首页 > 资讯新闻 > 美国 CPI 跃升 3.7%:为什么 Solana、Dogecoin 和 Slayboy 代币是值得关注的 10% 投资回报率的加密资产

US CPI Jumps 3.7%: Why Solana, Dogecoin, & Slayboy Token Are the Crypto Assets to Watch For 10% ROI

美国 CPI 跃升 3.7%:为什么 Solana、Dogecoin 和 Slayboy 代币是值得关注的 10% 投资回报率的加密资产

发布: 2023/12/01 16:05 阅读: 462



Fear and greed move the market's compass. In fact, the easiest way to assess markets is to look at how people behave. More than technical indicators or charts, human psychology comes to your aid when choosing investments.


However, to understand people, we need to look at key reports like US CPI (Consumer Price Index) data to learn if people are likely to push more money into assets. And does the CPI impact cryptocurrencies like Solana (SOL), Dogecoin (DOGE) and presale tokens like Slayboy Token (SLAY)?

然而,要了解人们,我们需要查看美国 CPI(消费者价格指数)数据等关键报告,以了解人们是否可能将更多资金投入资产。 CPI 是否会影响 Solana (SOL)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 等加密货币以及 Slayboy Token (SLAY) 等预售代币?

How to Make Sense OF CPI Data? Is There A Correlation With Crypto?


The US CPI assesses patterns in American inflation and the impact of inflation on asset prices. We can foresee the hazards and advantages of cryptocurrency by using the CPI as an indicator.


Like other trading assets, cryptocurrencies can be a volatile investment. The CPI and its subcategories can be used to estimate market volatility for cryptocurrencies.

与其他交易资产一样,加密货币可能是一种不稳定的投资。 CPI 及其子类别可用于估计加密货币的市场波动性。

Food and energy are two categories that are more relevant to cryptocurrency than others. They are needs, and individuals frequently spend money on food and energy. People will have far less additional money to spend on cryptocurrencies if their prices increase.


Solana News & Dogecoin Prediction: Should You Buy?

Solana 新闻和狗狗币预测:您应该购买吗?

Solana & DOGE witnessed a price increase after the CPI report was out on September 13th, signaling a potential buy zone. Both SOL & DOGE are down over 90% from their all-time highs.

9 月 13 日 CPI 报告发布后,Solana 和 DOGE 价格上涨,表明存在潜在的买入区域。 SOL 和 DOGE 均较历史高点下跌超过 90%。

However, the SOL price is up over 92.29% YTD. The only crypto to provide this ROI among the top 10 cryptocurrencies. Impressive? Very. Primarily because it suffered a significant blow and dropped over 40% in value in September.

然而,SOL 价格年初至今上涨了 92.29% 以上。在十大加密货币中唯一提供此投资回报率的加密货币。感人的?非常。主要是9月份遭受了重大打击,跌幅超过40%。

With a vision to democratize block production, Solana's co-founder, Anatoly Yakovenko, has unveiled plans to introduce multiple leaders per slot to enhance transaction processing fairness. This innovative approach, distinct from other blockchains, has garnered interest from industry stalwarts like Maker.

怀揣着区块生产民主化的愿景,Solana 的联合创始人 Anatoly Yakovenko 公布了在每个插槽引入多名领导者的计划,以增强交易处理的公平性。这种与其他区块链不同的创新方法引起了 Maker 等行业巨头的兴趣。

The new token Slayboy Token is not a run-of-the-mill crypto that will perish. The team behind the project diverts all their attention to community building and benefits that will fit the niche audience that they are targeting.

新代币 Slayboy 代币并不是一种会消亡的普通加密货币。该项目背后的团队将所有注意力转移到适合其目标受众的社区建设和福利上。

What about Dogecoin? Is there a foreseeable future for DOGE?

狗狗币呢? DOGE还有可预见的未来吗?

DOGE has a lot of pressure on its collar; the coin is down over 30% in monthly charts. This might be a silver lining for long-term HODLers & Elon fans.

DOGE的项圈有很大的压力;该代币在月度图表中下跌超过 30%。对于长期持有者和埃隆粉丝来说,这可能是一线希望。

There have been a lot of rumors regarding how Dogecoin might be included in the social media platform ever since the billionaire bought Twitter (now rebranded as X) in 2022. According to current speculation, Musk may decide to add Dogecoin to X's roster of cryptocurrency payment options. X recently got a new cryptocurrency trading, storing, and transfer license.

自从这位亿万富翁在 2022 年收购了 Twitter(现已更名为 X)以来,关于狗狗币将如何纳入社交媒体平台的传言一直有很多。根据目前的猜测,马斯克可能会决定将狗狗币添加到 X 的加密货币支付名单中选项。 X 最近获得了新的加密货币交易、存储和转让许可证。

Dogecoin may access X's more than 500 million users if X is serious about introducing crypto payments, potentially elevating Dogecoin above the status of a ridiculous meme. Win-win for DOGE believers.

如果 X 认真考虑引入加密支付,狗狗币可能会接触到 X 的 5 亿多用户,从而有可能将狗狗币提升到一个可笑的模因之上。 DOGE 信徒双赢。

Slayboy Token - A Sexy Tale In Crypto Presales

Slayboy 代币 - 加密货币预售中的性感故事

Crypto presales have seen the rise and fall of many potential coins across various themes. After the initial hype, they die out. But the few that survive actually make it BIG. Slayboy Token promises a release from FOMO and stereotypes of the community. It inspires you to dream and imagine fantasies that fulfill your inner self while making money. Is this a crypto version of OnlyFans?

加密预售见证了各种主题的许多潜在代币的兴衰。在最初的炒作之后,它们就消失了。但幸存下来的少数人实际上让它变得更大。 Slayboy Token 承诺摆脱 FOMO 和社区刻板印象。它激发你的梦想和想象,在赚钱的同时满足你的内在自我。这是 OnlyFans 的加密版本吗?

Not really, but better. Slayboy Token Token isn't just a digital coin; it's about creating an experience. In the digital realm, presence is power. Slayboy Token plans to establish a robust presence across all major social media platforms, especially those favored by the crypto community, like Telegram and Discord. These platforms will serve as hubs for enthusiasts to connect, discuss, and engage directly with the Slayboy Token project.

不是真的,但更好。 Slayboy Token Token 不仅仅是一种数字货币;这是为了创造一种体验。在数字领域,存在就是力量。 Slayboy Token 计划在所有主要社交媒体平台上建立强大的影响力,特别是那些受加密社区青睐的平台,例如 Telegram 和 Discord。这些平台将作为爱好者联系、讨论和直接参与 Slayboy 代币项目的中心。

Most importantly, Slayboy Token isn't just about taking; it's about giving back. A slice of the platform's revenue goes into causes close to the community's heart, like sex-positive education.

最重要的是,Slayboy Token 不仅仅是获取;而是获取。这是关于回馈。该平台的一部分收入会投入到与社区核心相关的事业中,比如积极的性教育。

Discover more than you could imagine with Slayboy Token:

使用 Slayboy 代币发现超乎您想象的更多内容:

Website: https://slayboy.space/ 


Telegram: https://t.me/SlayboyToken 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/SlayboyToken 


Source: https://thebittimes.com/us-cpi-jumps-3-7-why-solana-dogecoin-slayboy-token-are-the-crypto-assets-to-watch-for-10-roi-tbt72264.html

来源:https://thebittimes.com/us-cpi-jumps-3-7-why-solana-dogecoin-slayboy-token-are-the-crypto-assets-to-watch-for-10-roi-tbt72264。 html


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