首页 > 资讯新闻 > 加密货币崩盘即将来临:美国证券交易委员会在行动,加密货币冬天即将来临?

Crypto Crash Incoming: SEC on the Move and Crypto Winter Coming?


发布: 2023/11/22 06:00 阅读: 606



The cryptocurrency market is facing a new wave of challenges as regulatory pressures mount. Two recent developments involving major exchanges Binance and Kraken have sent ripples through the industry, raising concerns about a potential crypto crash and the onset of a crypto winter.

随着监管压力的加大,加密货币市场正面临新一波挑战。最近涉及主要交易所 Binance 和 Kraken 的两项进展在整个行业引起了连锁反应,引发了人们对潜在的加密货币崩盘和加密货币冬天开始的担忧。

Binance Under Investigation


Binance, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, is reportedly under investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC is scrutinizing the exchange’s relationships with U.S.-based trading firms and its CEO, Changpeng Zhao. This investigation is part of a broader SEC effort to regulate the crypto market, which has been largely unregulated until now.

据报道,全球最大的加密货币交易所之一币安正在接受美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的调查。美国证券交易委员会正在审查该交易所与美国贸易公司及其首席执行官赵长鹏的关系。这项调查是 SEC 监管加密货币市场的更广泛努力的一部分,到目前为止,加密货币市场基本上不受监管。

Kraken Faces SEC Scrutiny

Kraken 面临 SEC 审查

Similarly, Kraken, another prominent crypto exchange, is also under the SEC’s lens. The focus here is on Kraken’s staking-as-a-service platform, which the SEC believes might involve securities that should be registered under U.S. law. This development underscores the SEC’s intent to bring crypto services under traditional financial regulatory frameworks.

同样,另一家著名的加密货币交易所 Kraken 也在 SEC 的监管之下。这里的重点是 Kraken 的质押即服务平台,美国证券交易委员会认为该平台可能涉及应根据美国法律注册的证券。这一发展凸显了 SEC 将加密服务纳入传统金融监管框架的意图。

Is a Crypto Crash Incoming?


These regulatory moves have sparked fears of a broader crackdown on the crypto industry, potentially leading to a market downturn or a prolonged crypto winter. Investors and market participants are closely watching these developments, as regulatory actions could significantly impact market dynamics.


This means that if things fail to correct over the short-term, cryptos can experience a heavy dump and we might erase all gains that happened in 2023.

这意味着,如果事情在短期内无法纠正,加密货币可能会经历严重的暴跌,我们可能会抹去 2023 年发生的所有收益。

Top 10 Crypto Analysis: What Happened to Cryptos Today?


To understand the potential impact of these regulatory developments on the crypto market, let’s analyze the current state of the top 10 cryptocurrencies. We’ll notice that most already took a hit after the current bad news, and will most likely continue lower if things are ignored.


  1. Bitcoin (BTC)


    • Current Price: $36,870
    • 当前价格:$36,870

    • Market Cap: $721B
    • 市值:$721B

    • 24h Performance: -1.5%
    • 24小时性能:-1.5%

    • 7d Performance: +3.3%
    • 7 天表现:+3.3%

  2. Ethereum (ETH)


    • Current Price: $1,975
    • 当前价格:1,975 美元

    • Market Cap: $237.3B
    • 市值:$237.3B

    • 24h Performance: -3%
    • 24小时性能:-3%

    • 7d Performance: -1.3%
    • 7 天表现:-1.3%

  3. Tether (USDT)


    • Current Price: $1.00
    • 当前价格:1.00 美元

    • Market Cap: $88B
    • 市值:$88B

    • 24h Performance: 0.01%
    • 24小时表现:0.01%

    • 7d Performance: 0.01%
    • 7天表现:0.01%

  4. Binance Coin (BNB)

    币安币 (BNB)

    • Current Price: $240
    • 当前价格:240 美元

    • Market Cap: $36.5B
    • 市值:$36.5B

    • 24h Performance: -5.5%
    • 24小时性能:-5.5%

    • 7d Performance: -6.6%
    • 7 天性能:-6.6%

  5. XRP (XRP)

    瑞波币 (XRP)

    • Current Price: $0.59
    • 当前价格:0.59 美元

    • Market Cap: $31.7B
    • 市值:$31.7B

    • 24h Performance: -4.4%
    • 24小时性能:-4.4%

    • 7d Performance: -6.6%
    • 7 天性能:-6.6%

  6. USDC (USDC)

    美元兑美元 (USDC)

    • Current Price: $1.00
    • 当前价格:1.00 美元

    • Market Cap: $24.4B
    • 市值:$24.4B

    • 24h Performance: 0.01%
    • 24小时表现:0.01%

    • 7d Performance: 0.01%
    • 7天表现:0.01%

  7. Solana (SOL)

    索拉纳 (太阳)

    • Current Price: $53.3
    • 当前价格:$53.3

    • Market Cap: $22.5B
    • 市值:$22.5B

    • 24h Performance: -7.2%
    • 24小时性能:-7.2%

    • 7d Performance: -1.1%
    • 7 天表现:-1.1%

  8. Cardano (ADA)


    • Current Price: $0.36
    • 当前价格:0.36 美元

    • Market Cap: $12.9B
    • 市值:$12.9B

    • 24h Performance: -5%
    • 24小时性能:-5%

    • 7d Performance: +3.7%
    • 7 天表现:+3.7%

  9. Dogecoin (DOGE)

    狗狗币 (DOGE)

    • Current Price: $0.074
    • 当前价格:0.074 美元

    • Market Cap: $10.5B
    • 市值:$10.5B

    • 24h Performance: -7.2%
    • 24小时性能:-7.2%

    • 7d Performance: +2.7%
    • 7 天表现:+2.7%

  10. Tron (TRX)

    波场 (TRX)

    • Current Price: $0.098
    • 当前价格:0.098 美元

    • Market Cap: $8.6B
    • 市值:$8.6B

    • 24h Performance: -4.90%
    • 24小时性能:-4.90%

    • 7d Performance: -5.80%
    • 7 天性能:-5.80%


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