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Crypto: Robinhood Rides the MiCA Wave to Invade Europe

加密货币:Robinhood 乘 MiCA 浪潮入侵欧洲

发布: 2023/12/09 14:53 阅读: 990



加密货币:Robinhood 乘 MiCA 浪潮入侵欧洲

The online brokerage company Robinhood has just announced the expansion of its crypto trading services to the European market. Users from the Old Continent will now be able to buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana without commissions.

在线经纪公司 Robinhood 刚刚宣布将其加密货币交易服务扩展到欧洲市场。来自旧大陆的用户现在可以免费买卖比特币、以太坊和 Solana。

An enticing offer to attract European crypto investors


The famous American commission-free brokerage platform Robinhood takes a critical step in its global expansion by establishing itself in Europe. Now, its European users can trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana, three flagship cryptocurrencies, among the more than 25 digital currencies supported, without paying any fees.

美国著名免佣金经纪平台Robinhood进驻欧洲,迈出了全球扩张的关键一步。现在,其欧洲用户可以在支持的超过 25 种数字货币中交易比特币、以太坊和 Solana 这三种旗舰加密货币,而无需支付任何费用。

With this new offer, Robinhood hopes to attract individual investors in Europe, drawn by the prospect of trading popular cryptos without hidden commissions. The American platform counts on this positioning to take market share from the traditional players in the sector, such as Coinbase or Kraken.

Robinhood 希望通过这项新优惠吸引欧洲的个人投资者,他们被无需隐藏佣金即可交易流行加密货币的前景所吸引。美国平台依靠这一定位从该领域的传统参与者(例如 Coinbase 或 Kraken)手中夺取市场份额。

And that’s not all: to lure even more crypto traders, Robinhood offers its European clients a percentage of their trading volume in the form of Bitcoin every month. A reward as enticing as it is unprecedented!

这还不是全部:为了吸引更多的加密货币交易者,Robinhood 每月以比特币的形式向其欧洲客户提供一定比例的交易量。前所未有的诱人奖励!

Robinhood is banking on the upcoming MiCA regulation

Robinhood 寄希望于即将出台的 MiCA 法规

If Robinhood has chosen this particular time to establish itself in Europe, it’s also because of the favorable regulatory environment. The European Union is indeed expected to adopt its “MiCA” law regulating cryptos in 2024.

如果 Robinhood 选择在这个特定的时间进军欧洲,也是因为有利的监管环境。欧盟确实有望在 2024 年通过监管加密货币的“MiCA”法。

By entering now, Robinhood will be able to offer its services while respecting this new framework, reassuring for users who are still wary. The company is also getting ahead of competitors like Kraken, who were also looking to take advantage of this regulation to establish themselves in Europe.

现在加入,Robinhood 将能够在尊重这一新框架的同时提供服务,这让仍然保持警惕的用户放心。该公司还领先于 Kraken 等竞争对手,后者也希望利用这一法规在欧洲立足。

In just a few years, the American unicorn has become a must for trading some star cryptocurrencies. In 2021 alone, 300 million dollars worth of Dogecoin were transacted through the platform. As for Shiba Inu Coin, over a trillion units were bought on Robinhood this year.

短短几年时间,美国独角兽已经成为一些明星加密货币交易的必备品。仅 2021 年,该平台就交易了价值 3 亿美元的狗狗币。至于柴犬币,今年在 Robinhood 上的购买量超过一万亿枚。

With this expansion, Robinhood confirms its global ambitions and its strategy to consolidate its presence in the growing European market. Europe constitutes a crucial market that the company could not ignore.

通过此次扩张,Robinhood 确认了其全球雄心以及巩固其在不断增长的欧洲市场的地位的战略。欧洲是该公司不能忽视的重要市场。


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