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Coinbase prioritizes transparency with BONK listing on Its roadmap

Coinbase 在其路线图中优先考虑 BONK 上市的透明度

发布: 2023/12/14 06:16 阅读: 585



Coinbase 在其路线图中优先考虑 BONK 上市的透明度

Coinbase, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States, has unveiled its plans to list the popular dog-themed token, BONK, on the Solana blockchain. 

美国领先的加密货币交易所之一 Coinbase 公布了在 Solana 区块链上列出流行的狗主题代币 BONK 的计划。

This announcement has led to a significant 8% surge in the price of BONK, marking another milestone in the ongoing meme coin frenzy. As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, Coinbase’s decision to include BONK on its listing roadmap underscores the exchange’s commitment to transparency in asset listings.

这一公告导致 BONK 的价格大幅上涨 8%,标志着正在进行的 meme 币狂热的另一个里程碑。随着加密货币格局的不断发展,Coinbase 决定将 BONK 纳入其上市路线图,突显了该交易所对资产上市透明度的承诺。

Coinbase’s roadmap expansion

Coinbase 的路线图扩展

Coinbase’s decision to list BONK is part of its efforts to enhance transparency and provide information symmetry to its users. Assets featured on Coinbase’s roadmap are indicative of the exchange’s intent to list them shortly. 

Coinbase 决定上线 BONK 是其提高透明度和向用户提供信息对称性努力的一部分。 Coinbase 路线图上的资产表明该交易所打算很快将其上市。

This move aims to offer users more insights into the exchange’s plans and foster a greater level of trust in the listing process.


In a statement released by Coinbase, the exchange emphasized its commitment to transparency, stating,

在 Coinbase 发布的一份声明中,该交易所强调了其对透明度的承诺,并表示:

“As part of an effort to increase transparency by providing as much information symmetry as possible, Coinbase will be using this blog post to communicate when we have decided to list an asset.”

“为了通过提供尽可能多的信息对称性来提高透明度,Coinbase 将在我们决定列出资产时使用这篇博文进行沟通。”

However, Coinbase also issued a caution to users considering depositing experimental assets like BONK. The exchange warned against potential permanent loss of funds and advised users to exercise caution until an official full listing announcement is made.

不过,Coinbase 也向考虑存入 BONK 等实验资产的用户发出警告。该交易所对潜在的永久性资金损失发出警告,并建议用户谨慎行事,直到正式发布完整的上市公告。

BONK’s remarkable rise


BONK, a meme coin inspired by the dog-themed cryptocurrency trend, has been on a remarkable upward trajectory. Over the past month, BONK has seen its value surge by an impressive 410%, solidifying its position as the top-performing dog coin in the crypto market. This surge in popularity places BONK ahead of more established dog-themed tokens like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) in terms of percentage gains.

BONK 是一种受狗为主题的加密货币趋势启发的模因币,一直处于显着的上升轨道。过去一个月,BONK 的价值飙升了 410%,巩固了其作为加密货币市场表现最好的狗币的地位。受欢迎程度的飙升使 BONK 在百分比涨幅方面领先于狗狗币 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 等更成熟的狗主题代币。

Coinbase’s decision to introduce an “Experimental” label for newly listed assets or those with relatively low trading volumes aligns with its commitment to transparency and risk management. Assets, including BONK, that fall under this label are considered to be in the early stages after their launch and may carry a higher degree of risk. 

Coinbase 决定为新上市的资产或交易量相对较低的资产引入“实验”标签,这符合其对透明度和风险管理的承诺。包括 BONK 在内的此类资产被认为处于推出后的早期阶段,可能具有较高的风险。

This classification provides users with a clear indication of the asset’s status within the platform, allowing them to make informed decisions.


The meme coin mania


The rise of meme coins, characterized by their playful and often dog-themed branding, has been a dominant trend in the cryptocurrency space. Coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have garnered widespread attention and gained significant popularity among meme coin enthusiasts. BONK’s rapid ascent is another testament to the appeal of these meme-inspired tokens.

模因币的兴起,其特点是其有趣且经常以狗为主题的品牌,一直是加密货币领域的主导趋势。像狗狗币和柴犬这样的硬币已经引起了广泛的关注,并在模因硬币爱好者中广受欢迎。 BONK 的快速崛起再次证明了这些受模因启发的代币的吸引力。

Meme coins often rely on social media and online communities to fuel their growth, with dedicated followers actively promoting and trading these tokens. While they are known for their speculative nature, meme coins have attracted a broad and enthusiastic user base, contributing to the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market.

Meme 币通常依靠社交媒体和在线社区来推动其增长,忠实的追随者积极推广和交易这些代币。虽然模因币以其投机性而闻名,但它们吸引了广泛而热情的用户群,为加密货币市场的动态性做出了贡献。

Coinbase’s decision to list BONK on its roadmap marks a significant development in the ongoing meme coin phenomenon. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, exchanges like Coinbase are adapting their listing policies to provide users with more transparency and information about the assets they intend to list. 

Coinbase 决定将 BONK 列入其路线图,标志着正在进行的模因硬币现象的重大发展。随着加密货币市场的不断发展,Coinbase 等交易所正在调整其上市政策,为用户提供更多透明度和有关他们打算上市的资产的信息。

BONK’s recent price surge reflects the growing interest in meme coins, and its inclusion on Coinbase’s platform is likely to draw even more attention to this emerging sector.

BONK 最近的价格飙升反映了人们对 meme 币日益增长的兴趣,它被纳入 Coinbase 平台可能会引起人们对这一新兴行业的更多关注。

As always, users are urged to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency, especially those categorized as experimental. 


While meme coins may offer exciting opportunities for gains, they also come with higher levels of risk, and investors should be prepared for potential price volatility.



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