首页 > 资讯新闻 > 征服、奖励和反叛——新加密货币预售上线,具有独特功能

Conquer, Rewards, and Rebellion – New Crypto Presale Goes Live With Unique Features


发布: 2024/09/16 22:20 阅读: 980

原文作者:The Bit Journal



Angry PEPE Fork (APORK): A Memecoin with Utility

愤怒的 PEPE 分叉(APORK):具有实用性的 Memecoin



The crypto market is poised for a surge, and investors seek the best small-cap coin poised to lead the charge and deliver significant returns.


Angry PEPE Fork (APORK): A Memecoin with Meaningful Value

愤怒的 PEPE 分叉(APORK):具有有意义价值的 Memecoin

Memecoins have consistently captivated attention in crypto bull runs due to their dramatic price movements. Savvy investors have identified APORK, a Solana-based memecoin, as a unique opportunity not only due to its memetic nature but also because of its substantial utility.

由于其剧烈的价格波动,Memecoin 在加密货币牛市中一直吸引着人们的关注。精明的投资者将 APORK(一种基于 Solana 的 memecoin)视为一个独特的机会,不仅因为它的模因性质,还因为它的巨大实用性。

Designed to address the frustrations of meme coin enthusiasts within an underdeveloped market, APORK offers robust tokenomics, a compelling staking system, and various earning mechanisms.

APORK 旨在解决欠发达市场中模因币爱好者的挫败感,提供强大的代币经济、引人注目的质押系统和各种盈利机制。

APORK's Utility




  • APORK introduces staking as a means for community members to earn rewards. The tokenomic structure ensures that staking benefits are distributed equitably.

Conquer to Earn:

APORK 引入质押作为社区成员赚取奖励的一种方式。代币经济结构确保了权益收益的公平分配。征服以赚取:

  • By participating in community initiatives, members can engage in gamified challenges and earn APORK tokens as rewards. This system incentivizes active involvement and fosters a sense of accomplishment within the community.

Massive Upside Potential

通过参与社区活动,成员可以参与游戏化挑战并赚取 APORK 代币作为奖励。该系统激励积极参与并培养社区内的成就感。巨大的上升潜力

APORK's primary allure for investors is its significant upside potential. Currently in the first stage of presale, the tokens are undervalued relative to the project's strong fundamentals and the growing popularity of Solana meme coins.

APORK 对投资者的主要吸引力在于其巨大的上涨潜力。目前处于预售第一阶段,相对于该项目强劲的基本面和 Solana meme 币的日益受欢迎,这些代币的价值被低估。

Currently priced at $0.025, APORK is projected to reach $0.87 upon listing. This translates to a profit potential of over 3,355% in just a few months, as the project anticipates listings on major exchanges such as Binance by the end of 2024.

APORK 目前售价为 0.025 美元,预计上市后将达到 0.87 美元。这意味着短短几个月内的利润潜力将超过 3,355%,因为该项目预计到 2024 年底在币安等主要交易所上市。

Investment Opportunity


A hypothetical investment of $500 in this memecoin could potentially yield $17,275 upon listing.

假设对该 memecoin 投资 500 美元,上市后可能产生 17,275 美元的收益。



Price predictions and financial analysis are solely for informational purposes. While accurate information is our goal, cryptocurrency markets are volatile and subject to unpredictable price fluctuations.


Conduct thorough research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before investing. The Bit Journal accepts no liability for losses incurred due to reliance on this information.

在投资前进行彻底的研究并咨询合格的财务顾问。对于因依赖此信息而造成的损失,Bit Journal 不承担任何责任。

Investing in cryptocurrencies involves inherent risks. Invest responsibly and within your financial means.



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