首页 > 资讯新闻 > “死猫反弹即将到来”——加密货币交易商对狗狗币竞争对手发出警告,狗狗币两个月内暴涨 7,400% 以上

‘Dead Cat Bounce Coming’ – Crypto Trader Issues Warning on Dogecoin Rival That’s Exploded 7,400%+ in Two Months

“死猫反弹即将到来”——加密货币交易商对狗狗币竞争对手发出警告,狗狗币两个月内暴涨 7,400% 以上

发布: 2023/12/29 06:28 阅读: 776



A closely followed crypto strategist is warning that one red-hot Dogecoin (DOGE) rival is now in a bearish trend.


Pseudonymous analyst Altcoin Sherpa tells his 202,700 followers on the social media platform X that Bonk (BONK) may print a dead cat bounce price pattern, a term used in finance to describe a small, brief recovery in the price of a declining asset.

化名分析师山寨币夏尔巴 (Altcoin Sherpa) 在社交媒体平台 X 上告诉他的 202,700 名粉丝,Bonk (BONK) 可能会打印死猫反弹价格模式,这是一个金融术语,用于描述下跌资产价格小幅、短暂的回升。




“BONK: some sort of dead cat bounce coming I think. When this happens, I’m guessing other SOL memes have some sort of mini run as well; those will be good times to get out of your bags during that time. I do believe that BONK will have another strong run but it could take a bit and will need more time for accumulation to build a base. Eyeing this one for now.”

“BONK:我认为某种死猫反弹即将到来。当这种情况发生时,我猜其他 SOL 模因也会有某种迷你运行;在那段时间里,这将是摆脱包袱的好时机。我确实相信BONK会再次强劲,但这可能需要一点时间,并且需要更多时间积累来建立基础。现在就关注这个。”

Looking at his chart, the trader suggests that Bonk will dip below the $0.00000989 level, bounce to around $0.0000170 and then dip again back below the $0.00000989 level.

从他的图表来看,交易员认为 Bonk 将跌破 0.00000989 美元的水平,反弹至 0.0000170 美元左右,然后再次跌回 0.00000989 美元的水平以下。

The trader suggests that other meme coins will follow Bonk’s trend. He also suggests that Bonk will likely have a bullish reversal sometime next year.

该交易员表示,其他模因币将追随 Bonk 的趋势。他还表示,邦克可能会在明年某个时候出现看涨逆转。

“BONK: a bit more on this one that I should have highlighted on the last post: this one will eventually hit a +50% (or more) move. I don’t know where or when this will happen, but usually these types of coins will have some sort of lower high. See PEPE earlier this year…

“BONK:关于这一点,我应该在上一篇文章中强调一下:这一点最终将达到 +50%(或更多)的移动。我不知道这种情况会在何时何地发生,但通常这些类型的硬币会有某种较低的高点。请参阅今年早些时候的 PEPE……

This probably will be a good time to get out of BONK plus some of the other Solana meme coins. When BONK has a dead cat bounce, the others will inevitably follow but ultimately be lower highs. Hold at your own peril. Will this have a huge run in 2024? Probably. But I think it needs time to cool. Remember, we’re playing the attention game, and this is all based on overall rotations and which coin is on everyone’s mind (for now).”

这可能是退出 BONK 以及其他一些 Solana meme 代币的好时机。当 BONK 出现死猫反弹时,其他股票将不可避免地跟随,但最终会降低高点。坚持下去,后果自负。这会在 2024 年取得巨大进展吗?大概。但我认为它需要时间来冷却。请记住,我们正在玩注意力游戏,这一切都基于整体轮换以及每个人都在考虑哪种硬币(目前)。”

Bonk is trading for $0.0000137 at time of writing, a gain of 7,427% since a previous run-up on October 19th at $0.000000182.

截至撰写本文时,Bonk 的交易价格为 0.0000137 美元,自 10 月 19 日上涨至 0.000000182 美元以来,上涨了 7,427%。

The trader also weighs in on Ethereum and predicts ETH will soon cross the key $3,000 level.

该交易员还对以太坊进行了权衡,并预测 ETH 将很快突破 3,000 美元的关键水平。

“ETH free trade to $3,000 underway.”

“ETH 自由贸易至 3,000 美元正在进行中。”

Ethereum is trading for $2,373 at time of writing, up slightly in the last 24 hours.

截至撰写本文时,以太坊交易价格为 2,373 美元,在过去 24 小时内小幅上涨。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dead-cat-bounce-coming-crypto-trader-issues-warning-on-dogecoin-rival-that-s-exploded-7-400-in-two-months-tbt75044.html

来源:https://thebittimes.com/dead-cat-bounce-coming-crypto-trader-issues-warning-on-dogecoin-rival-that-s-exploded-7-400-in-two-months-tbt75044。 html


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