首页 > 资讯新闻 > Crypto.com 推出 PYUSD 货币对,包括 XRP;交易员监控加密人工智能项目的潜力

Crypto.com launches PYUSD pairs, including XRP; traders monitoring potential of crypto AI project

Crypto.com 推出 PYUSD 货币对,包括 XRP;交易员监控加密人工智能项目的潜力

发布: 2023/10/06 18:15 阅读: 213



Crypto.com, a crypto exchange, recently launched PYUSD pairs, including XRP’s. This move could further widen the platform’s reach and help it establish a foothold in the industry.

Crypto.com 是一家加密货币交易所,最近推出了 PYUSD 货币对,其中包括 XRP。此举可以进一步扩大该平台的影响范围,并帮助其在行业中站稳脚跟。

Meanwhile, the artificial intelligence (AI) driven QUBE, the native token of InQubeta, has been on the rise. Let’s delve deeper into both developments.

与此同时,人工智能 (AI) 驱动的 QUBE(InQubeta 的原生代币)一直在增长。让我们更深入地研究这两个方面的发展。

Crypto.com introduces PYUSD pairs

Crypto.com 推出 PYUSD 货币对

In a Sep. 28 announcement, Crypto.com said it will list new PYUSD pairs. 

Crypto.com 在 9 月 28 日的公告中表示,它将列出新的 PYUSD 货币对。

Crypto.com, PayPal, and Paxos partnered to introduce new trading pairs on the Crypto.com platform. This collaboration reinforces Crypto.com’s position for those seeking depth in PYUSD trading activities.

Crypto.com、PayPal 和 Paxos 合作在 Crypto.com 平台上推出新的交易对。此次合作巩固了 Crypto.com 对于那些寻求深度 PYUSD 交易活动的人的地位。

The announcement also brings a fresh PYUSD trading channel for XRP trading, allowing both beginner and professional traders to leverage the benefits of trading XRP on the Crypto.com interface.

该公告还为 XRP 交易带来了全新的 PYUSD 交易渠道,使初学者和专业交易者都可以利用在 Crypto.com 界面上交易 XRP 的优势。

Other coins, such as Dogecoin (DOGE), Solana (SOL), and USDT, have also found their match in PYUSD trading pairs on the platform.

其他代币,如狗狗币 (DOGE)、Solana (SOL) 和 USDT,也在平台上的 PYUSD 交易对中找到了匹配的货币。

DOGE/PYUSD and SOL/PYUSD have been unveiled for the general trading audience, while pairs such as PYUSD/USDT have been crafted specifically for institutional clients.

DOGE/PYUSD 和 SOL/PYUSD 已针对一般交易受众推出,而 PYUSD/USDT 等货币对则是专为机构客户打造的。

However, the XRP/PYUSD trading pair caters to individual and institutional trading demographics.

然而,XRP/PYUSD 交易对迎合个人和机构交易人群。

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Crypto.com aims to integrate new crypto functionalities into its network while fortifying its synergy with PayPal’s vast ecosystem of users and merchants. 

Crypto.com 旨在将新的加密功能集成到其网络中,同时加强与 PayPal 庞大的用户和商家生态系统的协同作用。

PYUSD launched in August 2023, with numerous cryptocurrency exchanges embracing it. Despite stiff competition from other stablecoins and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), PYUSD continues to gain traction, aided partly by its full backing through cash analogs, USD reserves, and brief-term US treasuries. Paxos is responsible for issuing this anchored stablecoin.

PYUSD 于 2023 年 8 月推出,受到众多加密货币交易所的欢迎。尽管面临来自其他稳定币和央行数字货币(CBDC)的激烈竞争,PYUSD 继续获得吸引力,部分原因是其通过现金类似物、美元储备和短期美国国债的全力支持。 Paxos 负责发行这种锚定稳定币。

Crypto.com’s focus on XRP trading comes after Ripple’s legal victories against the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). However, the XRP price trajectory hasn’t reflected this recent success, suggesting underlying market apprehensions.

在 Ripple 赢得美国证券交易委员会 (SEC) 的法律诉讼后,Crypto.com 开始关注 XRP 交易。然而,XRP 的价格轨迹并未反映出最近的成功,这表明市场存在潜在的担忧。

InQubeta and its role in driving crypto AI

InQubeta 及其在推动加密人工智能方面的作用

InQubeta is a crowdfunding platform that enables fractional investments in AI startups using QUBE. These ERC-20 coins act as a bridge connecting AI startups with investors globally. By investing in these ventures, QUBE ensures transparency, accessibility, and, possibly, returns.

InQubeta 是一个众筹平台,支持使用 QUBE 对人工智能初创公司进行部分投资。这些 ERC-20 代币充当了连接人工智能初创企业与全球投资者的桥梁。通过投资这些企业,QUBE 确保透明度、可访问性,甚至可能还有回报。

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InQubeta features

InQubeta 功能

InQubeta has a unique offering and growth potential. These are some of its key features:

InQubeta 拥有独特的产品和增长潜力。以下是其一些主要功能:

  • Deflationary nature: QUBE is deflationary, with a 2% tax on all transactions directed to a burning wallet. This mechanism inherently boosts the token’s value over time.
  • 通货紧缩性质:QUBE 是通货紧缩的,对所有指向燃烧钱包的交易征收 2% 的税。随着时间的推移,这种机制本质上会提高代币的价值。

  • Reward system: a 5% sell tax is channeled to a dedicated reward pool. Investors can tap into this pool by staking, earning rewards, and enhancing their investment returns.
  • 奖励制度:5% 的销售税被纳入专门的奖励池。投资者可以通过质押进入这个池子,赚取奖励并提高投资回报。

  • NFT marketplace: AI startups can mint investment opportunities into non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are then listed on the marketplace and made available for purchase to QUBE holders. This fractional investment system allows investors to back projects that align with their interests and budget.
  • NFT 市场:人工智能初创公司可以为不可替代代币(NFT)创造投资机会,然后将其在市场上列出并可供 QUBE 持有者购买。这种部分投资系统允许投资者支持符合其兴趣和预算的项目。

  • Governance token: QUBE is a governance token and holders can actively participate in decision-making, influencing the platform’s direction and future.
  • 治理代币:QUBE是治理代币,持有者可以积极参与决策,影响平台的方向和未来。

QUBE’s popularity

QUBE 的受欢迎程度

The demand for InQubeta is increasing as more investors and startups recognize its potential. 

随着越来越多的投资者和初创公司认识到其潜力,对 InQubeta 的需求正在增加。

Its ongoing presale has been successful, with more traders betting on this AI altcoin. 


The project sold over 380 million tokens and raised over $3.4 million in stage 4 of the ongoing presale. 

该项目已售出超过 3.8 亿枚代币,并在正在进行的预售第四阶段筹集了超过 340 万美元。

InQubeta’s social media presence, such as on X (Twitter), is also growing, with a community of investors, supporters, and crypto enthusiasts showing interest in the project. 

InQubeta 在 X(Twitter)等社交媒体上的影响力也在不断增长,投资者、支持者和加密爱好者社区对该项目表现出了兴趣。



The emergence of new projects such as InQubeta and Crypto.com’s introduction of new trading pairs highlight the potential of AI-driven altcoins. 

InQubeta 和 Crypto.com 等新项目的出现以及新交易对的推出凸显了人工智能驱动的山寨币的潜力。

InQubeta’s approach to investment, real-world application, and tokenomics could explain why investors searching for opportunities in AI are considering the project. 

InQubeta 的投资方法、现实世界应用和代币经济学可以解释为什么寻找人工智能机会的投资者正在考虑该项目。

Visit InQubeta presale 

访问 InQubeta 预售

Join the InQubeta communities

加入 InQubeta 社区

Read more: Bitcoin’s ‘Uptober’: possible impact on XRP, Cardano, and InQubeta

阅读更多:比特币的“Uptober”:对 XRP、Cardano 和 InQubeta 的可能影响

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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