首页 > 资讯新闻 > 加密货币挖矿时代:玩赚币能否改变游戏规则?

Crypto mining era: can play-to-earn coins be game-changers?


发布: 2023/12/09 14:47 阅读: 945




Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


  • P2E merges play with earning for users. 
  • P2E 将游戏与用户的收益融为一体。

  • NuggetRush is a P2E platform being considered by investors
  • NuggetRush是投资者正在考虑的P2E平台

  • NuggetRush has raised over $750K in the ongoing presale
  • NuggetRush 在正在进行的预售中筹集了超过 75 万美元

Crypto is evolving as investors expand beyond just trading and investing. Play-to-earn (P2E) gaming is trending, a development that aims to alter the perception of crypto in real life.

随着投资者的业务扩展到交易和投资之外,加密货币正在不断发展。边玩边赚钱 (P2E) 游戏正在流行,这一发展旨在改变现实生活中对加密货币的看法。

P2E combines gaming with earning opportunities. This new era attracts both gamers and investors. They distinguish themselves by allowing users to earn while playing games. 

P2E 将游戏与赚钱机会结合在一起。这个新时代吸引了游戏玩家和投资者。他们通过允许用户在玩游戏时赚钱而脱颖而出。

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您可能还喜欢:每周简报:NuggetRush、Solana 和 Arbitrum 的支持者看涨

In contrast to traditional gaming, which requires technical know-how and equipment, P2E is simpler—play games, complete tasks, and earn real money rewards. 

与需要技术知识和设备的传统游戏相比,P2E 更简单——玩游戏,完成任务,赚取真钱奖励。

Moreover, P2E games like NuggetRush can offer accessibility without extensive knowledge or significant investments.

此外,像 NuggetRush 这样的 P2E 游戏无需广泛的知识或大量投资即可提供可访问性。

Is P2E the future?


P2E coins are becoming more popular in crypto as they allow for greater control and involve active participation rather than relying solely on price appreciation.

P2E 硬币在加密货币中变得越来越受欢迎,因为它们允许更大的控制并涉及积极参与,而不是仅仅依赖于价格升值。

P2E goes beyond solo play and emphasizes community engagement. 

P2E 超越了单人游戏,强调社区参与。

Players can form teams, compete, and interact, adding social value to the experience. 


It’s not solely about the coins; it’s about being part of a community.


NuggetRush is leading the P2E charge

NuggetRush 引领 P2E 潮流

NuggetRush combines the allure of virtual gold mining with NFTs. 

NuggetRush 将虚拟金矿开采的魅力与 NFT 结合在一起。

The game’s engaging gameplay and features can explain why investors examine the project. So far, over $750K has been raised in the ongoing presale.

该游戏引人入胜的游戏玩法和功能可以解释为什么投资者会审查该项目。到目前为止,正在进行的预售已筹集超过 75 万美元。

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您可能还喜欢: BTC、ETH、NuggetRush 均在投资者观察名单上

The core mechanics of NuggetRush revolve around mining virtual gold, providing an interactive experience for players. Additionally, the game incorporates NFTs, allowing users to own, trade, and utilize these digital assets. 

NuggetRush 的核心机制围绕着挖掘虚拟黄金,为玩家提供互动体验。此外,该游戏还融入了 NFT,允许用户拥有、交易和使用这些数字资产。

The game also features its marketplace for creating unique avatars, further enhancing the gaming experience.


 NuggetRush has a vesting period that gradually releases tokens, focusing on community engagement and price stability. This mechanism prevents sudden price fluctuations and ensures a balanced market between buyers and sellers. 

NuggetRush 有一个逐渐释放代币的归属期,重点关注社区参与和价格稳定。这种机制可以防止价格突然波动,并确保买家和卖家之间的市场平衡。



P2E introduces a new dimension to crypto by offering engaging and profitable experiences. 

P2E 通过提供引人入胜且有利可图的体验,为加密货币引入了新的维度。

This trend is not confined to trading but also involves active gaming and community participation. 


Moreover, P2E coins are known for their accessibility, interactivity, and incentives that offer good returns on investment. 

此外,P2E 币以其可访问性、互动性和可提供良好投资回报的激励措施而闻名。

NuggetRush is spearheading this new trend, offering a virtual mining game. 

NuggetRush 引领了这一新趋势,提供了虚拟挖矿游戏。

Visit the NuggetRush presale website

访问 NuggetRush 预售网站

Read more: Assessing Shiba Inu and Dogecoin alternatives, focus on NuggetRush

阅读更多:评估柴犬和狗狗币替代品,关注 NuggetRush

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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