首页 > 资讯新闻 > GFOX 预售突破 35 万美元目标,出人意料地占领市场

$GFOX Presale Blazes Past $350K Target, Catching Market by Surprise

GFOX 预售突破 35 万美元目标,出人意料地占领市场

发布: 2023/11/28 20:03 阅读: 537

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


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$GFOX 预售突破 35 万美元目标,惊喜捕捉市场消息首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

Success in the world of cryptocurrency knows no bounds, and the recent presale performance of Galaxy Fox has taken the market by storm. Surpassing its initial target of $400,000, this unexpected achievement has left analysts and investors alike astonished. With the potential to be a 100X gem, this best upcoming ICO is undoubtedly a project that deserves attention.

加密货币领域的成功是无止境的,Galaxy Fox 最近的预售表现席卷了市场。这一出人意料的成就超出了 40 万美元的最初目标,令分析师和投资者都感到惊讶。凭借成为 100 倍宝石的潜力,这个即将推出的最佳 ICO 无疑是一个值得关注的项目。

Galaxy Fox Shoots Past $350,000 During Presale 

Galaxy Fox 预售期间售价突破 35 万美元

Recently, Galaxy Fox has reached its first significant milestone of $100K, then quickly zoomed past the $350,000 mark. Early birds who snagged some $GFOX tokens are looking at a jaw-dropping 450% gain on their initial investment. How? Well, the token’s price increases as the presale progresses, which means those who bought in early can reap the most benefits.  

最近,Galaxy Fox 首次达到 10 万美元的重要里程碑,随后迅速突破 35 万美元大关。早起的鸟儿抢到了一些 GFOX 代币,他们的初始投资收益高达 450%,令人瞠目结舌。如何?嗯,随着预售的进行,代币的价格会上涨,这意味着那些早期购买的人可以获得最大的收益。

It’s time for tokens like Shiba Inu ($SHIB) and Dogecoin ($DOGE) to take a backseat, as there’s a new contender for the best cheap crypto to buy right now – Galaxy Fox. This revolutionary project has combined the best elements of the memecoin genre with a play-to-earn (P2E) gaming model. Because of this, it’s no wonder that experts are already touting $GFOX as one of the top cryptocurrencies to buy in 2023. With such a unique and promising offering, Galaxy Fox is swiftly capturing the attention of investors looking for the next big opportunity.

现在是像 Shiba Inu ($SHIB) 和 Dogecoin ($DOGE) 这样的代币退居二线的时候了,因为现在最便宜的加密货币有一个新的竞争者——Galaxy Fox。这个革命性的项目将 memecoin 类型的最佳元素与即玩即赚 (P2E) 游戏模式相结合。正因为如此,专家们已经将 $GFOX 视为 2023 年最值得购买的加密货币之一也就不足为奇了。凭借如此独特且前景广阔的产品,Galaxy Fox 迅速吸引了寻找下一个重大机会的投资者的注意力。

Drawing inspiration from the viral nature and appealing aesthetics of meme culture, Galaxy Fox takes things up a notch by integrating an addictive Web3 runner game and a captivating and coolest NFT collection to its ecosystem. Platform users can play the game and win rewards that may be converted to $GFOX tokens if they perform well. To help them along, they can purchase NFTs that serve as boosters for their characters.

Galaxy Fox 从模因文化的病毒性和吸引人的美学中汲取灵感,将令人上瘾的 Web3 跑步游戏和迷人且最酷的 NFT 系列集成到其生态系统中,从而将事情提升了一个档次。平台用户可以玩游戏并赢得奖励,如果表现良好,这些奖励可能会转换为 $GFOX 代币。为了帮助他们前进,他们可以购买 NFT 作为他们角色的助推器。

Galaxy Fox is also bringing its mascots to life with real-world merch. The revenue generated from merchandise sales will be funnelled into the project’s Treasury. This funds essential marketing efforts, ecosystem development, and various community initiatives. It’s a well-thought-out plan that positions Galaxy Fox for widespread adoption and solidifies its standing as a recognized Web3 currency.

Galaxy Fox 还通过现实世界的商品将其吉祥物带入生活。商品销售产生的收入将流入该项目的国库。这为必要的营销工作、生态系统开发和各种社区举措提供了资金。这是一个经过深思熟虑的计划,使 Galaxy Fox 得到广泛采用,并巩固了其作为公认的 Web3 货币的地位。

But this best upcoming ICO isn’t just fueled by catchy mascots and clever marketing pushes. It also has a steadfast dedication to ecosystem growth. Through a well-designed taxation system, the protocol ensures a constant and reliable flow of liquidity. Specifically, 2% of the tax contributes to the liquidity pool, while another 2% goes to the Treasury. Users staking their tokens in the Stargate module get a portion of this tax, unlocking an additional income stream.

但这个即将到来的最佳 ICO 不仅仅是由吸引人的吉祥物和巧妙的营销推动推动的。它还坚定地致力于生态系统的发展。通过精心设计的税收系统,该协议确保了持续可靠的流动性流动。具体来说,2%的税收流入流动资金池,另外2%流入财政部。在 Stargate 模块中质押代币的用户可以获得部分税收,从而释放额外的收入流。

Galaxy Fox’s multi-faceted approach to investing in digital assets sets it apart from its competitors, making it an enticing prospect for investors seeking long-term growth and stability. With a captivating Web3 runner game in play and the promise of attractive staking rewards, the project stands out as one of the top cryptos to consider in the current market.

Galaxy Fox 多方面的数字资产投资方式使其有别于竞争对手,这对于寻求长期增长和稳定的投资者来说具有诱人的前景。凭借引人入胜的 Web3 跑步游戏以及有吸引力的质押奖励的承诺,该项目脱颖而出,成为当前市场上值得考虑的顶级加密货币之一。

Final Thoughts


In conclusion, Galaxy Fox’s presale event is a fantastic opportunity to support an exciting project that’s catching the market off guard. To maximize your potential returns, it’s crucial to invest as early as possible. So don’t hesitate – visit the Galaxy Fox website today, explore the presale details, and secure your chance to enjoy a remarkable 450% return on your investment.

总之,Galaxy Fox 的预售活动是一个绝佳的机会来支持一个令市场措手不及的令人兴奋的项目。为了最大化您的潜在回报,尽早投资至关重要。因此,请不要犹豫 – 立即访问 Galaxy Fox 网站,了解预售详细信息,并确保您有机会享受 450% 的惊人投资回报。

Join the Galaxy Fox community on Telegram to connect with fellow investors and stay up to date on the latest developments of what many believe to be the best upcoming ICO. The future belongs to those who take action, so seize this opportunity today.

加入 Telegram 上的 Galaxy Fox 社区,与其他投资者联系,了解许多人认为即将推出的最佳 ICO 的最新进展。未来属于那些采取行动的人,所以今天就抓住这个机会。

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在此处了解有关 $GFOX 的更多信息:

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