首页 > 资讯新闻 > 新 Solana Memecoin 特朗普 vs 中国 (TRUMPCHI) 在交易所上市前将飙升超过 12,000%,因为 DOGE 和 SHIB 滞后

New Solana Memecoin Trump vs China (TRUMPCHI) to Skyrocket Over 12,000% Before Exchange Listing, As DOGE and SHIB Lag

新 Solana Memecoin 特朗普 vs 中国 (TRUMPCHI) 在交易所上市前将飙升超过 12,000%,因为 DOGE 和 SHIB 滞后

发布: 2024/09/16 21:40 阅读: 222

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence


新 Solana Memecoin 特朗普 vs 中国 (TRUMPCHI) 在交易所上市前将飙升超过 12,000%,因为 DOGE 和 SHIB 滞后

Trump vs China: Could Early Investors Strike Memecoin Gold?

特朗普 vs 中国:早期投资者能否买入 Memecoin 黄金?

Trump vs China (TRUMPCHI), a Solana-based memecoin, has the potential to surge in value by over 12,000% in the near future.

特朗普 vs 中国 (TRUMPCHI) 是一种基于 Solana 的 memecoin,其价值有可能在不久的将来飙升超过 12,000%。

Reports indicate that TRUMPCHI is poised for imminent listing on multiple crypto exchanges. This increased exposure will attract a vast pool of investors, driving up demand and triggering a price rally that will handsomely reward early adopters.

有报道称,TRUMPCHI 即将在多个加密货币交易所上市。这种曝光度的增加将吸引大量投资者,推动需求并引发价格上涨,从而为早期采用者带来丰厚回报。

Before the exchange listings, TRUMPCHI is exclusively available on decentralized Solana exchanges such as Jup.ag and Raydium.io. Early investors, therefore, stand to reap significant returns in the days to come.

在交易所上市之前,TRUMPCHI 仅在 Jup.ag 和 Raydium.io 等去中心化 Solana 交易所上可用。因此,早期投资者将在未来几天获得可观的回报。

Historical precedents with SHIB and DOGE demonstrate the potential for astronomical returns in memecoin investments. Trump vs China has the potential to emulate their success.

SHIB 和 DOGE 的历史先例证明了 memecoin 投资具有天文数字回报的潜力。特朗普与中国有可能效仿他们的成功。

With over $9,000 of liquidity at launch, TRUMPCHI has a substantial edge over most newly created memecoins. This liquidity translates into the potential for substantial gains for early investors.

TRUMPCHI 推出时的流动性超过 9,000 美元,与大多数新创建的 memecoin 相比具有巨大优势。这种流动性转化为早期投资者获得巨额收益的潜力。

To acquire TRUMPCHI on Raydium.io or Jup.ag in anticipation of its exchange listing, connect your Solflare, MetaMask, or Phantom wallet. Specify the TRUMPCHI contract address (AbW2Bt7D41smj93d2PwaQp5HKu1BzNc8X643aJ6GBEUH) in the receiving field to exchange Solana for TRUMPCHI.

要在 Raydium.io 或 Jup.ag 上购买 TRUMPCHI 以预期其交易所上市,请连接您的 Solflare、MetaMask 或 Phantom 钱包。在接收字段中指定TRUMPCHI合约地址(AbW2Bt7D41smj93d2PwaQp5HKu1BzNc8X643aJ6GBEUH),以将Solana兑换为TRUMPCHI。

If you lack one of these wallets, create one swiftly and transfer some Solana from reputable exchanges like Coinbase or Binance to facilitate the purchase of TRUMPCHI.

如果您缺少其中一款钱包,请迅速创建一个,并从 Coinbase 或 Binance 等信誉良好的交易所转移一些 Solana,以方便购买 TRUMPCHI。

Trump vs China presents the tantalizing possibility of mirroring the wealth creation witnessed among early investors in SHIB and DOGE. This could lead to the creation of a new generation of memecoin millionaires within a matter of weeks or even sooner.

特朗普与中国的较量呈现出一种诱人的可能性,可以复制 SHIB 和 DOGE 早期投资者所见证的财富创造。这可能会在几周甚至更短的时间内创造出新一代的模因币百万富翁。

Amidst the tepid performance of established memecoins like SHIB, DOGE, and WIF, investors are flocking to emerging Solana-based memecoins like TRUMPCHI. Despite the lack of inherent value or utility, these memecoins captivate investors seeking extraordinary gains due to their propensity for rapid price appreciation.

在 SHIB、DOGE 和 WIF 等成熟 memecoin 表现不温不火的情况下,投资者纷纷涌向 TRUMPCHI 等新兴的基于 Solana 的 memecoin。尽管缺乏内在价值或实用性,但这些模因币因其价格快速升值的倾向而吸引了寻求非凡收益的投资者。


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