フロントページ > 情報ニュース > Coinbase、ロードマップでBONK上場の透明性を優先

Coinbase prioritizes transparency with BONK listing on Its roadmap


リリース: 2023/12/14 06:16 読む: 585




Coinbase, one of the leading cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States, has unveiled its plans to list the popular dog-themed token, BONK, on the Solana blockchain. 


This announcement has led to a significant 8% surge in the price of BONK, marking another milestone in the ongoing meme coin frenzy. As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, Coinbase’s decision to include BONK on its listing roadmap underscores the exchange’s commitment to transparency in asset listings.


Coinbase’s roadmap expansion


Coinbase’s decision to list BONK is part of its efforts to enhance transparency and provide information symmetry to its users. Assets featured on Coinbase’s roadmap are indicative of the exchange’s intent to list them shortly. 

Coinbase の BONK 上場決定は、透明性を高め、ユーザーに情報の対称性を提供する取り組みの一環です。 Coinbaseのロードマップに掲載されている資産は、近いうちに上場するという取引所の意図を示しています。

This move aims to offer users more insights into the exchange’s plans and foster a greater level of trust in the listing process.


In a statement released by Coinbase, the exchange emphasized its commitment to transparency, stating,


“As part of an effort to increase transparency by providing as much information symmetry as possible, Coinbase will be using this blog post to communicate when we have decided to list an asset.”


However, Coinbase also issued a caution to users considering depositing experimental assets like BONK. The exchange warned against potential permanent loss of funds and advised users to exercise caution until an official full listing announcement is made.


BONK’s remarkable rise


BONK, a meme coin inspired by the dog-themed cryptocurrency trend, has been on a remarkable upward trajectory. Over the past month, BONK has seen its value surge by an impressive 410%, solidifying its position as the top-performing dog coin in the crypto market. This surge in popularity places BONK ahead of more established dog-themed tokens like Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) in terms of percentage gains.

犬をテーマにした仮想通貨トレンドにインスピレーションを得たミームコインであるBONKは、目覚ましい上昇軌道を描いています。過去 1 か月間で、BONK の価値は 410% も上昇し、仮想通貨市場でトップパフォーマンスのドッグコインとしての地位を固めました。この人気の急上昇により、BONKは上昇率の点で、ドージコイン(DOGE)や柴犬(SHIB)のようなより確立された犬をテーマにしたトークンよりも優位に立っている。

Coinbase’s decision to introduce an “Experimental” label for newly listed assets or those with relatively low trading volumes aligns with its commitment to transparency and risk management. Assets, including BONK, that fall under this label are considered to be in the early stages after their launch and may carry a higher degree of risk. 

新規上場資産や取引量が比較的少ない資産に「実験的」ラベルを導入するというCoinbaseの決定は、透明性とリスク管理に対する同社の取り組みと一致している。 BONK を含むこのラベルに該当する資産は、発売後の初期段階にあると考えられており、より高いリスクを伴う可能性があります。

This classification provides users with a clear indication of the asset’s status within the platform, allowing them to make informed decisions.


The meme coin mania


The rise of meme coins, characterized by their playful and often dog-themed branding, has been a dominant trend in the cryptocurrency space. Coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have garnered widespread attention and gained significant popularity among meme coin enthusiasts. BONK’s rapid ascent is another testament to the appeal of these meme-inspired tokens.

遊び心のある、しばしば犬をテーマにしたブランディングを特徴とするミーム コインの台頭は、暗号通貨分野の支配的なトレンドとなっています。ドージコインや柴犬などのコインは幅広い注目を集め、ミームコイン愛好家の間で大きな人気を集めています。 BONK の急速な上昇は、これらのミームにインスピレーションを得たトークンの魅力のもう 1 つの証拠です。

Meme coins often rely on social media and online communities to fuel their growth, with dedicated followers actively promoting and trading these tokens. While they are known for their speculative nature, meme coins have attracted a broad and enthusiastic user base, contributing to the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market.


Coinbase’s decision to list BONK on its roadmap marks a significant development in the ongoing meme coin phenomenon. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, exchanges like Coinbase are adapting their listing policies to provide users with more transparency and information about the assets they intend to list. 


BONK’s recent price surge reflects the growing interest in meme coins, and its inclusion on Coinbase’s platform is likely to draw even more attention to this emerging sector.


As always, users are urged to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before investing in any cryptocurrency, especially those categorized as experimental. 


While meme coins may offer exciting opportunities for gains, they also come with higher levels of risk, and investors should be prepared for potential price volatility.



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