首页 > 资讯新闻 > Decentraland、Floki 或 KangaMoon,哪一个是 2023 年第四季度的终极盈利机器?

Decentraland, Floki, or KangaMoon, Which is the Ultimate Q4 2023 Profit Machine?

Decentraland、Floki 或 KangaMoon,哪一个是 2023 年第四季度的终极盈利机器?

发布: 2023/09/25 00:08 阅读: 612



Analysts have picked three top tokens that could produce the highest gains in Q4 2023. They include Decentraland (MANA), Floki (FLOKI), and Kangamoon (KANG). In this article, we will explore three tokens and see which one has the highest chance of producing the most gains.

分析师选出了可能在 2023 年第四季度产生最高收益的三种顶级代币。它们包括 Decentraland (MANA)、Floki (FLOKI) 和 Kangamoon (KANG)。在本文中,我们将探讨三种代币,看看哪一种最有可能产生最多的收益。



  • Decentraland’s transaction volume and unique active wallets are on a decline.
  • Decentraland 的交易量和独特的活跃钱包正在下降。

  • Floki’s price has dropped 7% in the past week. 
  • Floki 的价格在过去一周下跌了 7%。

  • Kangamoon has introduced a new P2E model that has interested gamers.
  • Kangamoon 推出了一种新的 P2E 模式,引起了游戏玩家的兴趣。

Decentraland (MANA) Transaction Volume Dropping 

Decentraland (MANA) 交易量下降

The Decentraland crypto is a decentralized VR world powered by the Ethereum blockchain. Unfortunately, it has seen a significant decline in user activity. According to DappRadar, the number of Unique Active Wallets (UAW) has been dropping in September. 

Decentraland 加密货币是一个由以太坊区块链驱动的去中心化 VR 世界。不幸的是,用户活跃度大幅下降。根据 DappRadar 的数据,9 月份 Unique Active Wallets (UAW) 的数量一直在下降。

In addition, the transaction count of the Decentraland coin has dipped by 12.71%, settling at 9.67k. The trading volume has also dropped by 38.40% amidst a declining interest in the project. 

此外,Decentraland 币的交易量下降了 12.71%,稳定在 9.67k。由于对该项目的兴趣下降,交易量也下降了38.40%。

While the present looks bearish, Bitnation has anticipated an average price surge, stating that Decentraland will reach $0.5677 this year. DigitalCoinPrice is more optimistic, projecting that the MANA coin price will reach highs of $0.77 before the end of the year.

虽然目前看起来看跌,但 Bitnation 预计平均价格将飙升,并表示 Decentraland 今年将达到 0.5677 美元。 DigitalCoinPrice 则更为乐观,预计 MANA 币价格将在年底前达到 0.77 美元的高位。

>>>>> Visit The Kangamoon (KANG) Presale Today <<<<<

>>>>> 立即访问袋鼠 (KANG) 预售

Floki (FLOKI) Price Plunges Despite LaborX Integration

尽管 LaborX 整合,Floki (FLOKI) 价格仍暴跌

Floki made its entrance into the crypto space in August 2021, capitalizing on the triumph of meme coins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. From a meme coin, the project has added utility to the Floki Inu coin, launching a gaming ecosystem.

Floki 借助狗狗币和柴犬等模因币的成功,于 2021 年 8 月进入加密货币领域。该项目从 Meme 币开始,为 Floki Inu 币增加了实用性,启动了一个游戏生态系统。

It led to FLOKI being listed on top exchanges lately. They include Bybit, Kucoin, Bitfinex, Crypto.com, Binance, Gate.io, and OKX. In addition, the token has been integrated into LaborX, one of the top crypto P2E platforms.

这导致 FLOKI 最近在顶级交易所上市。它们包括 Bybit、Kucoin、Bitfinex、Crypto.com、Binance、Gate.io 和 OKX。此外,该代币已集成到顶级加密 P2E 平台之一 LaborX 中。

As part of the collaboration, the token can now be used for payments on the platform. Regardless of the integration, the price of Floki has not reacted positively. The Floki price has been on a decline over the last three months, dropping to $0.00001585, as a result. 

作为合作的一部分,该代币现在可用于平台上的支付。不管整合如何,Floki 的价格都没有做出积极的反应。 Floki 的价格在过去三个月中一直在下跌,跌至 0.00001585 美元。

Kangamoon (KANG) To Bring Practical Usage To Meme Coins 

Kangamoon (KANG) 将为 Meme 币带来实际用途

In contrast to Decentraland and Floki, Kangamoon has shown an upward trajectory, piquing the interest of investors. Kangamoon has a substantial utility setting above other meme coins in the meme coin sector.

与 Decentraland 和 Floki 相比,Kangamoon 呈现出上升趋势,激起了投资者的兴趣。 Kangamoon 在模因硬币领域比其他模因硬币具有重要的实用性设置。

Kangamoon’s growth prospect is substantial, driven primarily by its strong affiliation with the blockchain gaming sector. The project’s core mission is to launch a meme coin with utility. The meme coin will also act as a play-to-earn gaming token powering transaction on the Kangamoon ecosystem. It will introduce an immersive boxing gameplay platform.

Kangamoon 的增长前景十分可观,这主要得益于其与区块链游戏行业的紧密联系。该项目的核心任务是推出一款具有实用性的模因币。 Meme 币还将充当一种即玩即赚的游戏代币,为 Kangamoon 生态系统上的交易提供动力。它将推出一个身临其境的拳击游戏平台。

Players will become a charismatic animated kangaroo, Kangamoon on the virtual platform. Interestingly, players can earn rewards and tokens while they compete with other players globally. The platform will feature battles, conquests, and tournaments to provide an immersive environment for players. 


Interestingly, this innovative approach will allow meme coin enthusiasts to earn tokens while competing on a global scale. SOLIDProof has audited the platform’s smart contracts. The native utility token is currently available at the initial presale rate of $0.005 per token. 

有趣的是,这种创新方法将使模因币爱好者能够在全球范围内竞争的同时赚取代币。 SOLIDProof 已审核该平台的智能合约。原生实用代币目前的初始预售价为每个代币 0.005 美元。

Discover More About the Kangamoon Presale Today!

立即了解有关 Kangamoon 预售的更多信息!

Website: https://Kangamoon.com/


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加入我们的 Telegram 社区:https://t.me/Kangamoonofficial

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加入我们的 Twitter 社区:https://twitter.com/Kangamoon_P2E

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