首页 > 资讯新闻 > 24 加密货币更新,11 月 27 日:加密货币在全球市场平静中下跌

24 Crypto Update, 27 Nov: Cryptos dip amid global market calm

24 加密货币更新,11 月 27 日:加密货币在全球市场平静中下跌

发布: 2023/11/28 18:18 阅读: 615

原文作者:Coin Gabbar News


Coinbase's stock hits an 18-month peak due to issues at Binance.

由于币安的问题,Coinbase 的股价触及 18 个月高点。

  • Ongoing SEC cases with Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and Ripple underscore increased regulatory challenges for the crypto market.

    SEC 正在审理的与币安、Coinbase、Kraken 和 Ripple 相关的案件凸显了加密货币市场日益严峻的监管挑战。

  • Coinbase (COIN) sees its share price reach $121, marking the first occurrence since May 2022.

    Coinbase (COIN) 的股价达到 121 美元,这是自 2022 年 5 月以来首次出现这一情况。

  • Crypto falls amid global market quietness. Data-heavy week with consumer confidence, inflation, GDP updates ahead. Fed concerns.


Major Events To Watch:


Crypto Fear and Greed:


Over the past 24 hours, the cryptocurrency markets saw a positive trend, leading to a 2-point rise in the "Greed and Fear Index." As a result, the current reading on the index is 68 on its 0 to 100 scale.

过去24小时,加密货币市场呈现积极趋势,导致“贪婪与恐惧指数”上涨2个点。因此,该指数的当前读数为 0 至 100 范围内的 68。

Latest Market Update


  • Bitcoin (BTC) maintained a position above $37,000 early Tuesday, asserting its status as the oldest and most valued cryptocurrency.

    周二早些时候,比特币 (BTC) 维持在 37,000 美元以上的位置,确立了其作为最古老、最有价值的加密货币的地位。

  • Popular altcoins like Ethereum, Solana, Ripple, Litecoin, and Dogecoin experienced marginal declines.


  • Uniswap (UNI) emerged as the top gainer, showing a noteworthy 24-hour increase of over 5.60%.

    Uniswap (UNI) 成为涨幅最大的股票,24 小时涨幅超过 5.60%,值得关注。

  • Conversely, Blur (BLUR) continued to be the most significant loser for the second consecutive day, with a 24-hour dip approaching 10.30%.

    相反,Blur (BLUR) 继续连续第二天跌幅最大,24 小时跌幅接近 10.30%。

  • The global crypto market cap stands at $1.42 trillion, reflecting a 1.07% decrease in the last day.

    全球加密货币市值为 1.42 万亿美元,较上日下跌 1.07%。

  • In the last 24 hours, the overall crypto market volume rose by 20.10% to $44.31 billion.

    过去 24 小时内,加密货币市场整体交易量增长 20.10%,达到 443.1 亿美元。

  • DeFi contributes $4.78 billion, accounting for 10.79% of the total 24-hour crypto market volume.

    DeFi 贡献了 47.8 亿美元,占 24 小时加密市场总成交量的 10.79%。

  • Stable coins contribute significantly, with a volume of $40.37 billion, representing 91.11% of the total crypto market 24-hour volume.

    稳定币贡献显着,成交量达 403.7 亿美元,占加密货币市场 24 小时总成交量的 91.11%。

Major Worldwide News Update:


  • Despite global market calm, cryptocurrencies dropped. The week brings crucial economic updates, including consumer confidence, inflation, GDP, and PMI from major economies. The release of the Fed's preferred PCE-based inflation readings in the U.S. and Fed Chair Powell's end-of-week speech heightened market anxiety.

    尽管全球市场平静,但加密货币仍下跌。本周将带来重要的经济更新,包括主要经济体的消费者信心、通胀、GDP 和 PMI。美联储公布的美国首选个人消费支出通胀数据以及美联储主席鲍威尔的周末讲话加剧了市场焦虑。

  • Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong sees closure for the crypto industry amid Binance's $4.3 billion settlement with U.S. regulators. He emphasizes regulatory clarity's pivotal role for institutional investment and challenges crypto's negative reputation, citing less than 1% involvement in illicit activities. Coinbase expands in the U.K., commending Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's approach.

    Coinbase 首席执行官布莱恩·阿姆斯特朗 (Brian Armstrong) 预计,币安与美国监管机构达成 43 亿美元和解后,加密货币行业将会关闭。他强调监管透明度对于机构投资的关键作用,并挑战加密货币的负面声誉,并指出参与非法活动的比例不到 1%。 Coinbase 在英国扩张,赞扬了英国首相里希·苏纳克 (Rishi Sunak) 的做法。

  • As the U.S. SEC delays a decision on a spot Bitcoin ETF, the rising Bitcoin price, coupled with anticipation for the first-ever ETF approval and the upcoming Bitcoin Halving, creates an optimistic outlook. Macro guru Dan Tapiero predicts a conservative $100,000 BTC price in the 2025 bull run, citing historical halving event trends.

    由于美国 SEC 推迟对现货比特币 ETF 做出决定,比特币价格上涨,加上对首个 ETF 批准和即将到来的比特币减半的预期,创造了乐观的前景。宏观大师丹·塔皮耶罗 (Dan Tapiero) 援引历史减半事件趋势,预测 2025 年牛市中 BTC 价格将达到保守的 10 万美元。

  • In the aftermath of Binance founder CZ's guilty plea, the SEC seeks evidence of potential backdoor access to Binance US assets. Binance faces legal challenges, contrasting with Coinbase's stock growth, reaching a new peak at $121. Newly appointed CEO Richard Teng emphasizes enhanced regulatory compliance and a shift towards building trust.

    在币安创始人 CZ 认罪后,美国证券交易委员会寻求潜在后门访问币安美国资产的证据。 Binance 面临法律挑战,与 Coinbase 的股价增长形成鲜明对比,达到 121 美元的新高。新任命的首席执行官理查德滕强调加强监管合规性和转向建立信任。

  • Solana-based DeFi platform Jito introduces its governance token, JTO, advancing decentralized governance. With a 100 million JTO token airdrop, Jito empowers its user base, including JitoSOL holders and Solana validators. The Jito Foundation oversees a fair distribution, retaining 250 million JTO tokens for further development and community initiatives.

    基于 Solana 的 DeFi 平台 Jito 推出了治理代币 JTO,推进去中心化治理。 Jito 通过 1 亿个 JTO 代币空投来增强其用户群的能力,包括 JitoSOL 持有者和 Solana 验证者。 Jito 基金会负责监督公平分配,保留 2.5 亿个 JTO 代币用于进一步开发和社区活动。

  •  Hong Kong police launch a comprehensive investigation into crypto platform Hounax following reports of fraud from over 130 individuals, resulting in losses of $15.4 million. Hounax, posing as a legitimate trading platform, attracted victims through false promises, social media, and WhatsApp, prompting urgent actions by local authorities to make imminent arrests and prevent further victimization.

    在收到超过 130 人的欺诈报告后,香港警方对加密货币平台 Hounax 展开全面调查,造成 1,540 万美元的损失。 Hounax 冒充合法交易平台,通过虚假承诺、社交媒体和 WhatsApp 吸引受害者,促使地方当局采取紧急行动立即逮捕并防止进一步受害。

  • Exciting news for the XRP community as the fixNFTokenRemint upgrade successfully deploys on the XRP Ledger mainnet with an impressive 85.71% community consensus. Addressing NFT challenges, the upgrade alters sequence numbers, preventing repetitive minting, and introduces an account deletion restriction for enhanced security. This aligns with XRPL's commitment to continuous improvement.

    对于 XRP 社区来说,这是一个令人兴奋的消息,fixNFTokenRemint 升级成功部署在 XRP Ledger 主网上,并获得了令人印象深刻的 85.71% 的社区共识。为了解决 NFT 挑战,升级改变了序列号,防止重复铸造,并引入帐户删除限制以增强安全性。这符合 XRPL 对持续改进的承诺。

  • Evernode, the Layer-2 smart contract platform on the Xahau Network, announces its much-anticipated airdrop for XRPL account holders, marking a shift from the XRP Ledger. The airdrop, based on XRP holdings as of September 1, 2023, requires registration and trustline establishment on Xahau before December 11, with the distribution scheduled for December 18, 2023. Users are encouraged to follow detailed instructions for a smooth experience.

    Evernode 是 Xahau 网络上的第 2 层智能合约平台,宣布为 XRPL 账户持有者提供备受期待的空投,标志着 XRP 账本的转变。此次空投基于截至 2023 年 9 月 1 日的 XRP 持有量,要求在 12 月 11 日之前在 Xahau 上注册并建立信任线,计划于 2023 年 12 月 18 日进行分发。鼓励用户遵循详细说明以获得流畅的体验。

  • TrueUSD (TUSD), a stablecoin with a $3.1 billion market cap, briefly depegged on November 22, dropping to $0.9976 before restoring its peg. Large sell orders, including a $3 million order, triggered the dip, causing potential slippage and impacting users redeeming TUSD on Binance. TUSD faced earlier security concerns in October.

    TrueUSD (TUSD) 是一种市值 31 亿美元的稳定币,于 11 月 22 日短暂脱离挂钩,在恢复挂钩之前跌至 0.9976 美元。大额卖单(包括 300 万美元的订单)引发了价格下跌,导致潜在的滑点并影响了在币安上兑换 TUSD 的用户。 TUSD 在 10 月份早些时候就面临过安全问题。

COIN GABBAR Views: Is the bearish wind arriving as the Bitcoin bull run pauses? Will BTC struggle to cross $38K, and can the crypto market reach $1.50 trillion by month-end? Does the "buy the dip" strategy work now? Will BTC close the month at $35,000 or $40,000? To get latest news Stay tuned us at www.coingabbar.com

COIN GABBAR观点:随着比特币牛市暂停,看跌风是否到来? BTC 是否会难以突破 3.8 万美元,加密货币市场能否在月底达到 1.5 万亿美元? “逢低买入”策略现在有效吗? BTC 这个月收盘价会是 35,000 美元还是 40,000 美元?获取最新消息请关注我们 www.coingabbar.com

Disclaimer: Crypto is not regulated and can offer considerable risks. There may be no regulatory remedies available in the event of any losses resulting from price analysis. As a result, before engaging in any transactions involving crypto products, each investor must perform in-depth examination or seek independent advice.


For More News: Crypto Daily Roundup, 27 Nov: BTC Hold stable Amid Altcoin Turmoil

更多新闻:加密货币每日综述,11 月 27 日:比特币在山寨币动荡中保持稳定


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