US Fish and Wildlife Service for the license to be given.

美国联邦航空管理局需要颁发发射许可证才能进行第二次测试。该监管机构于 10 月份完成了对 Starship 的安全审查,但该项目仍需要美国鱼类和野生动物管理局的批准才能获得许可证。

A new Starship currently stands ready at the launchpad, according to publicity material posted by SpaceX.

根据 SpaceX 发布的宣传材料,一艘新的星际飞船目前已在发射台上准备就绪。

Starship, which stands 394 feet (120 meters) tall, produces 16.7 million pounds (74.3 Meganewtons) of thrust, more than double that of the Saturn V rockets used to send Apollo astronauts to the Moon.

星舰高 394 英尺(120 米),可产生 1670 万磅(74.3 兆牛顿)的推力,是用于将阿波罗宇航员送上月球的土星五号火箭的两倍多。

Starship is designed to be fully reusable, with both stages meant to return to Earth, thus greatly reducing costs.


Since the first test from Boca Chica, Starship's separation system has been overhauled, Elon Musk said during a conference in early October, adding that testing this new system would be the "riskiest part of the flight."

埃隆·马斯克在 10 月初的一次会议上表示,自从博卡奇卡岛进行首次测试以来,星舰的分离系统已经进行了彻底检修,并补充说测试这个新系统将是“飞行中风险最大的部分”。

"I do want to set expectations not too high," the SpaceX CEO said.

这位 SpaceX 首席执行官表示:“我确实希望将期望设定得不要太高。”

The flight plan will be similar to the one in April. After separation, Starship is to continue to an altitude "a scooch below orbit," according to Musk, completing a near-circle of the Earth before splashing down in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii.



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